Hosted Projects - Standalone > Public Development

The Future of TBP

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nothing prevents anybody from making HighPoly models and put them into the game via mod.

Exactly, which is what I was suggesting, and that suggestion was only made because of the comments made by yourself and Fubar.

Sorry if I sound angry, but I am, IP's attitude was bloody awful, he let me spend a great deal of time typing up something very similar to the idea that finally emerged, at his suggestion, even sent him a PM with the contents of the post in, when he had no intention whatsoever of giving it the go-ahead from the word go, my father is in hospital after a major heart attack, though, in all fairness, no-one knew that, and, frankly, I'm tired of feeling like I'm being led round the houses.

what is the chance (slap me if im talking out of my ass) that there could be a squad wars in tbp or something similar .....

just a suggestion

and as for the new multiplayer 3.6.10 with the changes being made by taylor to the server end will this enable us to have more payers in a game .... without breaking stuff..

then there is only the problem of fredding and balancing those missions and finding the players

@Flipside: now you know how I feel.  After mediating a solution not once but twice it was shot down at the last minute.  Also as Vid said making updates as a mod is no problem.  Just try to follow the rules thread (which I will be updating and posting a copy of in this forum) and everyone's stuff should work well together.  Some of the stuff may seem trivial but in the long run it will be for the best. 

@Andicirk:  Yes there could be squadwar in the future of TBP.  Think we need to wait until it's working decently for FS2 first before we even think about it much though.  I even wrote most of the missions with Squadwar in mind.  Species vs species (Narn vs Centari etc) will most likely not be allowed as there is no realistic way to balance them but I tried to make sure everything was balanced in the other missions. 


--- Quote from: Flipside on February 24, 2009, 07:53:47 am ---my father is in hospital after a major heart attack, though
--- End quote ---

Sorry to hear that Flip.


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