Author Topic: Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3  (Read 215654 times)

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Offline 01010

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Originally posted by karajorma

51 users online and no one is posting in any other thread. What do you expect? :)

I actually made a post wondering whether Mr Smart would post in this thread or make his own, but by the time I posted it he'd posted his. :)
What frequency are you getting? Is it noise or sweet sweet music? - Refused - Liberation Frequency.


Offline an0n

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Wheee, I can spam and no-one will notice!
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline Tiara

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Originally posted by DSmart [3000AD]
First Post

Gents, some of the posts in this thread, are EXACTLY the reason why game developers AND publishers hardly pay attention to a game's fanbase.

No, it's your rep that caused it my friend. Sorry to say this but your games haven't been the greatest.

And i'm even willing to give it a chance. but if you alienate all the FS fans your game is once again doomed to die a horrible death.

So, go ahead, insult me all you want. Fat lot of good THAT is going to do. If anything, your posts will serve as indication to the industry in general, that well, those of you who want to turn this into a pissing content, are NOT worthy of anything tangible with regards to this franchise or anything associated with it. Look, they're not giving out library cards for bad behavior. So, if you can't behave at home, at the VERY least, have some self respect and behave yourself when in the company of others who are deserving of respect.

Seriously, you haven't even showed ONE SINGLE good idea about this game and haven't given us the chance to say A DAMNED thing and you are already stating your conclusions.

Now we're got that out of the way, lets see....

I'm not here to win any hearts, blow any minds, organize cookouts, take long walks in the park or pass around the walm milk. All I want to say it if anyone has played ANY of my games, not to mention the recently released Universal Combat, it should be clearly apparent that you're not dealing with some fly-by-night developer of a mod crew thats going to disappear overnight.

I've played your games and they were mediocre at best. Sorry. And your new game looks like crap. Sorry again, but it's true.

obviously you haven't been paying attention TO WHAT THE GAMER WANTS.

it's a simple concept. you don't get it? then your doomed to your mediocre deveopping forever.

My games have been around for almost fifteen years, believe it or not and I have so far released five games - all of which made money - and I have an install base that clearly eclipses you lot. By a galaxy wide margin. My game - believe it or not - was one of those that made money for Interplay. They didn't lose money on it, not matter how much or how little it made. I got paid. They got their money's worth and I join the ranks for those who are saddened by their demise as I had some really good friends there.

ROFL! The arrogance. 'clearly eclipses you lot'. Do you even know me? Jezus ****ing christ sitting with a stick up his ass.

So, lets cut the crap and get real here. Now. Would you rather NOT see another Freespace title in the retail channel, with high calibre values and from a team with a HISTORY and EXPERIENCE in making SPACE games? Or would you rather see it go to some larger company who is going to turn it into some unrecognizeable crap so they can leech off the Freespace name?

i'd rather NOT see an FS3 game then a CRAP ASS FS3. take a hint, gamers know what they want AND THEY'RE THE ONES BUYING!

I'm ACTIVELY trying to get the license and given that I had a really good relationship with Inteplay (they published my second game),  it will all boil down to money and whether or not Interplay is willing to let it go.

Got a good relationship with them? Well, it just went under. just goes to show doesn't it :doubt:

If I get it, I'm going to develop this game. NO amount of crying, magic, spellcasting, running outside naked and yelling or coming to my house with +2 Armor of God and +6 whupass, is going to change that. So, the ones making these crazy posts (the attention must be nice - try dating) might as well go to sleep tonight knowing that as tenacious as my reputation is, if there is ANY chance of obtaining this license, I'm going to get it.

out of spite, eh? i forsee yet another one of your games just as mediocre as the rest. A shame to the great FS series.

YOU insulting lot have VERY few choices and options. You are either going to be a part of the end result or you remain a part of the problem that will let this legacy and much regarded franchise die with Freespace2. Think about this. It makes NO difference to me. I CONSISTENTLY develop, publish and sell games. So, its not like I don't have a project (considering that I have no less than THREE in development right this minute) to fund and develop. I do this out of love for the Freespace franchise and out of respect for what I - as a gamer and a space sim developer - deem to be a legacy and one of the greatest space sims ever developed.

'You insulting lot'? you're the one insulting the FS series.

[size=999]A series made by gamer, for gamers.[/size]

...because I can :drevil:


Offline jdjtcagle

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Ok, now lets give him a chance to reply, now...

No more flaming, this is big
"Brings a tear of nostalgia to my eye" -Flipside
I'm an Apostolic Christian (Acts: 2:38)
Official Interplay Freespace Stories
Hammer Of Light - Omen of Darkness
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A Thousand Years


Offline Rictor

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
You forget a tag in there somwhere Tiara.


Offline Tiara

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Feexed :D

...because I can :drevil:


Offline vyper

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Alright ladies give the man enough rope, and you don't have to commit murder... (so try not to axe him already T ;) )
"But you live, you learn.  Unless you die.  Then you're ****ed." - aldo14


Offline aldo_14

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Originally posted by DSmart [3000AD]
First Post

Gents, some of the posts in this thread, are EXACTLY the reason why game developers AND publishers hardly pay attention to a game's fanbase.

So, go ahead, insult me all you want. Fat lot of good THAT is going to do. If anything, your posts will serve as indication to the industry in general, that well, those of you who want to turn this into a pissing content, are NOT worthy of anything tangible with regards to this franchise or anything associated with it. Look, they're not giving out library cards for bad behavior. So, if you can't behave at home, at the VERY least, have some self respect and behave yourself when in the company of others who are deserving of respect.

Now we're got that out of the way, lets see....

I'm not here to win any hearts, blow any minds, organize cookouts, take long walks in the park or pass around the walm milk. All I want to say it if anyone has played ANY of my games, not to mention the recently released Universal Combat, it should be clearly apparent that you're not dealing with some fly-by-night developer of a mod crew thats going to disappear overnight.

My games have been around for almost fifteen years, believe it or not and I have so far released five games - all of which made money - and I have an install base that clearly eclipses you lot. By a galaxy wide margin. My game - believe it or not - was one of those that made money for Interplay. They didn't lose money on it, not matter how much or how little it made. I got paid. They got their money's worth and I join the ranks for those who are saddened by their demise as I had some really good friends there.

So, lets cut the crap and get real here. Now. Would you rather NOT see another Freespace title in the retail channel, with high calibre values and from a team with a HISTORY and EXPERIENCE in making SPACE games? Or would you rather see it go to some larger company who is going to turn it into some unrecognizeable crap so they can leech off the Freespace name?

I'm ACTIVELY trying to get the license and given that I had a really good relationship with Inteplay (they published my second game),  it will all boil down to money and whether or not Interplay is willing to let it go.

If I get it, I'm going to develop this game. NO amount of crying, magic, spellcasting, running outside naked and yelling or coming to my house with +2 Armor of God and +6 whupass, is going to change that. So, the ones making these crazy posts (the attention must be nice - try dating) might as well go to sleep tonight knowing that as tenacious as my reputation is, if there is ANY chance of obtaining this license, I'm going to get it.

YOU insulting lot have VERY few choices and options. You are either going to be a part of the end result or you remain a part of the problem that will let this legacy and much regarded franchise die with Freespace2. Think about this. It makes NO difference to me. I CONSISTENTLY develop, publish and sell games. So, its not like I don't have a project (considering that I have no less than THREE in development right this minute) to fund and develop. I do this out of love for the Freespace franchise and out of respect for what I - as a gamer and a space sim developer - deem to be a legacy and one of the greatest space sims ever developed.

That is all. As you were.

THe concern is that most of your games have received middling to appalling reviews.  That's why there is less faith than you may wish to have.  Whoever buys FS - unless it is Volition - will have a difficult time in convincing this community in that it is the right story, and the right comapny.  It doesn't matter who that company is, these are concerns whichcan only be addressed through prolonged communication with the core fanbase.

Now, pointing out perceived flaws is not an insult - it's potential customer feedback.  If people such as myself have concerns RE: your ability to provide adequate and respectful customer support, then maybe that is something you should address?

Now, you can;t try and paint us into a whole by telling us how few options we have.  We know this - we've known  this ever since Volition was bought by THQ.  However, the question which concerns us which option of those few is right.  

Now, I've stated that I don't have faith in your ability to deliver a game as good as Freespace 1 & 2 - I'm sorry, but that's the way it is.  You did ask for opinions, and that's mine, like it or lump it.


Offline 01010

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
I think Derek that you should speak with the people of this community about your ideas, just as discussion. People just want to be reassured that you aren't going to move the franchise somewhere they don't want it to go.
What frequency are you getting? Is it noise or sweet sweet music? - Refused - Liberation Frequency.


Offline TopAce

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Not only he does have to make a game as good as FS1 or 2, he Must make a better one.
My community contributions - Get my campaigns from here.

I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline jdjtcagle

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Thing is "there will always be people who care about what you do" and those who will "not"

Please give the community a chance to hear what they say
"Brings a tear of nostalgia to my eye" -Flipside
I'm an Apostolic Christian (Acts: 2:38)
Official Interplay Freespace Stories
Hammer Of Light - Omen of Darkness
Freefall in Darkness
A Thousand Years


Offline an0n

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3

No *****ing and moaning.

Only well-thought-out and insightful comments on the prospect of the further development of the FS series.
"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline aldo_14

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
It's simple.  To meet up to the Freespace legacy, any FS3 would have to be the best space 'sim' ever created.  That's what FS2 was, and that's what has to be beaten.


Offline vyper

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
(nw ppl. check it.)
"But you live, you learn.  Unless you die.  Then you're ****ed." - aldo14


Offline Flipside

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
I wouldn't bother people, anything we say that he doesn't want to hear will simply be classed as...what was it?....crying, magic, spellcasting, running outside naked and yelling or coming to my house with +2 Armor of God and +6 whupass (What the hell is he talking about btw?).

I'll defend your right to write the game, but theres no defending that complete lack of people skills I'm afraid :(


Offline Rictor

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
you said it aldo


Offline an0n

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Are you illiterate, Flipside?!

"I.....don't.....CARE!!!!!" ---- an0n
"an0n's right. He's crazy, an asshole, not to be trusted, rarely to be taken seriously, and never to be allowed near your mother. But, he's got a knack for being right. In the worst possible way he can find." ---- Yuppygoat
~-=~!@!~=-~ :


Offline aldo_14

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Originally posted by Flipside
I wouldn't bother people, anything we say that he doesn't want to hear will simply be classed as...what was it?....crying, magic, spellcasting, running outside naked and yelling or coming to my house with +2 Armor of God and +6 whupass (What the hell is he talking about btw?).

I have no idea.  But hey, at least it adds colour.  Maybe we can get Kazan here - that would make for an interesting debate......


Offline TopAce

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
Originally posted by an0n

No *****ing and moaning.

Only well-thought-out and insightful comments on the prospect of the further development of the FS series.

Wise . . . :yes:
My community contributions - Get my campaigns from here.

I already announced my retirement twice, yet here I am. If I bring up that topic again, don't believe a word.


Offline Ghostavo

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Derek Smart wants to Develop FS3
DSmart, firstly I'd like to remind you that to this community, FreeSpace 3 is a topic that has been debated for years and when it was heard that FS3 wasn't going to be made, many players took that as a punch in the face.

We as a group and a community are happy that someone has bought the license and is going to do a game, but that is where our concerns come in. We are worried that due to the nature of your previous games, you might alter the essence of FS. Another worry is that the story might not be the one that which [V] had in mind, and be, if you excuse my choice of words, a total crap compared to the other FreeSpace's. If you do try to develop FS3, please do your best so when it comes out, we can pride on it.

Please, do not take this as insult, and please remember that an individual doesn't count as a comunity. That is all.

Note: this is purely my opinion on the matter, and doesn't represent the opinion of the HLP community
« Last Edit: July 15, 2004, 05:22:26 pm by 1606 »
"Closing the Box" - a campaign in the making :nervous:

Shrike is a dirty dirty admin, he's the destroyer of souls... oh god, let it be glue...