General FreeSpace > Multiplayer
Feature wishlist - Requests & Comments
Here's another idea. What about host side default for each mission. How many time have you hosted a game only to realize that you forgot to change difficulty or spawns? It would be nice to be able to save the settings as the default. Lets say you play a TvT and you want it on 15 spawns every time you play it and medium difficulty (which I think is set automatically for TvT) Then you play a coop that only allows 6 spawns and you want it on insane all the time. Then you play another coop that allows 15 respawns with 10 recommended but you always want 12. You need to go into options ever time with the current setup. With a per mission config you could just hop from mission to mission without worrying. If you have never done a default config for the mission then it would default to 10 respawns for TvT or whatever the max is for coop and medium difficulty. Same type of thing for dogfights but with time.
How about the ability to see the ready status of players while you are still selecting loadout?
Is it possible to get an RSS/XML feed of all active games for each version the and TCs? Ive been wondering about the possabilites of active game lists on all the official websites for each TCs and a desktop widget.
--- Quote from: feltoar on March 10, 2008, 12:37:44 am ---Is it possible to get an RSS/XML feed of all active games for each version the and TCs? Ive been wondering about the possabilites of active game lists on all the official websites for each TCs and a desktop widget.
--- End quote ---
I'm working on a new monitor daemon which would provide such information. The server daemon has already been rewritten to allow better interoperability with something like that, and a new helper app is on the way to manage the daemons on the server a lot better (to keep them up and running and avoid downtime). The monitor daemon would be solely for the purposes of providing info to outside sources.
I haven't figured out exactly how to provide such info through the monitor just yet though. I might setup several access paths: plain text file, XML file, and/or just storing that info in the database itself for use by the FS2NetD website. Going with XML for external sources, and the database for the website, is most likely what is going to end up happening. The main thing is just to make it super easy for others to tell what mods are running, the status of all the server daemons, and the connected users/games on each daemon, for things like the FS2NetD website or the FS2Net Games Viewer.
Is there an ETA on that?
It's my primary coding project at the moment (actually, everything FS2NetD related is my focus right now), so it shouldn't be long. I don't want to give an exact date when it will be available (or even a sub-accurate guess), but it should be up and running before the month is over, going by the progress that I've had so far. I've still got a few things to get done first, like porting over the older FS2NetD v.1 daemon to much of the new setup that FS2NetD v.2 uses and completing the daemon helper app, but the monitor will follow soon after.
FS2NetD v.2 is still in the process of a major code rewrite/upgrade, with lots of bug fixes and new features. And FS2NetD v.1 is in the middle of a considerable rewrite as well so that it works better with FS2NetD v.2 (since v.2 is the present/future but we still need v.1 available for the time being). Most of that should be done this week, then I can complete the helper app. After that I'll be able to change out and upgrade the database and then code up the monitor daemon, but all of the groundwork for the monitor daemon will already be in place at that point and make that a lot easier to get done.
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