Hosted Projects - Standalone > Public Development

Project Zathras

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We've had this in development for several weeks now.  Finally with the release of 3.6.10's first release candidate we are releasing the first beta of Project Zathras.   To install just unzip to your TBP folder and set Zathras as you mod.  People not using windows can grab the appropriate build from the SCP release thread.  Adding -mod Zathras to you command line also works.  A shortcut for FRED is included but you will need to modify it if you installed to a location other then the default.

What is Project Zathras you ask.  Simply put it is a multiplayer mod for TBP.  This release contains the beta of the first stage of the project.  There are 2 directories.  Zathras itself contains a vp which contains patches and extras for TBP.  SCP contains some other fixes.  These are only needed for running debug mode for bug reporting.  Also included is the 3.6.10 RC1 inferno build which is now mutiplayer compatible.  That's right no more need for separate inferno and standard builds in TBP.  One build covers it all.  

Zathras is not only for fixes though.  While the main file Zathras.vp is for fixes this directory will also be used for additional multipayer content in the future.  You'll find a few new ships and other things in there now but all of that stuff was already in TBP 3.4b final in one form or another.  

Known problems that still exist:
-3 pof files still have null MOI errors.  
-The VE Dreadnought while fixed and working does not work the way it was meant to.  Hopefully this can be fixed at some point.  
-Gunship beam problem in multi.  Fix for this will be implemented in 2 ways.  Kara already has a code fix that will be added post 3.6.10.  I will also be adding some alternate AI-profiles with different multiplayer scoring features that the FREDder can select.  At lest one of these will include the flag that counts cap ship beam damage which will also fix the gunship problem.  
-Beam weapons and lag cause player to go into limo at respawn.  Will be fixed post 3.6.10.  

Complete lists of the problems found and changes made are included in the archive.  If you run into anything feel free to post.  If you know how to fix it even better.  Just post the change on email me the fix and we'll get it tested and into the next version.  

We would love some feedback.

No one, ever listens to poor Zathras no, he's quite mad they say. It is good that Zathras does not mind, has even grown to like it.

well, first we got 3.6.10 and second TBP has no high-profile release.

Will change with time.

this really is a gem for multiplayer and after the turmoil of the decision to develop this every one who is interested should download and use this , the game is so worth playing and with this add on that a few ppl have taken many hours getting to the beta stage the faster we test it the faster it is released....

thanks fubar and vid and the tbp and scp team for this , heads back to more bug testing.....;

Updated.  Not too many changes from RC1.  RC2 Inferno is now included. 

If you have RC1 it's probably a good idea to remove the existing Zathras directory before installing.  You could leave Zathras\data\cache if you have a slow system and wanted to cut down on the initial cache file building. 


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