Author Topic: I am not amused  (Read 14784 times)

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Offline Fineus

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Meh, people can do what they like. Of course I'm sure everyone here would rather that the community flourished and that people stuck around - I would! - but if they want to leave for any reason then they can. This is a forum after all and not some mandatory service people have to give up their lives for.

But to start demanding that things be put back to how they were and threatening to walk if they aren't? This is real rattle out of the pram stuff.


Offline Kosh

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I think the real issue was how this whole thing came about. It just....happened. Sure there was a thread about it on the internals, but that's just it: Most people do not have access to those forums. IMO, I think there is just a lot of frustration about their inability to participate in such things.
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Offline Bobboau

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the thing that most pissed me off was the fact that this was done without any community feedback, and the "you can **** off if you don't like it, little child" attitude that dominated after, as the polls show at least half the forum does not like this. now apparently there was some discussion on this, but I have yet to see one non-mod/admin who was involved in it.
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Offline Fineus

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I'll be honest, I was suprised by the change myself. I haven't been keeping up to date and I didn't know it was going to happen.

That said I can say that after it happened I did observe the feedback and it has been a mixed bag. The change was based on good intentions and it was discussed. The feedback recieved however varied from rational to.. well.. childish tantrums. I hate to say it but some people really handled themselves exactly as they have before, with a very "I don't like this, and it's all about what I want that counts!" approach.

Meh. There are polls up. Hopefully everyone will participate in those and we can work through what people really want. The grand majority should have that.


Offline Flipside

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Quite frankly, when people can create about 7 threads and well over ten pages of text over this, I don't think community is going anywhere.

Frankly I've seena Prima-Donna side of people here that has disgusted me over the last few days. If people had just let everything sit for a few days it probably would have sorted itself out, but no, it had to be their way and it had to be right now otherwise they would run away......


Offline Mr. Vega

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Look, at this point it's the attitude you guys have and not really the actual changes that are pissing us off. You could have simply said "just shut up for a little bit, it'll work" but instead your response was "why the **** should we care about anything you have to say, pathetic man-fools?"
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Offline Flipside

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Maybe we got pissed off with Firefighting?

And I directly quote myself...

Personally, it actually makes more work for the moderators, which isn't something I'm happy about in the short term. As I said earlier, having a seperate forum for 'silly stuff' just means we have to read through and decide what goes where. Yes, that's what a Mod is supposed to do, but when things start subdividing to this level, it gets harder and harder to give the appearance of being 'impartial'.

As I said before, I don't want to start having to deal with being accused to being biased because I moved one thread and not another, and those situations have already started, though I've not moved anything personally from the new forums yet.

I'll agree that the debate in here is interesting, and, yes, I've learned a lot of things from here too, it's usually just a very visible few who tend to ruin, but as Taristin pointed out, I can fully understand why the Admin don't want first time visitors to the Forum to see threads like 'Cluster**** to the Whitehouse!' etc as their first point of call.

For my own point of view, I think your thread was moved too early, had it turned into an evolution vs creationism debate then it should have been moved, I'll go on record with that.

That part I agree on... should we make a poll, or would that only serve to make things worse?

I think that would be a bad idea at this moment in time. Admin are in 'Benevolent Dictatorship' mode right now, give it a day or two and let things cool off a little ;)


Offline Taristin

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Nothing has gone wrong here. No big disaster. If you don't like it then you're of course free to say so but to start saying "change it back or everyone good will walk" is nothing short of pathetic. It's a damn forum interface. Were it something like moderation styles or something that actually affected you then I could understand.

Probably true, but then again Taristan's arguement of "who cares if good posters walk, we've always got the newbs" is certainly not helping.

I never said anything of the sort. Twist my words around all you want, but in the end my comment was in response to Bob's saying that every day the old members leave and nobody replaces them. But if you want to be a disrespectful arse, then so be it.
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Offline vyper

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Maybe we got pissed off with Firefighting?

And I directly quote myself...

Personally, it actually makes more work for the moderators, which isn't something I'm happy about in the short term. As I said earlier, having a seperate forum for 'silly stuff' just means we have to read through and decide what goes where. Yes, that's what a Mod is supposed to do, but when things start subdividing to this level, it gets harder and harder to give the appearance of being 'impartial'.

As I said before, I don't want to start having to deal with being accused to being biased because I moved one thread and not another, and those situations have already started, though I've not moved anything personally from the new forums yet.

I'll agree that the debate in here is interesting, and, yes, I've learned a lot of things from here too, it's usually just a very visible few who tend to ruin, but as Taristin pointed out, I can fully understand why the Admin don't want first time visitors to the Forum to see threads like 'Cluster**** to the Whitehouse!' etc as their first point of call.

For my own point of view, I think your thread was moved too early, had it turned into an evolution vs creationism debate then it should have been moved, I'll go on record with that.

That part I agree on... should we make a poll, or would that only serve to make things worse?

I think that would be a bad idea at this moment in time. Admin are in 'Benevolent Dictatorship' mode right now, give it a day or two and let things cool off a little ;)

IIRC, you were made mods to do the firefighting in the first place.
"But you live, you learn.  Unless you die.  Then you're ****ed." - aldo14


Offline Polpolion

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I think the Admins should just shut down HLP until everyone stops being idiots.


Offline Flipside

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IIRC, you were made mods to do the firefighting in the first place.

And that's precisely what we are doing, despite accusations of not doing our job properly and three people saying they hoped I died, whether in jest or not.....

We're human too, and right now, I'm pretty appalled.