Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Dimensional Eclipse
RELEASE: Dimensional Eclipse - The Singularity
Here I am again guys! I felt bad for all you poor fellows who are struggling to play DE, so here I give you a new campaign to play (that works)! Droid was quietly working on this all the while and he handed this over to me to fix up and assemble into a campaign.
Features include:
- A new campaign (The Singularity): Magnus von Sternberg, an ex-corporate enforcer working for Banshee company, is hired to investigate an uncharted Transpace Phase Lane at the edge of Terran Space...
I tested this personally this time to make sure stuff gets done right. Should not crash anywhere...hopefully.
- Some more new ships.
DE 1.1
FSO 3.6.18+
MediaVPs 3.6.12
A Decent Computer
Ensure you have the mediavps 3.6.12 installed properly.
Place the vp files in to the DE 1.1 folder.
Run the DE 1.1 mod, there will be a new campaign available to play.
Download from Mediafire blah blah blah
Post Processing Files for DE
And with that, it's back to work for me fixing DE 1.1. :banghead:
I'm sure this is a prank, but I'm trying it anyway. :P
I get a crash while loading the second mission saying that "Cloak" is an invalid ship effect name. I redownloaded DE and everything.
--- Code: ---==========================================================================
DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning
categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved.
FreeSpace 2 Open version: 3.6.19
Passed cmdline options:
-spec_exp 15
-fov 0.4
-ogl_spec 20
-spec_static 1.5
-spec_point 1.2
-spec_tube 1.5
-ambient_factor 128
-bloom_intensity 100
-fxaa_preset 9
-mod DE11,mediavps_3612
Building file index...
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\BPDE.vp' with a checksum of 0xdc9ae798
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\CDE11Patch1.vp' with a checksum of 0xdc584884
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Core.vp' with a checksum of 0x86bfb17d
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Interface.vp' with a checksum of 0x8b7996a8
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Sound.vp' with a checksum of 0xf5921777
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Visual1.vp' with a checksum of 0x16f9dcef
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Visual2.vp' with a checksum of 0x397c85c9
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Advanced.vp' with a checksum of 0x4b8b0f5a
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_AnimGlows.vp' with a checksum of 0x6a554026
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Assets.vp' with a checksum of 0x529cc70f
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Effects.vp' with a checksum of 0xb9a9a485
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Music.vp' with a checksum of 0xb3e21469
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_RadarIcons.vp' with a checksum of 0x31dd7781
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Root.vp' with a checksum of 0x6ffd5c78
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\root_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xce10d76c
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\smarty_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xddeb3b1e
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\sparky_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x164fe65a
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xa11d56f1
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\stu_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xd77da83a
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\tango1_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x4c25221e
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\tango2_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x86920b82
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\tango3_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0x705e8d71
Found root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\warble_fs2.vp' with a checksum of 0xd85c305d
Searching root 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\' ... 23 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\BPDE.vp' ... 195 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\CDE11Patch1.vp' ... 11 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Core.vp' ... 113 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Interface.vp' ... 2585 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Sound.vp' ... 178 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Visual1.vp' ... 977 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\DE11\DE11-Visual2.vp' ... 1297 files
Searching root 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\' ... 294 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Advanced.vp' ... 1283 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_AnimGlows.vp' ... 1641 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Assets.vp' ... 1527 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Effects.vp' ... 1876 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Music.vp' ... 32 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_RadarIcons.vp' ... 24 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\mediavps_3612\MV_Root.vp' ... 94 files
Searching root 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\' ... 390 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\root_fs2.vp' ... 157 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\smarty_fs2.vp' ... 10 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\sparky_fs2.vp' ... 3027 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\sparky_hi_fs2.vp' ... 1337 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\stu_fs2.vp' ... 2355 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\tango1_fs2.vp' ... 32 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\tango2_fs2.vp' ... 15 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\tango3_fs2.vp' ... 10 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\FreeSpace2\warble_fs2.vp' ... 52 files
Searching root 'f:\' ... 0 files
Found 27 roots and 19535 files.
Setting language to English
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_core-lcl.tbm' ...
Initializing OpenAL...
OpenAL Vendor : Creative Labs Inc.
OpenAL Renderer : Software
OpenAL Version : 1.1
Found extension "ALC_EXT_EFX".
Sample rate: 44100 (44100)
EFX version: 1.0
Max auxiliary sends: 1
Playback device: Generic Software on Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio)
Capture device: Microphone (SB Audigy)
... OpenAL successfully initialized!
Failed to init speech
Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 1680x1050 with 32-bit color...
Initializing WGL...
Requested WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, stencil: 8, double-buffer: 1
Actual WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 24, stencil: 8, double-buffer: 1
OpenGL Vendor : NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL Renderer : GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
OpenGL Version : 4.3.0
Using extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord".
Using extension "GL_ARB_multitexture".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression".
Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc".
Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine".
Using extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array".
Using extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two".
Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object".
Using extension "GL_ARB_pixel_buffer_object".
Using extension "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap".
Using extension "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_rectangle".
Using extension "GL_EXT_bgra".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map".
Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias".
Using extension "GL_ARB_point_sprite".
Using extension "GL_ARB_shading_language_100".
Using extension "GL_ARB_shader_objects".
Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_shader".
Using extension "GL_ARB_fragment_shader".
Using extension "GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_float".
Using extension "GL_ARB_draw_elements_base_vertex".
Found special extension function "wglSwapIntervalEXT".
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: soft-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: soft-f.sdr
Shader features:
Depth-blended Particles
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: soft-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: soft-f.sdr
Shader features:
Distorted Particles
Compiling post-processing shader 1 ...
Loading built-in default shader for: post-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: post-f.sdr
Compiling post-processing shader 2 ...
Loading built-in default shader for: post-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: blur-f.sdr
Compiling post-processing shader 3 ...
Loading built-in default shader for: post-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: blur-f.sdr
Compiling post-processing shader 4 ...
Loading built-in default shader for: post-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: brightpass-f.sdr
Compiling post-processing shader 5 ...
Loading built-in default shader for: fxaa-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: fxaa-f.sdr
Compiling post-processing shader 6 ...
Loading built-in default shader for: post-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: fxaapre-f.sdr
Compiling post-processing shader 7 ...
Loading built-in default shader for: post-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: ls-f.sdr
Max texture units: 4 (32)
Max elements vertices: 1048576
Max elements indices: 1048576
Max texture size: 16384x16384
Max render buffer size: 16384x16384
Can use compressed textures: YES
Texture compression available: YES
Post-processing enabled: YES
Using trilinear texture filter.
OpenGL Shader Version: 4.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
... OpenGL init is complete!
Size of bitmap info = 742 KB
Size of bitmap extra info = 48 bytes
ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors...
Game Settings Table: Using Standard Loops For SEXP Arguments
Game Settings Table: Using standard event chaining behavior
Game Settings Table: External shaders are DISABLED
SCRIPTING: Beginning initialization sequence...
SCRIPTING: Beginning Lua initialization...
LUA: Opening LUA state...
LUA: Initializing base Lua libraries...
LUA: Beginning ADE initialization
ADE: Initializing enumeration constants...
ADE: Assigning Lua session...
SCRIPTING: Beginning main hook parse sequence....
Wokka! Error opening file (scripting.tbl)!
TABLES: Unable to parse 'scripting.tbl'! Error code = 5.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_flak-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_exp-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_dbrs-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'zmisc-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'rts-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'pmfs-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq_hbar-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-scs-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'escort-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'ejectSeat-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'deathRoll-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'deathPart-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'targeter-sct.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'magic-sct.tbm' ...
SCRIPTING: Inititialization complete.
SCRIPTING: Splash screen overrides checked
SCRIPTING: Splash hook has been run
SCRIPTING: Splash screen conditional hook has been run
Using high memory settings...
Wokka! Error opening file (interface.tbl)!
WMCGUI: Unable to parse 'interface.tbl'! Error code = 5.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-sdf.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-sdf.tbm' ...
Dutifully ignoring the extra sound values for retail sound 36, 'l_hit.wav'...
Dutifully ignoring the extra sound values for retail sound 37, 'm_hit.wav'...
Windows reported 16 joysticks, we found 0
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_music-mus.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-mus.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsqextra-mus.tbm' ...
TABLES => Unable to find 'colors.tbl'. Initialising colors with default values.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-mfl.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-mfl.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-amr.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsqextra-amr.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-aip.tbm' ...
Warning: "$allow primary link delay" flag is deprecated in favor of "$allow primary link at mission start"
WARNING: Unrecognized parameter in ai_profiles: $Default weapon select effect: OFF
$Default ship select
WARNING: Unrecognized parameter in ai_profiles: $Default ship select effect: OFF
€mart shield mana
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wxp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-wxp.tbm' ...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 75 frames at 20 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (ExpMissileHit1.eff) with 92 frames at 20 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp04.eff) with 49 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp05.eff) with 93 frames at 20 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp06.eff) with 92 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (capflash.eff) with 40 frames at 10 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Maxim_Impact.eff) with 23 frames at 30 fps.
ANI Lamprey_Impact with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
BMPMAN: Found EFF (explo3.eff) with 48 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (ParticleSmoke01.eff) with 54 frames at 15 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (ehit-orange.eff) with 31 frames at 40 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (dragonslave.eff) with 91 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (HFlakExp.eff) with 48 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (FlashExp.eff) with 36 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (FlashExp2.eff) with 44 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (FlashExpBlue.eff) with 36 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (VX_02imp.eff) with 11 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Cflak.eff) with 54 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp06b.eff) with 92 frames at 22 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (BHBullet.eff) with 26 frames at 40 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (71impact.eff) with 50 frames at 35 fps.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_core-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_assets-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'exarchy-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsqextra-wep.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-obt.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-obt.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_core-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'radar-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'rts-shp.tbm' ...
Loading model 'cmdpanel.pof'
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'cmdpanel.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x44f03ddd, IBX checksum: 0x58474d87 -- "cmdpanel.pof"
Loading model 'grid.pof'
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Animated Effects
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Animated Effects
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'grid.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xc2740e36, IBX checksum: 0x0df204f5 -- "grid.pof"
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_assets-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'exarchy-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'eject-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsqextra-shp.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_core-hdg.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-hdg.tbm' ...
ANI support1 with size 108x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI damage1 with size 148x25 (21.9% wasted)
ANI wingman1 with size 71x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman2 with size 35x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI wingman3 with size 14x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI toggle1 with size 57x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI head1 with size 164x132 (48.4% wasted)
ANI weapons1 with size 126x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI weapons1_b with size 150x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI objective1 with size 149x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI energy1 with size 12x41 (35.9% wasted)
ANI targetview1 with size 137x156 (39.1% wasted)
ANI targetview2 with size 4x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targetview3 with size 7x20 (37.5% wasted)
ANI 2_radar1 with size 209x170 (33.6% wasted)
ANI 2_energy2 with size 86x96 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_reticle1 with size 40x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI targhit1 with size 31x21 (34.4% wasted)
ANI 2_leftarc with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_rightarc1 with size 103x252 (1.6% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc2 with size 35x24 (25.0% wasted)
ANI 2_toparc3 with size 41x29 (9.4% wasted)
ANI netlag1 with size 29x30 (6.3% wasted)
ANI 2_lead1 with size 26x26 (18.8% wasted)
ANI 2_lock1 with size 56x53 (17.2% wasted)
ANI 2_lockspin with size 100x100 (21.9% wasted)
ANI time1 with size 47x23 (28.1% wasted)
ANI minegauge with size 124x30 (6.3% wasted)
ANI emptyhud with size 25x21 (34.4% wasted)
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-str.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsq-str.tbm' ...
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsqextra-str.tbm' ...
loading animated cursor "cursor"
ANI cursor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
TBM => Starting parse of 'fsqextra-hall.tbm' ...
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'btntmp_default.tga'
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'btntmp_mouseover.tga'
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'btntmp_pressed.tga'
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'jump_icon.tga'
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'jump_icon_no.tga'
MediaVPs: Explosions script loaded!
MediaVPs: Flaming debris script loaded!
LibraryManager: Loaded file "class.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "strings.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "converter.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "parser.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "ejectionSeat.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "ejectionSeatParser.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "ejectionSeatScript.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "util.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "deathRollManager.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "deathRollScript.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "effectManager.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "objectWrapper.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "particles.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "trailInfo.lua"
LibraryManager: Loaded file "particleParser.lua"
Ships.tbl is : INVALID!!!!
Weapons.tbl is : INVALID!!!!
cfile_init() took 253
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'btntmp_default.tga'
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'btntmp_mouseover.tga'
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'btntmp_pressed.tga'
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file ''
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'jump_icon.tga'
Someone passed an extension to bm_load for file 'jump_icon_no.tga'
Compiling video-processing shader ...
Loading built-in default shader for: video-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: video-f.sdr
Got event GS_EVENT_GAME_INIT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0)
PLR => Verifying 'DE.plr' with version 1...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Warning: (0x0001) Short read, information may have been lost!
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'DJ.plr' with version 0...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'FS2.plr' with version 0...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'FS3.plr' with version 0...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'Jad2.plr' with version 0...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'SG.plr' with version 1...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Warning: (0x0001) Short read, information may have been lost!
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'Test.plr' with version 0...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'Val.plr' with version 0...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Verifying complete!
PLR => Verifying 'WoD.plr' with version 0...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Verifying complete!
ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
PLR => Loading 'DE.plr' with version 1...
PLR => Parsing: Flags...
PLR => Parsing: Info...
PLR => Parsing: Scoring...
PLR => Parsing: ScoringMulti...
PLR => Parsing: HUD...
PLR => Parsing: Variables...
PLR => Parsing: Multiplayer...
PLR => Parsing: Controls...
PLR => Parsing: Settings...
PLR => Loading complete!
CSG => Loading 'DE.b05_persist.csg' with version 1...
CSG => Parsing: Flags...
CSG => Parsing: Info...
CSG => Parsing: Missions...
CSG => Parsing: Techroom...
CSG => Parsing: Loadout...
CSG => Parsing: Scoring...
CSG => Parsing: RedAlert...
CSG => Parsing: HUD...
CSG => Parsing: Variables...
CSG => Parsing: Settings...
CSG => Parsing: Controls...
CSG => Parsing: Cutscenes...
CSG => Skipping unknown section 0x0015!
CSG => Warning: (0x0015) Short read, information may have been lost!
CSG => Loading complete!
CSG => Loading 'DE.b05_persist.csg' with version 1...
CSG => Parsing: Flags...
CSG => Parsing: Info...
CSG => Parsing: Missions...
CSG => Parsing: Techroom...
CSG => Parsing: Loadout...
CSG => Parsing: Scoring...
CSG => Parsing: RedAlert...
CSG => Parsing: HUD...
CSG => Parsing: Variables...
CSG => Parsing: Settings...
CSG => Parsing: Controls...
CSG => Parsing: Cutscenes...
CSG => Skipping unknown section 0x0015!
CSG => Warning: (0x0015) Short read, information may have been lost!
CSG => Loading complete!
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Exit in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Pilot in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Continue in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Tech in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Option in main hall
WARNING!, Could not load door anim 2_Campaign in main hall
Got event GS_EVENT_NEW_CAMPAIGN (26) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
CSG => Loading 'DE.b05_persist.csg' with version 1...
CSG => Parsing: Flags...
CSG => Parsing: Info...
CSG => Parsing: Missions...
CSG => Parsing: Techroom...
CSG => Parsing: Loadout...
CSG => Parsing: Scoring...
CSG => Parsing: RedAlert...
CSG => Parsing: HUD...
CSG => Parsing: Variables...
CSG => Parsing: Settings...
CSG => Parsing: Controls...
CSG => Parsing: Cutscenes...
CSG => Skipping unknown section 0x0015!
CSG => Warning: (0x0015) Short read, information may have been lost!
CSG => Loading complete!
Got event GS_EVENT_START_GAME (1) in state GS_STATE_MAIN_MENU (1)
=================== STARTING LEVEL LOAD ==================
Reassigning player to squadron Screeching Banshees
BMPMAN: Found EFF (2_Loading.eff) with 14 frames at 15 fps.
Starting model page in...
Beginning level bitmap paging...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particleexp01.eff) with 10 frames at 8 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (particlesmoke02.eff) with 39 frames at 24 fps.
TBM => Starting parse of 'mv_effects-fbl.tbm' ...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap01.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (WarpMap02.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (Rock_Exp.eff) with 55 frames at 30 fps.
Loading warp model
Loading model 'warp.pof'
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Animated Effects
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Animated Effects
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'warp.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xbf802ad0, IBX checksum: 0xe7aa5a55 -- "warp.pof"
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit01a.eff) with 23 frames at 21 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit02a.eff) with 45 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shieldhit03a.eff) with 22 frames at 30 fps.
SHOCKWAVE => Loading default shockwave model...
Loading model 'shockwave.pof'
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shockwave3d-glow.eff) with 98 frames at 30 fps.
Model shockwave.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.)
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'shockwave.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xa85bec39, IBX checksum: 0x9af155c2 -- "shockwave.pof"
SHOCKWAVE => Default model load: SUCCEEDED!!
SHOCKWAVE => Loading default shockwave animation...
BMPMAN: Found EFF (shockwave01.eff) with 98 frames at 30 fps.
SHOCKWAVE => Default animation load: SUCCEEDED!!
MISSION LOAD: 'b02.fs2'
Hmmm... Extension passed to mission_load...
Reassigning player to squadron Screeching Banshees
Using callsign: Senya
Using callsign: Switchblade
Using callsign: Takeshi
Using callsign: Genevive
Using callsign: Ninja
Using callsign: Samson
Using callsign: Fang
Using callsign: Tiara
Loading model 'vampfActCloak.pof'
BMPMAN: Found EFF (vampfcloak.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (vampfcloak-glow.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (tercoccloak.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Animated Effects
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Animated Effects
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'vampfActCloak.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x07953619, IBX checksum: 0x1a9aba08 -- "vampfActCloak.pof"
Loading model 'vampfDecloak.pof'
BMPMAN: Found EFF (vampfcloakrev.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (vampfcloakrev-glow.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (tercoccloakrev.eff) with 30 frames at 30 fps.
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'vampfDecloak.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x52dc89c2, IBX checksum: 0x359007f2 -- "vampfDecloak.pof"
Loading model 'vampfCloaked.pof'
BMPMAN: Found EFF (vampfcloaked-glow.eff) with 30 frames at 15 fps.
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'vampfCloaked.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xf1875554, IBX checksum: 0x24406a72 -- "vampfCloaked.pof"
Loading model 'vampf.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'vampf.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x8884f7b5, IBX checksum: 0xda63a77f -- "vampf.pof"
Loading model 'subspacenode.pof'
Model subspacenode.pof has a null moment of inertia! (This is only a problem if the model is a ship.)
WARNING: "Submodel <detail0> in model <subspacenode.pof> has a radius <= 0.1f" at modelread.cpp:1243
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'subspacenode.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xee9753d6, IBX checksum: 0x684fd1a9 -- "subspacenode.pof"
Starting mission message count : 45
Ending mission message count : 47
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_set_soundtrack
Loading model 'frx00mave.pof'
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'frx00mave.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x7280ecc7, IBX checksum: 0xccac201b -- "frx00mave.pof"
Loading model 'Typhoon_Half.pof'
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Compiling new shader:
Loading built-in default shader for: main-v.sdr
Loading built-in default shader for: main-f.sdr
Shader features:
Fog Effect
Diffuse Mapping
Glow Mapping
Specular Mapping
Normal Mapping
Environment Mapping
Animated Effects
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'Fighterbay', believed to be in ship Typhoon_Half.pof
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Typhoon_Half.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xdc04bbcc, IBX checksum: 0x5fb58114 -- "Typhoon_Half.pof"
Loading model 'fighterh01e.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighterh01e.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xa8469c16, IBX checksum: 0xf7635eae -- "fighterh01e.pof"
Loading model 'fighterh01.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'fighterh01.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x221854b3, IBX checksum: 0xfc1f45d6 -- "fighterh01.pof"
Loading model 'PhoenixRising.pof'
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'FB1DB', believed to be in ship PhoenixRising.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'FB1DT', believed to be in ship PhoenixRising.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'FB2DB', believed to be in ship PhoenixRising.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'FB2DT', believed to be in ship PhoenixRising.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'fighterbay01', believed to be in ship PhoenixRising.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'fighterbay02', believed to be in ship PhoenixRising.pof
Potential problem found: Unrecognized subsystem type 'Bridge', believed to be in ship PhoenixRising.pof
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'PhoenixRising.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x3fc29139, IBX checksum: 0xd3006b5d -- "PhoenixRising.pof"
Loading model 'bektahint-r.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bektahint-r.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x4b8d4283, IBX checksum: 0x40249a29 -- "bektahint-r.pof"
Loading model 'bektahbom-r.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'bektahbom-r.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x669a4611, IBX checksum: 0x9272f518 -- "bektahbom-r.pof"
Loading model 'killercraft-r.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'killercraft-r.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x2fd88127, IBX checksum: 0xa92b02bc -- "killercraft-r.pof"
Loading model 'aerofight-r.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'aerofight-r.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0xe0d533a2, IBX checksum: 0xc0877ceb -- "aerofight-r.pof"
Loading model 'Gefjon-x.pof'
IBX: Found a good IBX to read for 'Gefjon-x.pof'.
IBX-DEBUG => POF checksum: 0x4a041786, IBX checksum: 0x5a9a997f -- "Gefjon-x.pof"
Allocating space for at least 7 new ship subsystems ... a total of 200 is now available (7 in-use).
Invalid ship effect name.
In sexpression: ( when
( <
( hits-left "Tribunal of Honor" )
( ship-effect
"Tribunal of Honor"
( ship-stealthy "Tribunal of Honor" )
( protect-ship "Tribunal of Honor" )
( turret-lock-all "Tribunal of Honor" )
(Error appears to be: Cloak)ERROR: Invalid ship effect name.
In sexpression: ( when
( <
( hits-left "Tribunal of Honor" )
( ship-effect
"Tribunal of Honor"
( ship-stealthy "Tribunal of Honor" )
( protect-ship "Tribunal of Honor" )
( turret-lock-all "Tribunal of Honor" )
(Error appears to be: Cloak)
File: missionparse.cpp
Line: 5613
Freeing all existing models...
--- End code ---
Jeff Vader:
I remember seeing this problem before. Please download this fix and place it to your \DE11\ folder.
Well played, sir, well played.
But I am still unable to play this mod. :(
Uh... you missing a postprocesssing shader or something? looks like its choking on the cloak effect.
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