Author Topic: New Eyecandy Thread  (Read 902475 times)

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Offline Snail

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Hey, go look at the 'Recent Posts in Forum' thing on the main board. :lol:

Could you compare them if you give FS2 weapons INF armour values or.....


Offline Woomeister

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No because it doesn't work that way :p

Heh this mission should be interesting, as long as the sexps work the way I want them to that is :D


Offline Snail

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how meany missions are in aliance 2?


Offline Woomeister

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1 right now :p


Offline Snail

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So when will this one be released? 2335?

Has there been ANY PROGRESS with the main mod? Or is that completely at a stand still?

Oh, and if anyone is wondering what was wrong with my last post, it was my younger brother writing for me....


Offline Woomeister

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Well it'll probably take longer than INFA. But if I need a lot of missions doing I'll probably request some INFA mission designers.

I'm taking a break after the big load of stuff I did recently. Next I have to patch the latest updates from INFA and the new Notus into the main modpack which I assume no-one has downloaded :p

Ok :)
Well as for total mission count I haven't decided yet. Depends on when I run out of ideas.


Offline Snail

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Hehe, I just caught my little brother writing this:

i have a good mission idea. first, five orion like this






then, five zagreus come in

--->    <---0

--->    <---0

--->    <---0

--->    <---0

--->    <---0

then they explode



ANYway, will INF:A be divided up into separate chapters, like S:AH, or will it be one big chapter, like INF:A? Or will  it be divided into acts? Ooh, and will there be in-game cutscenes? ;7

Are you going to be completely doing this solo? And I've seen SadisticSid around here so why can't you start progress with Inferno SCP?


Offline Woomeister

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1. I haven't decided yet it depends on how big I make it will depend on if I need to split it into segments.
2. Cutscenes I don't know yet.
3. Currently solo like INFA. I may get more help on this when I'm more ready to flesh it out though. If you have any INFA2 suggestions after playing INFA you can PM me them if you like.
4. Last time I heard from him his modpack was 6 or more months out of date, so his stuff doesn't work anymore unless he's got the newest stuff.


Offline Snail

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4. Last time I heard from him his modpack was 6 or more months out of date, so his stuff doesn't work anymore unless he's got the newest stuff.

In that case, why not bring out the whip... :drevil:


Offline Woomeister

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Well unless I find out were he lives, stalk him, break into his house and install the latest version of INF SCP onto every computer I find it'll do no good :p


Offline Snail

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Well I think I know his name... It was... Um... Evelyn Cooney... If that helps..... :D


Offline Snail

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Oooh, that's interesting. I know Woomeister's e-mail... Hehehe.... :drevil:


Offline Woomeister

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Hmm I'll have to be careful. INFA plus the additional Shiv/Vas fleet, plus the INFA2 stuff is about 126 ship entries, which puts it close to the SCP standard limit.


Offline Woomeister

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Oh and here's a shot of WIP mission 1:


Offline Snail

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Hey, lookie, Lycaon. Is that Lycaon hostile? Looks like it judging from the radar. Do the Jovians have Lycaons? And what the hell are all those red dots?


Offline Woomeister

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No the Lycaon is the green dot in the middle of the red dots :D

Oh and yes there are 50 red dots there, but I won't tell you what they are :p
And no they aren't asteroids.


Offline Snail

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Dots. That's what they are. Dots.

They are red points of light used by the radar system to indicate a confirmed hostile prescense on the battle... space (can't really say "field" can you  :p).  :D
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Offline asyikarea51

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I think I mistook that screenie for a campaign in which the player leads the forces of Jupiter... :lol:


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Ha hemdo you need a FREDder for INF:A 2?I'm right here.Give me the messages to insert and a basic scheme and you will have the Campaign completed shortly :lol:

Snail is not at my level,but he can givehis hand too(trick! ....well not).
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