Author Topic: E-mail notification?  (Read 3147 times)

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Offline jr2

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What would be the profile setting to subscribe to a thread, but not get e-mails, excepting for PMs?
It's kind of confusing, using the term "notification" - does that mean e-mail, or thread has been responded to when you click "show new replies to your posts"?

SMF allows you to be notified of replies to posts, newly posted topics, and forum announcements. You can change those settings here, or oversee the topics and boards you are currently receiving notifications for.
  • Receive reply notification only for the first unread reply.
  • Turn notification on when you post or reply to a topic.
  • When sending notification of a reply to a topic, send the post in the email (but please don't reply to these emails.)

For topics and boards I've requested notification on, notify me of:
  • replies and moderation
  • moderation only if i started the topic
  • only replies
  • nothing at all


Offline jr2

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Re: E-mail notification?
Okay, update: I just deleted 2048 e-mails from HLP, with the subject "Topic reply"... anyone help me with this problem?  I know bandwidth is cheap and all, but still....!  :p


Offline Fury

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Re: E-mail notification?
Eh, why do you want to subscribe to topics and not receive notifications? Anyway, selecting "Nothing at all" to "For topics and boards I've requested notification on, notify me of" should do the trick I think.


Offline jr2

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Re: E-mail notification?
Um, to be able to "show new replies to your posts"?  Or is that possible regardless?


Offline Fury

  • The Curmudgeon
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Re: E-mail notification?
Look below "Hello j2r" text at top... :p

Okay, how do you configure this to display a pic?
Personal text is just that, only text. Even if it would support images, it would be disabled. :p


Offline jr2

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Re: E-mail notification?
Look below "Hello j2r" text at top... :p

That's what I've been using, but for some reason I thought I had to have subscriptions on for it to work.. I guess not.  So, "subscriptions" are for receiving e-mails, period, not anything to do with tracking which threads you're interested in?

Personal text is just that, only text. Even if it would support images, it would be disabled. :p

Waa.  I wanted this: