Author Topic: beginning LUA scripting issue  (Read 2407 times)

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beginning LUA scripting issue
Hi ,

I'm at the very beginning with lua scripting, so I've read the wiki part to write a hello world ( )
I've created the scripting.tbl in the correct place, copy / paste the code given in the wiki, launched my game and...nothing , no hello world appears at splash screen.

So I wonder if I done all the necessary, I started to debug ( debug version of executable + debug windows ) but didn't give me more infos about why my script doesn't work.

Help !!
$Formula: ( every-time
   ( has-time-elapsed "0" )
   ( Do-Nothing
   ( send-message
+Name: Procratination
+Repeat Count: 99999999999
+Interval: 1


Offline Wanderer

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Re: beginning LUA scripting issue
What build are you using? Hmmm... on a closer look there seems to be a problem with that example script (i haven't written or tested it...). It seems like the hooks mentioned in that example havent been added to the code... odd.

Here is something i wrote earlier and it should work... IIRC
« Last Edit: November 23, 2007, 03:02:16 pm by Wanderer »
Do not meddle in the affairs of coders for they are soggy and hard to light

Re: beginning LUA scripting issue
The HUD hello world works fine, thanks =)
$Formula: ( every-time
   ( has-time-elapsed "0" )
   ( Do-Nothing
   ( send-message
+Name: Procratination
+Repeat Count: 99999999999
+Interval: 1


Offline WMCoolmon

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Re: beginning LUA scripting issue
Should be fixed in CVS now; I committed my local codebase. See the build.

Scripting.html increased in size by 8% (65kb to 70kb) :D


Offline Nuke

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Re: beginning LUA scripting issue
new build, cool. il take a look later and see what kind of damage i can do :D
I can no longer sit back and allow communist infiltration, communist indoctrination, communist subversion, and the international communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids.

Nuke's Scripting SVN