Author Topic: WC CIC ads (Merged)  (Read 7718 times)

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Offline Fineus

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Re: ****ing Cocksmokers (Merged)
Yeah, the ad is removed.

As for my "If you want to do something, do it on your own." comment, I meant that any trolling or other negativity that anyone wants to direct towards CIC, they do it without HLPs encouragement/backing/consent etc.

Re: ****ing Cocksmokers (Merged)
Shouldn't be that much of a surprise. WCNews has always had a hostility towards Freespace and Volition even though they tout the WCSaga mod they're apparently ignorant of SCP and all the user campaigns that improved off of FS2.

But you have to admit, some of this stuff is funny. I did a search on their website for "FS2" and got a lot of hits. One of the more, uh, interesting ones:

FreeLancer 2 to Feature No Controls Whatsoever
In a surprise move last night, Microsoft issued the following statement: "We want to let the gaming public know that we have heard their pleas. Response to the original FreeLancer was overwhelming - and as we gauged fan reaction, we found that the single underlying issue was with the mouse based interface. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that FreeLancer 2 will feature absolutely no control mechanism of any kind."

The original FreeLancer was developed without any provision for a flight stick mode, in the hopes of appealing to a gaming public that by and large regards such hardware as the domain of only 'hard core' flight sim players. FreeLancer 2's take is even more daring - but if succesful, it could cater to the huge percent of the buying public which no longer has a joystick, mouse or keyboard.

Pictured below is an artists rendering of what a computer optimized for the new FreeLancer title will look like:

Industry watchdog groups agree that an entirely non-interactive game is a unusual risk - but, as one insider pointed out, it can't suck any harder than those Freespace games.
[LOAF] [# 5388] [Discuss]

Cavities: The Silent Threat
Volition, Inc. (NASDAQ:CRAP) announced Wednesday that it would be developing a toothpaste based on its quasi-professional line of space combat sims. The toothpaste, produced in cooperation with a generic foodstuffs corporation, will be on store shelves soon. "We here at Volition all agreed that the awful nebula effect in the original Freespace was really the best thing about the game... so the tie-in was obvious!"

Freespace brand Toothpaste is priced and styled similar to popular brands such as Crest, though it tastes worse, provides less cleaning power and completely lacks any semblance of a story. Still, company officials believe that it will appeal to large demographics, including both stupid fanboys and very stupid fanboys. Added Freespace creator Mike Kulas, "Did we tell you about how big the capital ships are?"

Some in the toothpaste industry, however, are worried - fearing that, as the brand did with the space sim genre, the poor quality of Freespace toothpaste may simply cause people to stop brushing their teeth altogether. Kulas was unconcerned, replying that "seriously, the ships are big. B-I-G big."

Tentative plans call for the addition development of a 'Freespace 2' line of hygiene products, which will be even more derivative and wildly unsuccessful than this initial offering. The current business model calls for Freespace-brand toothpaste to be distributed in two ways: 'regular' toothpaste will be thrown out of speeding cars at bums and hobos, while a 'special edition' will sell for upwards of $50 years after its printed expiration date.


Offline Starman01

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Re: ****ing Cocksmokers (Merged)
As for my "If you want to do something, do it on your own." comment, I meant that any trolling or other negativity that anyone wants to direct towards CIC, they do it without HLPs encouragement/backing/consent etc.

I know that you meant it that way :) My comment was also adressed to everyone here. As stupid as this entire fight is, it will not stop before someone will finally cease it. If they have so much joy in it, simply let them. But that doesn't mean that any one of us needs to participate or counterattack anything. Everyone doing this as a member/supporter of this community will also act in our name, no matter if it's authorized by the HLP officials or just some troll acting on his own behalf, and that's exactly what we don't want.  Hell, at least for me it's to stupid to even waste my time about this crap. The only reason I even dropped into this thread here was because of the ongoing add that would give a bad and false impression to new people on this site.

Oh well, the add is gone, and the rest is senseless. I'd say, let this thread here drop into oblivion :)
« Last Edit: April 05, 2007, 10:57:01 am by Starman01 »

9 out of 10 voices in my head always tell me that I'm not insane. The 10th is only humming the melody of TETRIS.


Offline Fineus

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Re: ****ing Cocksmokers (Merged)
That's cool, no worries :)

I think this particular tale is done. No reason to drag it on so long as the ads are gone.