Hosted Projects - Standalone > Public Development

update : Jan 28th EACW campaign voiceacting ! ( script here )

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Sometimes I confuse myself a little....

Beefcake, Could you do the SPAWN part ? Spawn has a similar sense of humor, and he doesnt get killed in mission 19 .... :)
So.. bigger role, but also with some neat appearances...

I DEFINITELY need you, man !

Hey.  Sorry to jump in here without introducing myself but I'd definitely be interested in one or more voice acting roles if you still need them.  My default voice is somewhat of an amalgam of Midwest and Mid Atlantic American.  I can attain a variety of different accents and age ranges including virtually all US dialects, most Anglo accents, most Slavic, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and possibly even some Asiatic accents.  I can do anything from short snippets of combat dialog to long winded briefings and reports.  I can also give different "flavors" of characters including yellow bellied newbie pilots, tough as nails drill sergeants, trashy freighter pilots, seasoned fleet officers, etc.  I can also convey emotion in my acting.  Unless you want me to, I'll never deliver a completely monotonous line.  Email me allies_vs_axis(at)yahoo(dot)com if you would like me to voice act.  I am available until August 4th when I ship out for BCT

As a sample for now, here was a Machinima film I had a supporting voice in.  I did the voice of the General in the voice over scene.

I will email the other samples requested when I get a chance. 


PFC Alexander Urban
115th MP Battalion (HHC)
Maryland Army National Guard

Skullar, you might want to update that front page so that it lists ME as Geezer. :P


I am sending for all actors for a status report. The minor roles missing doesnt hurt, but the big ones do. With them present, I can completely fred the campaign :)

Dilmah G:

--- Quote from: Skullar on February 04, 2009, 05:37:28 am ---Done.

I am sending for all actors for a status report. The minor roles missing doesnt hurt, but the big ones do. With them present, I can completely fred the campaign :)

--- End quote ---

I sent you my respective files, however I also remember having a cold while doing some of them, so if need be, I'll voice them again ASAP.


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