Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Dimensional Eclipse
[RELEASE] Andrew's Ship Dump For DE.
This is a bunch of ships I've made for Dimensional Eclipse. I felt like releasing them since I felt like it'll be a while before the next installment gets anyway. So, for all of you who loves to have more flat chested beauties ships, this a pack for you. It contains:
RVF Gauntlet (+ variants)
RVF Vambrace
RV HV Adz (a harvesting vessel)
RV KK Tizona (previous called Gladius a tilted by its filename)
RV FF Curtana class frigate (previously released as the Saber)
RV DD Ascalon (previously released as the Quarterstaff)
RV CC Kusanagi (previously named Longsword as seen its filename)
RV FCS Caladbolg (AKA Judgement Sword)
Pics? How about a video instead!
You want a download too? FIIIIIIINE.
Anyway, if you use them, just let me know cause I want to see where my stuff goes. Also, if I mysteriously disappear, you're still free to use them. :p
EDIT: Fixed link now.
EDIT2: Fixed link again. Should have all ships now.
I'm sure they will come to use in some mod or campaign, congrats. c:
Any tables for them? Not that I can't make them myself, but they would speed things up.
No tables. Never will be.
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