Hosted Projects - Standalone > Public Development
Galemps' new PXO Logo
The E:
As you may have seen, GalEmp made a new .ani to replace the little PXO logo in the multiplayer lobby. However, the ones he made are designed to fit in with the standard FS interface, and look a bit out of place in TBP. Here's a (hopefully temporary) fix for that.
File seems to be corrupt.
I can do a TBP version for you, all you need to do is send me (or post) 2_PXOChat.pcx.
I'll even do a little research and tweak it to make it pretty and match your interface better. :)
The E:
Should be fixed now. The original 2_PXOChat.pcx is included, as well.
[attachment has decomposed]
Really this is the one interface I would like to see changed. Not because of what it looks like but it's just not functional. The warp effect makes it really hard to read a decent portion of the chat area.
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