Hosted Projects - Non-FreeSpace > MechCommander OmniTech

Welcome, MechCommander

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Oh.  Right.

I blame my lack of sleep for this.

Thanks a lot for the warm welcome guys, already three threads in here, I wanted to be first, shouldn't have gone shopping first :lol: I'm really happy that I'm accepted here, even if this is a non freespace mod

I prepared a welcome post, now I need to get my friends drag over here, and maybe look for even more members :)

I would volunteer, because MC2 is hands down one of my favorite games ever (trumps FreeSpace, sorry to say guys), but I don't have any code experience, which is what I assume you're looking for.

I also can't code :) But that doesn't hold me from creating new models and images, I just work a little forward and hope that the necessary changes will follow.

I was trying to remember the spiel off the back of the MC1 box, but I can't. Pity, it was good.


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