Hosted Projects - Standalone > Public Development

Navpoint collision


By the way..... why do I keep CRASHING into navpoints nowadays ? Aren't they supposed to be non-corporeal ?


--- Quote from: Vidmaster on June 28, 2009, 07:49:45 am ---well, let's start with the galactic savior FUBAR!

--- End quote ---

yeah, the most important man .. eh ... Zathras is he

--- Quote from: Skullar on June 29, 2009, 04:52:09 am ---why do I keep CRASHING into navpoints nowadays ? Aren't they supposed to be non-corporeal ?

--- End quote ---

my missions keep crashing because of (sexp-based) navpoints nowadays! ;)
and yay, they lack the needed ship-flag - currently it has just "navbouy" as flag but it needs "no collide"

As far as I can tell the navbouy was never changed.  Can you confirm it works in 3.4b?  If so it might be a code change. 

I'll get that flag added and it will be in the next release unless someone can thing of a reason not to add it?


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