Author Topic: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.  (Read 15503 times)

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Now it it time for the controls, what i would do is go to the steam deck game mode.. and either bind all the controls in the steam control layout, or look for my community layout(In Order to do so Do Not Rename fs2_open22_0_0_X64.Appimage Just yet, Instead Open My Community layout[Look In community Layouts and You will see Freespace Steamdeck] and Save it as a Template, Then You Can Change The file Name and Import the Freespace Layout to any Free space Game, Do note you would Have To rebind the Ingame binds Manually, Unless Their was a Way to Share binds as a file) , and bind these buttons in game, here is my layout:

Left Trackpad
make it into a touch menu, i name it to communications menu, Here are the binds that will have to be rebinded ingame

    Touch Menu Buttons    |
Keyboard Input Command (Not Numpad Binds)|
Ingame Control Config(Misc Tab)|
Engage Enemy
Disable My Target
Disarm My Target
Page Up
Attack My Target
Form On My Wing
Capture My Target
Attack My Subsystem
Page Down
Ignore My Target
Return To Base
Rearm Me
Cover Me
Protect My Target
Left Pad Click[Long Press](Optional)
Communications Menu(Optional)

Why the binds for page up and page down, and the number keys(not numpad keys), because they also double as the selection menu for communicating with your squad, page up and page down also function as page up and down for the ingame 'message what' menus hud,
now there are two ways to initiate a command, either by pressing the commands directly, then give the orders to the selected squad member, or by pressing the communications menu button first, then select the squad member, then give the command order. I prefer the 1st option, and this is why i have the left touchpad like that
. In addition the communications menu button can be used to cancel giving communications, but so can the Esc key, and that is why the communications menu bind is optional.

Right Trackpad
also a touchmenu,(note i would bind this last as a touchmenu just to make it easier as the mouse navigator)

Touch Menu Buttons   |
Keyboard Input Command (Numpad Binds)|
Ingame Control Config(Misc Tab)|
Numpad 7
Increase Weapon Energy
Numpad 8
Increase Shield Energy
Numpad 9
Augment Forward Shield
Numpad -
Increase Engine Energy
Numpad 4
Transfer Energy Shield -> Weapon
Numpad 5
Augment Left Shield
Numpad 6
Transfer Energy Weapon -> Shield
Numpad +
Augment Right Shield
Numpad 1
Decrease Weapon Energy
Numpad 2
Decrease Shield Energy
Numpad 3
Augment Rear Shield
Numpad 0
Decrease Engine Energy
Right Pad Click[Long Press]
Numpad Enter
Equalize Energy Settings

note: the reason i binded the controls to the numpad is because, it was just convient to do so.

Left Joystick: I changed it to a directional pad

Buttons    |
Controller/Joystick Input Commands |
Ingame Control Config(Ship Tab)|
Left Stick Up
Dpad Up/Joy-0 Hat Forward
Up Thrust
Left Stick Right
Dpad Right/Joy-0 Hat Right
Right Thrust
Left Stick Down
Dpad Down/Joy-0 Hat Back
Down Thrust
Left Stick Left
Dpad Left/Joy-0 Hat Left
Left Thrust
L3 Click
Left Stick Click/Joy-0 Button 10
Glide When Pressed

Right Joystick: As a Joystick mouse for navigating menus

     Buttons/Axis   |
Controller/Joystick Input Commands |
Ingame Control Config(Targeting/Ship Tab)|
Right Stick X-Axis(Left-Right)
Mouse X Axis(Left-Right)
Turn (Yaw) Axis(Ship Tab)
Right Stick Y-Axis(Up-Down)
Mouse Y Axis(Up-Down)
Pitch Axis(Ship Tab)
R3 Click
Right Stick Click/Joy-0 Button 11
Target Ship In Reticle(Targeting Tab)

note , i changed the Ingame Mouse Sensitivity to the Minimum, and changed the steam mouse sensitivity to %1000, and deadzone inner to 900 and deadzone outer to max

Triggers and Back Buttons: note axis, including trigger axis can only be bound to ingame axis not buttons,

|   Keyboard/Controller/Joystick Input Commands   
|       Ingame Control Config         
L1/Left Bumper
Left Mouse Click/ Mouse Left Button
Fire Primary Weapon(Weapons Tab)
L2/Left Trigger
Middle Mouse Click/ Mouse Mid Button
Fire Secondary Weapon(Weapons Tab)
L4/Left Grip Top
Left Bumper/ Joy-0 Button 5
Launch Countermeasure(Weapons Tab)
L5/Left Grip Bottom
Left Shift Key/Shift
Shift Modifier(No Tab, but in bottom left corner)
R1/Right Bumper
Right Mouse Click/ Mouse Right Button
Afterburner(Ship Tab)
R2/Right Trigger
Right Trigger Analog[Full Pull(Enter)]/ Joy-0 RZ Axis
Absolute Throttle Axis(Ship Tab)
R4/Right Grip Top
Right Bumper/ Joy-0 Button 6
Reverse Thrust(Ship Tab)
R5/Right Grip Bottom
Right Alt Key/Alt
Alt Modifier(No Tab, but in bottom left corner)

Note: the Right Trigger is bound to both  RZ axis and the fulll pull enter, because it is just a Easy way to access the Enter key

Left Dpad And Left Menu Button(The tiny Button between The Left Dpad And left Joystick with the two Window Icons)
This Will Take advantage of the Modifiers Shift and Alt(L5 and R5) , and the left menu button will have a hold bind
the reason that the Dpad is binded to the arrow keys is to navigate the menus Easier, and to have modifiers, since mouse and joysticks are not allowed to have modifiers.

  JoyHat/Button  |
Keyboard/Controller/Joystick Input Commands
|  Ingame Control Config 
|  Shift Modifier Ingame   
|     Alt Modifier Ingame     |
Shift-Alt Modifier Ingame
Left Menu Button
Tab Key
Chase View(Misc Tab)
Toggle Auto Speed Matching(Misc Tab)
Add Or Remove Escort(Misc Tab)
Toggle Auto Pilot(Misc Tab)
Left Menu Button(Hold)
Toggle High HUD Contrast(Misc Tab)
Toggle Auto Targeting(Targeting Tab)
Clear Escort List(Misc Tab)
Enter Subspace(End Mission)(Misc Tab)
Up Arrow Key
View Up(Misc Tab)
Target Next Closest Hostile Ship(Targeting Tab)
Target Next Closest Friendly Ship(Targeting Tab)
Increase Time Compression(Misc Tab)
Right Arrow Key
View Right(Misc Tab)
Target Next Hostile Bomb Or Bomber(Targeting Tab)
Target Next Escort Ship(Targeting Tab)
Cycle Nav Point(Misc Tab)
Down Arrow Key
View Rear(Misc Tab)
Target Previous Closest Hostile Ship(Targeting Tab)
Target Previous Closest Friendly Ship(Targeting Tab)
Decrease Time Compression(Misc Tab)
Left Arrow Key
View Left(Misc Tab)
Target Next Subsystem(Targeting Tab)
Target Next Uninspected Cargo(Targeting Tab)
Turn Off Targeting Computer(And Auto Targeting Too)(Targeting Tab)

Right Face Buttons(A,B,X,Y) And Right Menu Button(The tiny Button between The Right Joystick And Right Face Buttons with the three Lines)
The Right menu button will have a hold bind

       Buttons      |
Keyboard/Controller/Joystick Input Commands
|           Ingame Control Config           
Right Menu Button
Pause Menu(No Tab)
Right Menu Button(Hold)
Options Menu(No Tab)
A Button
A Button/Joy-0 Button 1
Cycle Primary Weapon Firing Rate(Weapons Tab)
B Button
B Button/Joy-0 Button 2
Cycle Secondary Weapon Firing Rate(Weapons Tab)
X Button
X Button/Joy-0 Button 3
Cycle Secondary Weapon Bank(Weapons Tab)
Y Button
Y Button/Joy-0 Button 4
Cycle Forward Primary Weapon(Weapons Tab)

Last We have the Gyro As an output of Left Joystick
Axis |
Controller/Joystick Input Commands |
Ingame Control Config(Ship Tab)|
Left Stick Analog/ Joy-0 X Axis
Bank Axis(Ship Tab)
I have adjusted the deadzone on the gyro around 5, so that way it is not sensitive

These are all the binds That You may Need
« Last Edit: January 31, 2023, 04:17:57 pm by Nu_Register »


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Dude, that's a long read, but I hope it works for the OP and you get yourself something shiny 👍🏻👍🏻
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Okay, I am new here, but i Have successfully installed openfreespace via knossos with it working in gaming mode and without owning freespace 1 or 2, and having all the different games as their launchers, in fact i have done it months ago(4-6 months), sorry for not informing
so here are the steps.
1. make sure the deck is unlocked and use the command with konsole:
sudo pacman -S base-devel

2. Make sure to git clone and install the AUR's,(both knossos and the two python dependencies that are not pakages(python-raven, and python token-bucket respectfully)
and make sure to change directory first , i would do these console commands with konsole:
cd /home/deck/   this is my recommended directory
git clone
git clone
git clone

then i would
cd /home/deck/fs2-knossos/
makepkg -si

this will try to install as many dependencies as possible, install most of those dependencies(which are packages) with konsole by typing:
 sudo pacman -S
(note: some of those dependencies might be outdated with this command and must be installed manually via downloading the mirror of the packages manually and typing in konsole
sudo pacman -U
then just drag and drop the file to konsole to finish the rest of the line)
, then it is time to install the aur packages :
cd /home/deck/python-raven/
makepkg -si

cd /home/deck/python-token-bucket/
makepkg -si

and finally
cd /home/deck/fs2-knossos/
makepkg -si

now if theses steps work, knossos is successfully installed.

you could now delete these AUR folders and files contained in them

3. now it is time to open knossos and install some games, and the open freespace engine,

a warning would appear, for me anyway, "A critical error occurred! Knossos might not work correctly until you restart it"",  and just press okay for around 25 to 100 times until the warning window will not show up anymore,
if you follow these steps, knossos would not be used as a launcher and only just as a installer

first i would change the install directory, i have it set up to the SD card and it the game works, and i made sure the folder was /freespaceopen
so click on the gear icon(settings menu) under the close (x button) to get started, i have the stable version as the engine selected under the knossos tab,
under the Joystick tab, joystick Microsoft X-box 360 Pad 0(the steamdeck pad)
video: 1280 X 800. i keep everything else default., then click on the green Save button

now click explore and install a game,
I installed wing commander saga 0.9.6, seems to be the most stable with the steam deck, and it is a native application.
after it is done installing,
make sure it works by pressing the play button, if the intro works, you have installed it, to close the application, hold the steam button and press B, it would open up the keyboard and you will be sent to back desktop, now right click the freespace application and close
now time to play the game without the knossos application, first click on the settings button(the gear wheel under the x button), click on the dropdown menu on the knossos tab, look in the library Path, and go to that path using the dolphin browser, it should be../freespaceopen, now go to /bin/FSO-22.0.0/Linux/, and right glick  the fs2_open_22_0_0x64.AppImage file and go to properties (go to the permission tab and make sure is executable is checked), then copy the file
now  go back to the freespaceopen directory and you will see a folder for each game installed, go to the game folder, in my case /Wing_Commander_Saga/Wing_Commander_Saga-0.9.6 and paste the file in that folder, now open the file to test that it works, If so you can now play the game without requring Knossos,(note: you will have to do that with every game you own, A symlink might be possible)

and finally it is time to add the game to steam, so that way it can be played in gaming mode with full controller support, left or right click on the steam icon on the bottom right the the screen and click library, then click add a Non-Steam-game, (note adding a game on linux is not as intuitive on widows, because windows allows us to use explorer, but in linux we cannot use dolphin, so if you have the freespace directory installed in linux, it would generally be in /run/media/and the folder that starts with the m)
find the fs2_open_22_0_0x64.AppImage file that is the specific one you pated to the game directory. and double click and open. make sure the file is checked and click add selected to library , now scroll down in the games tab and find fs2_open_22_0_0x64.AppImage, and right click and select properties, here you can change the name without changing the file*i have changed mine to (Wing_Commander_Saga), and since this a native linux app, make sure steam play compatibility (in the compatibility tab) is disabled

now you have successfully installed and added the game to steam, now it is time for the hard part setting up the controls.

This method works great for others trying to get FreespaceOpen to run, but the Bounty specifically requested KNOSSOS. With home help from taylor, I've updated the instructions at the start to get knossos running via Gaming mode.

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
As a further Update:

PhantomHoover  has a flatpack build for Knossos, and taylor's instructions helped me revise the first post to work with the current version of SteamOS. The hangup now is getting the formalities of distribution on the Discovery Store worked out. I am not a developer. not even a little, so unless someone has a good lead on how to do this, I"m out. Offer still stands to whoever can Knossos distributed on the Discover Software Center.

Until then, just go back to the first post after every SteamOS update and run that stuff again. It's been simplified some.


Offline taylor

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
I think the primary issue with Discover is that these are technically unofficial builds and they don't like that. But once we get all of these various changes merged into the main repo and are able to put out a proper official release, it should be much easier to get it submitted/approved.

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Firstly thanks for all the work that's already gone into this! Been itching to get FSO + Knossos working on the Deck since it came out!

Been running eagerly running through the TLDR and hit a couple of issues - one I've managed to solve, the other has me stumped, so any help would be greatly appreciated!

First issue (fixed) was when running "sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux" it was just throwing up database does not exist errors. Seems to be a SteamOS 3.4 issue. Fix (thanks google) was as follows:
Edit /etc/pacman.conf (sudo nano /etc/pacman.conf) and modify these:

Change [jupiter] to [jupiter-rel]
[holo] to [holo-rel]
[core] to [core-rel]
[extra] to [extra-rel]
[community] to [community-rel]
[multilib] to [multilib-rel]
Ctrl + O save
Ctrl + X exit

sudo pacman -Sy

Rest of the steps then work fine until the final install step "cd ~/pkgbuild/fs2-knossos" where I just get

bash: cd: /home/deck/pkgbuild/fs2-knossos: No such file or directory

So yeah, if anyone has any idea's I'd be incredibly grateful!

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.

Rest of the steps then work fine until the final install step "cd ~/pkgbuild/fs2-knossos" where I just get

bash: cd: /home/deck/pkgbuild/fs2-knossos: No such file or directory

So yeah, if anyone has any idea's I'd be incredibly grateful!

OOOOOOOOF. My bad, that line was left in from an old method. IT ISN'T NECESSARY, just keep going in the guide. Sorry for delaying your fun. It was designed to take you back to a directory you created earlier, but that directory is no longer necessary. It's deleted from the guide. Let me know if there are other issues.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2023, 02:16:21 pm by delta_5-1 »

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Haha no worries! That's now gotten me significantly further, although still not working :(

Knossos opens, but just with an empty grey window. I've seen mention of it in previous posts, but did see any mention of what the fix was?

Edit: I've made it worse! No Knossos window at all now.

Reading between the lines of some of the posts I decided to redo the steps relating to the qt5-webengine, did the uninstall step, but now can't reinstall it again just get
"error: target not found: python-pyqt5-webenigne"

Redone all the preceding steps to try and dig myself out and it hasn't helped.

Edit 2: Fixed it! I'm in there  :D reinstalled the qt5-webengine stuff another way (full disclosure I have no idea what these commands actually do but this is what worked for me)

sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed \
    python-pyqt5 qt5-webengine qt5-svg qt5-webkit \

Massive thanks for all the help and to everyone involved! Going to play me some Freespace!!!
« Last Edit: February 25, 2023, 02:14:18 pm by Meadiator »

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Haha no worries! That's now gotten me significantly further, although still not working :(

Knossos opens, but just with an empty grey window. I've seen mention of it in previous posts, but did see any mention of what the fix was?

Edit: I've made it worse! No Knossos window at all now.

Reading between the lines of some of the posts I decided to redo the steps relating to the qt5-webengine, did the uninstall step, but now can't reinstall it again just get
"error: target not found: python-pyqt5-webenigne"

Redone all the preceding steps to try and dig myself out and it hasn't helped.

Edit 2: Fixed it! I'm in there  :D reinstalled the qt5-webengine stuff another way (full disclosure I have no idea what these commands actually do but this is what worked for me)

sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed \
    python-pyqt5 qt5-webengine qt5-svg qt5-webkit \

Massive thanks for all the help and to everyone involved! Going to play me some Freespace!!!

Okay, Just in case it helps another user, I added that line to the TLDR edit, but I'm not sure I got it exactly as you typed it in. I also don't want to mess up my install, so I'm just throwing it in with a note. Super glad you got it working. Reach back out if you need more help with controls or other settings.

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Just updated SteamOS and verified that the reinstall instructions worked. Add a comment if it doesn't work for you.

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Update for 14 June 2023, the process still works with the newest steam update!


Offline Colonol Dekker

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
So mission objective achieved?
Campaigns I've added my distinctiveness to-
- Blue Planet: Battle Captains
-Battle of Neptune
-Between the Ashes 2
-Blue planet: Age of Aquarius
-Inferno R1
-Ribos: The aftermath / -Retreat from Deneb
-Sol: A History
-TBP EACW teaser
-Earth Brakiri war
-TBP Fortune Hunters (I think?)
-TBP Relic
-Trancsend (Possibly?)
-Uncharted Territory
-Vassagos Dirge
-War Machine
(Others lost to the mists of time and no discernible audit trail)

Your friendly Orestes tactical controller.

Secret bomb God.
That one time I got permabanned and got to read who was being bitxhy about me :p....
GO GO DEKKER RANGERSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
President of the Scooby Doo Model Appreciation Society
The only good Zod is a dead Zod


Offline munst

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Many thanks for the work that's gone into getting this working, just had my first FS2 playthrough in years and it works great on the deck. Now up to my neck in the mods! Out of interest why is there the need to re-install Knossos after steam client updates? My deck has updated a few times since I installed the first time and I haven't needed to do anything, it just keeps working?

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Many thanks for the work that's gone into getting this working, just had my first FS2 playthrough in years and it works great on the deck. Now up to my neck in the mods! Out of interest why is there the need to re-install Knossos after steam client updates? My deck has updated a few times since I installed the first time and I haven't needed to do anything, it just keeps working?

Yes, unless it replaces the files you have to uninstall with:
Code: [Select]
pip uninstall PyQt5 PyQt5-Qt5 PyQt5-sip PyQtWebEngine PyQtWebEngine-Qt5
That web engine stuff seems to be the stuff that goes goofy, but not as much as it did last year.

So mission objective achieved?

Not quite, I would like to eventually see Knossos distributeded via FlatPak, that way its easier for people to install.


Offline DeepSpace9er

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
I was able to get it installed, however running it would only get to the grey screen and nothing would load on it.

I had a much easier and simpler time running the .exe installer through proton and adding the fs2 files to that container and running it through the game interface natively.

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
I was able to get it installed, however running it would only get to the grey screen and nothing would load on it.

I had a much easier and simpler time running the .exe installer through proton and adding the fs2 files to that container and running it through the game interface natively.

Any chance you can post your process in greater detail?

Right now I'm back stuck, My old method stopped working at this last update. I think it's something with the

Code: [Select]
sudo pacman -Syu --needed base-devel git python-pip
pip uninstall PyQt5 PyQt5-Qt5 PyQt5-sip PyQtWebEngine PyQtWebEngine-Qt5
sudo pacman -Syu --noconfirm --needed python-pyqt5 qt5-webengine qt5-svg qt5-webkit
pip install

but I don't know.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2023, 11:02:56 pm by delta_5-1 »


Offline wookieejedi

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Honestly classic Knossos is now outdated. We highly recommend folks switch to using KnossosNET (KNet for short). It is a highly improved launcher, including having orders of magnitude faster loading, better joystick setting, easier option handling, smaller file size, better installation on PC, Mac, and Linux, and more 🙂

It also uses the same library folder structure as classic Knossos, so no need to redownload your currently installed mods!

Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Honestly classic Knossos is now outdated. We highly recommend folks switch to using KnossosNET (KNet for short). It is a highly improved launcher, including having orders of magnitude faster loading, better joystick setting, easier option handling, smaller file size, better installation on PC, Mac, and Linux, and more 🙂

It also uses the same library folder structure as classic Knossos, so no need to redownload your currently installed mods!


I'll post this to the first post, super glad this exists now. Sorry for not keeping up on the development on the other channels!


Offline taylor

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
And there is a working flatpak setup for KnossosNET too. It's not quite ready for publishing to flathub just yet, but it's coming for sure.

Right now it's working locally on current Fedora and Debian distros. My SteamOS VM got messed up during an OS upgrade and I haven't had the chance to repair it yet. But once I do, and test the flatpak on it, we'll be one step closer to having it flathub ready. And once we've got it on flathub you should be able to install and update it just like any other app.


Offline wookieejedi

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Re: Steam Deck - I will pay a nerd to get Knossos working.
Glad it's useful, ShivianSPS and taylor and other devs on it have really made a great launcher!