Author Topic: Gears of War  (Read 9066 times)

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God, what an over rated piece of crap of a game. I'm not trying to be a troll here or anything, but man was this game a waste of sixty bucks.

The story? Forgettable, generic, cliche, pointless, borring. After the end of the game, I had this feeling of why the hell did I even bother with this? There was nothing new or exciting here, and man was the ending LAME. Sheesh, if you didnt like the Halo 2 ending, you'll be furious here.

The controls? Frustrating, unresponsive, sluggish, poorly mapped out. Seriously, I have never been more frustrated with a control setup with a game as I have been here. I played through the entire campaign, and never once did I fell 100% comfortable with the controls, especially the god damned 'press-A' gimmick. And the 'visceral'  throwing ones self into a wall was cool to see the first few times, but by God did it get old. OMG I'M A SPACE MARINE, THATS BIG AND TOUGH, OMG! Wow, so exciting. And, for the aiming... My word is it utter ****e. Now, I am someone who used to be a religous Halo 2 player, so landing sniper shots is no problem for me... That is until I played this game. It took me FOREVER to land a good headshot with the control scheme they got going here.

The weapons? Talk about standard FPS fare. You got two assault rifles, two pistols, a shotgun, sniper rifle, a grenade launcher, and grenades. Whoope whoop. The one saving grace about this aspect, however, is the Torque Bow. But, sunnuva***** the control issue pops up AGAIN! In order to use the thing most effectivly, you need precise shots, but that aint going to happen with this mess of a setup.

Are there good parts? Sure, it looks pretty, and the sound is good. But thats about all I can honestly, really think of. The combat is alright... If you can work around the controls. Multiplayer, as of right now, is a ****in broken mess. You cant join ranked games with friends, which negates the whole purpose of XBL. Theres a fix coming, I guess, but until that hits multiplayer is a total miss in my book.

Overall, I think the game is somewhere along the lines of something like 6.5/10....
tianjun1298 > Your this only the fine insect which escapes from the condom


Offline Deepblue

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There are problems with the game for sure, but the positives, IMHO, completely overwhelm the negatives.

I disagree with the controls though. There is a learning curve, but after you get past that they work great.

Multiplayer is not "broken" perse, either, it's just not up to Halo 2's very high standard. In fact, there has yet to be a game on any console that beat's Halo 2's online functionality. I doubt we'll see it beat until Halo 3.

I didn't have too much of a problem with the story, and I loved the cheesy dialogue, but I would've appreciated a more flushed out plot. The threads are there, but they don't touch on them enough.

I personally rate the game at a 9.3/10, points docked for the multiplayer issues mostly.

Agreed no console FPS has beat Halo for its multiplayer features, but goddammit, it's complete bullsh!t that the game that is poised to be the next Halo for xbox cant even try to emmulate the features. The multiplayer is fun, but it sucks I cant join games with friends, or get a couple of teams of friends together for this, and is completely inexcusible here. This game, according to CliffyB and others, is supposed to bring in the next gen, and it dosen't have the functionality of games from TWO YEARS AGO. Thank you, but no.

And the controls, there shouldn't have to be any sort of learning curve here. They are just very poorly laid out, thats a fact. The press-A gimmick is the worst offender of them all. As an example, when against a wall, you can move the analog stick and press a to jump over the wall, but if your at a corner of the wall, you can either slide out, or do a SWAT turn if close enough to another piece of cover. I can't even count how many times I had the game **** up on me and do a completely different command than the one I wanted. I wanna hop the wall? Uhp, too bad, it'll have me do a SWAT turn. Or, if I wanna slide out for another piece of cover.. Unh-uh. It'll have me hop the wall. Things like that, there is no excuse for them other than poor controls.
tianjun1298 > Your this only the fine insect which escapes from the condom


Offline Deepblue

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Agreed no console FPS has beat Halo for its multiplayer features, but goddammit, it's complete bullsh!t that the game that is poised to be the next Halo for xbox

That would be Halo 3. ;)

cant even try to emmulate the features. The multiplayer is fun, but it sucks I cant join games with friends, or get a couple of teams of friends together for this, and is completely inexcusible here. This game, according to CliffyB and others, is supposed to bring in the next gen, and it dosen't have the functionality of games from TWO YEARS AGO. Thank you, but no.

And the controls, there shouldn't have to be any sort of learning curve here. They are just very poorly laid out, thats a fact. The press-A gimmick is the worst offender of them all. As an example, when against a wall, you can move the analog stick and press a to jump over the wall, but if your at a corner of the wall, you can either slide out, or do a SWAT turn if close enough to another piece of cover. I can't even count how many times I had the game **** up on me and do a completely different command than the one I wanted. I wanna hop the wall? Uhp, too bad, it'll have me do a SWAT turn. Or, if I wanna slide out for another piece of cover.. Unh-uh. It'll have me hop the wall. Things like that, there is no excuse for them other than poor controls.

I wouldn't call it poor control, but the cover system, while pretty dam good, isn't nearly as intuitive as Rainbow Six Vegas' hold left trigger to stick to cover.


Offline Inquisitor

Did we play the same game?

To each their own I suppose...

As far as R6 is concerned, I thought that Gears was much more intuitive a cover system. R6's felt kinda tacked on.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2006, 10:59:04 am by Inquisitor »
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Offline Deepblue

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I liked R6s cover system because you had 360 degrees of movement WHILE IN COVER. So if some guy snuck up behind you while in cover, you could stay stuck to cover and still splatter him effectively.


Offline Inquisitor

Blindfire seemed to work well in those instances in Gears.

Meh, different strokes :)
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Offline Deepblue

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Not blindfire. Here, let me show you a diagram.

                 -\-  <- bad dude

[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[  <- cover
                 -\-  <- you stuck to wall
                   |  <- gun fire
                 -\-  <- sneaky blighter

In RSV you can shoot the sneaky blighter while remaining with your back against cover. This system is awesome and requires no blindfire.


Offline Inquisitor

Yeah, I just stopped aiming and used blind fire on the sneaky one :)
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Offline Fury

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No reason to buy a console for this game, I hope. :p


Offline Inquisitor

Unless its an overzealous marketing drone mistake, like the demo image was :)
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Offline Turnsky

  • FOXFIRE Artisté
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  • huh?.. Who?.. hey you kids, git off me lawn!
well, Aside from having absolutely brilliant graphics, and set design, i actually have a few gripes about this game..

it's voiceacting isn't anything to write home about.. music, pretty much ordinary, nothing that inspires feelings of being in an epic struggle for survival.
if it weren't in third person, i'd swear it was an FPS, corridors ahoy!
Story's pretty trite, nothing extraordinary to say the least, i could say the same about halo & halo 2, but at least the latter had personality about it.
Character designs irk me, all of them are shaved gorillas with body armor and codpieces the size of surfboards.
it's SHORT and i do mean -short- less than 10 hours offhand. i estimate about 7 hours or so..

it's worthy of a rent, but if you like style over substance, it's game of the year, if you prefer actual substance, and a game with REAL thought put towards it, start looking at neverwinter nights 2.

it's underwhelming to say the least.
oh, and judging by the ending, it hints at a sequel, let's hope they do a better job at actually telling a story, although epic don't have a grand history of telling a story, to be honest.

to sum it up, Gears of War is a pretty game, but don't expect much else.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2006, 06:37:16 am by Turnsky »
do not torment the sleep deprived artist, he may be vicious when cornered,
in case of emergency, administer caffeine to the artist,
he will become docile after that,
and less likely to stab you in the eye with a mechanical pencil


Offline Inquisitor

I actually really liked the music, it was unobtrusive, but "felt" right.

Did you try coop? Or any of hte multi modes? Or the harder difficulties?
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Offline Turnsky

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  • huh?.. Who?.. hey you kids, git off me lawn!
I actually really liked the music, it was unobtrusive, but "felt" right.

Did you try coop? Or any of hte multi modes? Or the harder difficulties?

i swear i had the same arguement with somebody online about the difficulty, it doesn't make any difference, it only makes it longer because you're too busy getting your arse pasted to the wall.

i'm sure the multi is smeggin' brilliant and all, and coop is rightfully great also. but folks aren't seeing my point, since they aren't i'll spell it out for some.

These days with modern game design, it seems that it's going inversely to how they were designed in the past, that is, with less emphasis on a FULL single player experience and more on the multi element, i cannot deny that GoW is a hoot to play, BUT it has it's fair share of flaws, i'm sure it'll get game of the year or some ****, it doesn't change the fact that it feels like the single player is tacked on, almost, it's a feeling i've been getting since before halo 2 came about.
do not torment the sleep deprived artist, he may be vicious when cornered,
in case of emergency, administer caffeine to the artist,
he will become docile after that,
and less likely to stab you in the eye with a mechanical pencil


Offline Inquisitor

Well, I am seeing your point, I just don't agree with it :)

Well, sorta.

Yeah, "single player" is really meant to be coop. Just without a second person, Dom's a little dimmer than a real human being (or brighter, depending on your friends).

Epic makes multiplayer games. When they try to make single player only, you get Unreal II.

Unreal 1 was a fluke ;)
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Offline Roanoke

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I actually really liked the music, it was unobtrusive, but "felt" right.

Did you try coop? Or any of hte multi modes? Or the harder difficulties?

i swear i had the same arguement with somebody online about the difficulty, it doesn't make any difference, it only makes it longer because you're too busy getting your arse pasted to the wall.

Well that depends on the game. You used Goldeneye as an example in another thread so I'll return the favour.


Offline aldo_14

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Goldeneyes' replayability was superb; I'm not sure how prevalent the idea of selectable-replayable levels and targets (etc) were at the time, but it certainly made the game last ten times longer for me.  Of course, it helps if the game mechanics are as fresh and downright fun as Goldeneye was (at the time, for me) - stuff like zooming in with, say, an AK-47, dual RPC-90s, location damage, etc all were very new for me personally, and the auto-aim was one of the best systems I've ever used in a console (I recently picked up Black on PS2 for cheap - it's a good game, but my god - joypads are utter **** for FPS aiming controls compared to a mouse*).

*Except, possibly, the Wii - which seems promising (I'll know if and when I decide to get Red Steel, as it's had really mixed reviews from the 60s to 90s so far).  I hate to bring it up here - risk of fanboy labelling - hence it's in suitably tiny text.  Ironic that the best control method for the FPS - this generations primary graphics-whore material - could well be coming on the smallest and least powerful console.


Offline WeatherOp

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  • I forged the ban hammer. What about that?
Goldeneyes' replayability was superb; I'm not sure how prevalent the idea of selectable-replayable levels and targets (etc) were at the time, but it certainly made the game last ten times longer for me.  Of course, it helps if the game mechanics are as fresh and downright fun as Goldeneye was (at the time, for me) - stuff like zooming in with, say, an AK-47, dual RPC-90s, location damage, etc all were very new for me personally, and the auto-aim was one of the best systems I've ever used in a console (I recently picked up Black on PS2 for cheap - it's a good game, but my god - joypads are utter **** for FPS aiming controls compared to a mouse*).

*Except, possibly, the Wii - which seems promising (I'll know if and when I decide to get Red Steel, as it's had really mixed reviews from the 60s to 90s so far).  I hate to bring it up here - risk of fanboy labelling - hence it's in suitably tiny text.  Ironic that the best control method for the FPS - this generations primary graphics-whore material - could well be coming on the smallest and least powerful console.

The invisible cheat was pure gold, nothing like going behind an enemy, shooting them in the butt and watch them run around trying to find what did it.  :lol: Or throwing remote mines on the guy's helmets at Facility.
« Last Edit: November 26, 2006, 01:54:05 pm by WeatherOp »
Decent Blacksmith, Master procrastinator.

PHD in the field of Almost Finishing Projects.


Offline Turnsky

  • FOXFIRE Artisté
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  • huh?.. Who?.. hey you kids, git off me lawn!
I actually really liked the music, it was unobtrusive, but "felt" right.

Did you try coop? Or any of hte multi modes? Or the harder difficulties?

i swear i had the same arguement with somebody online about the difficulty, it doesn't make any difference, it only makes it longer because you're too busy getting your arse pasted to the wall.

Well that depends on the game. You used Goldeneye as an example in another thread so I'll return the favour.

other than the achievements system, replaying it on an extra difficulty level is pretty empty, it's just the same experience, only harder...

and believe me, i have played blood money on harder difficulties, that was fun, if only because i'm a bit more calculating in those games.
do not torment the sleep deprived artist, he may be vicious when cornered,
in case of emergency, administer caffeine to the artist,
he will become docile after that,
and less likely to stab you in the eye with a mechanical pencil