Author Topic: New Subforum: Tutorials  (Read 2064 times)

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Offline diceman111

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New Subforum: Tutorials
Hi there all you HLP'ers Just thought of something, how about either a specific Tutorial section or a subforum for the modding section.

Just a thought I had, so if you think this is a bad idea feel free to slap me with a random shivan figther (Note you can also do this if this is the wrong forum for this, didnt really know where to post).


*Sigh* just saw there was a sticky thread for this I am a bit ashamed right now will go and cry a bit
Flames Of War Chapter III -

"If at first you don't succeed try a bigger thermonuclear weapon" - My philosophy on life

"I dont care if we smack it into her or smack it out of her just aslong as there's smacking invovled" - Max from Sam & Max Situation Comedy

 I live in Sweden and before anybody ask NO we do not have polar bears walking on our streets thats Norway, we have penguins (Red ones with blue dots)

 (These messages was brought to you by the people from DFWD (Diceman For World Domination))


Offline Fineus

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Re: New Subforum: Tutorials
No worries, I see you've posted this in the other thread so I'll go ahead and close this one :)