Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Dimensional Eclipse
Development: Narayana? What Narayana. Opinions?
Once upon a somewhere someone asked me if I would ever replace the BP ships or whatnot in DE with something else. I kind of said something along the lines of "no, not really unless someone made them for me and they have the exact same turret layout so they're drop in replacements because they don't really bother me". But I realized something - it did bother me, but for a different reason. You see, I'm still using Steve-O's original model with the fifty billion textures for the pre-refit version and it makes me want to blow out my brains every time I look at the maps folder...
So while I was thinking of a way to "fix" that - I tried baking everything onto one map, but it didn't exactly turn out nicely at all...not to mention the horrendous amount of work required to re-rig all the turrets from scratch while lagging like hell because of the texture instance data etc...
This happened.
Yeah this is exactly what it looks like.
I'm re-building the Commonwealth Tethys-class Armored Artillery Cruiser, as it's pretty much the most prominent Commonwealth vessel, and having it share a model with BP's UEFg Narayana while being in a *totally different universe* is a bit offputting, as some people have noted. This is a rebuild of it along the lines of Aesaar's Vengeance-Pattern GTCv Diomedes, designed to be a drop-in replacement while offering visual distinction. This will also allow me to make a pre-refit version somewhere down the line and phase out the horribly resource inefficient non-optimized version. I don't intend this to look "better" than the Narayana, I'm pretty sure that's just not possible. But I want it to look *different*.
An effort has been made to keep things more or less visually consistent while being a completely different model. Emphasis has been placed on a more robust, armored look. Key inspriations come from the original Narayana/Tethis (obviously, as it must have the same turret configuration to not break existing missions), and the Zann Consortium's Aggressor-class Destroyer from Star Wars: Empire at War - Forces of Corruption. It's basically what would happen if the two had a bastard child, both of them being ships with the BIG GUN BIG FUN mentality.
No, I did not copy any parts from the original, I modelled this from scratch. Yes, it's rather similar. No, I don't care - it kind of has to be. "come up with something yourself dammit" - well I did - the rotators - you can tell because they have trilateral symmetry. Yes **** it everything original I make has trilateral symmetry SUE ME.
Is this an abomination I should abort immediately?
Even if you say so right now I'd probably keep working on it because I blew my "day off" on it >.>
Well it's certainly not going to be an abomination unless you keep that colour scheme, which I'm sure you won't do. Those guns in particular look pretty awesome. As you said it does resemble the Narayana but in my opinion it looks different enough; it will certainly fit well with the Impervious, depending on how you texture it.
One thing that I'm confused about, though - those pink parts (which in the second image are moved out the way), do they cover the mint-green parts that appear to be the rotators you mentioned?
Yeah they are an armor brace that goes around the habitation modules (because otherwise they're a huge vulnerability :P )
They rotators are sized so they can rotate freely within the brace.
I think it looks pretty good!
Legate Damar:
This will have the same in-game performance?
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