Archived Boards > MindGames



Nope. We are not dead. However with more than half the team also working for BSG (amongst other things). We're not going to have much time for MG until the demo release in July.

However following that I intend to spend a lot more time with MG. The Starborn are telling me I must :)

Till then. We're sleeping but not dead.

Don't worry... I'm still here too.

I intended to complete all stuff I worked on so far to create a big MG revival. ;)

In the time of my inactivity I got a lot better at a lot of things and even leared new stuff. MG shalll rise again!

Hmm... the weird thing is all the things I work on are super-classified... and pretty important I guess...  :nervous:

:) I think the best thing to do is get BtRL out the door and then attack MG full force.

Where can I find the BattleStar Galactica topic about the BSG mod?



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