Author Topic: What can be scripted  (Read 2413 times)

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Offline diceman111

  • 28
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I was just wondering what is it you can script, is it just the HUD and missile targetings and such.
Or could you change the textures of a ship so you can make it look like its decloaking or cloaking.

Just wondering (Came to think of this while I was looking at another thread).

Flames Of War Chapter III -

"If at first you don't succeed try a bigger thermonuclear weapon" - My philosophy on life

"I dont care if we smack it into her or smack it out of her just aslong as there's smacking invovled" - Max from Sam & Max Situation Comedy

 I live in Sweden and before anybody ask NO we do not have polar bears walking on our streets thats Norway, we have penguins (Red ones with blue dots)

 (These messages was brought to you by the people from DFWD (Diceman For World Domination))


Offline Nuke

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hit back, scroll down :D
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Nuke's Scripting SVN


Offline Wanderer

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Get recent unstable branch build (like nukes build). Select it from launcher, and then pick 'output scripting.html' from the features tab. Run the game once (just up to mainhall) and quit. Then open the newly created 'scripting.html' (in main freespace directory). And check what can be done...
Do not meddle in the affairs of coders for they are soggy and hard to light


Offline diceman111

  • 28
  • Keep on playing Glottis, keep on playing.....
ok thx
Flames Of War Chapter III -

"If at first you don't succeed try a bigger thermonuclear weapon" - My philosophy on life

"I dont care if we smack it into her or smack it out of her just aslong as there's smacking invovled" - Max from Sam & Max Situation Comedy

 I live in Sweden and before anybody ask NO we do not have polar bears walking on our streets thats Norway, we have penguins (Red ones with blue dots)

 (These messages was brought to you by the people from DFWD (Diceman For World Domination))