Community Projects > The FreeSpace Port Upgrade

Request for Lucy (capital02.pof)

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Yesterday I noticed FSPort 3.0.3. has its own copy of Lucy (capital02.pof) which has less quality than mv_models one.

I asked about it in FreeSpace Conversion section, (,40696.0.html), and Goober answered that the main difference is that the Port Lucy has a shield mesh.

Would it be possible to copy/adapt this mesh to the mv_models one so there was no need to use a special port version? Or would it have some kind of side effect on actual FS2 campaigns which use Lucy (like Derelict)?

If possible, can any modeler do it please?

Thank you.

Why not just modify the tables and missions so that the Lucy has surface sheilds?

I don't remember FS1 Lucy having a shield effect - it was just a regular capital ship with 'invincible' set.  Right?   :nervous:

Well, I'd say it's ok to have the effect. After all it's supposed to have shields. :)


--- Quote from: Pnakotus on June 27, 2006, 07:24:31 pm ---I don't remember FS1 Lucy having a shield effect - it was just a regular capital ship with 'invincible' set.  Right?   :nervous:

--- End quote ---

somebody was aparantly in the mood and had too much spare time on his hands...


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