Off-Topic Discussion > The Classics

Epic Bughunt Claims Sanity, Human Blood

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High Max:

Commander Zane:
The E, is that red and blue reticle thing part of that mouse script? I've been trying to get that to work and well, nobody's giving me any suggestions on the original thread.

The E:

--- Quote from: High Max on April 16, 2010, 04:48:56 pm ---
--- Quote from: The E on April 16, 2010, 03:41:34 pm ---
As for the added error checking, I'm kinda astonished that this was not caught before. Modern CPUs are supposed to do just that and start screaming when something as stupid as this happens.

--- End quote ---

Did the modern CPU not do anything because of the fact that the game is still CPU limited? Is that another side effect of it being CPU limited?

--- End quote ---

No. It's probably a side effect from some optimisation somewhere or other.

See, the problem is, computers in ye olde days used to crash and burn when they encountered a division by zero. Modern Computers and operating systems have built-in checks to prevent this.
In this case, the prevention took the form of giving a special return value called "NaN" (acronym for Not A Number) for the division by zero. The problem was that a) noone checked the divisor before the division took place, thereby ensuring that the data was valid and b) there was no check to make sure the result was valid.

It's a very, very basic programming mistake that, unfortunately, can happen to everyone. It's the equivalent of leaving the house without your keys on the assumption that someone would be there to open the door for you when you return. In most cases, everything will be alright, but in some cases, you'll be locked out of your house.

--- Quote from: Commander Zane on April 16, 2010, 04:50:35 pm ---The E, is that red and blue reticle thing part of that mouse script? I've been trying to get that to work and well, nobody's giving me any suggestions on the original thread.

--- End quote ---

No, that's the UI for the shield management script.

Commander Zane:
Well that's pretty neat.

Wow. That was a very interesting read.

Something is wrong with me though. I have an urge to take The_E's screenshot, and make a "You divided by 0, didn't you?" demotivational poster of it :/


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