Community Projects > The FreeSpace Port Upgrade

Freespace Port 3.4 + Media VPs release!

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Can you post a screenshot off the GTS Centaur? I started working on one and i might have to abort it and do something more productive.

Vasudan Admiral:
A HTL Centuar is actually about 2/3 done in among the HTL uglies. Cockpit and neck is on the Comanche, engine section is on the Navajo. Considering the overall simplicity of the thing it shouldn't be hard to whack a centre section together and make a new texture for it. Those models can be downloaded from if you wanted to have a go of that.

(Incidentally there's also around 1/3 of an Athena as the right wing on the Seminole.)

BTW, if you wanted something simple to do and yet needed - well apart from the TC-Tri, SAC3 and TAC1, all the cargo units remain un-HTLed. ;)

Thanks, checking on Centaur now. :)

Admiral Nelson:
There already is an HTL Centaur; I uploaded it to freespacemods at this location.

It was evidently made by:
Model - SLICK2K6
Mapping - Woomeister
Conversion - Woomeister

The cockpit on that thing is terrible :ick:.  Even worse than the standard one.


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