Hosted Projects - Standalone > WoD Forum Game: Generation 1 Archive
Forum game: Rules/Discussion
This is the general thread for discussing strategy among each other and for asking questions about the game or rules. The second and third post will be updated as the game progresses. The third post will always display the current turn.
This is not the actual game thread.
Fleet orders:
A fleet can take one major and one minor action each turn. The order in which you declare these actions matter.
Major Action:
Engage enemy: Orders the fleet to fight target enemy fleet in the same system.
Defend: Fleet takes up defensive positions in friendly controlled system giving a +2 bonus to attack strength for the next battle in that system.
Secure: Turns a hostile system into a friendly system. The system can only be secured if no enemy fleets are present.
Travel: Moves a fleet from one system to another.
- If a fleet moves from a contested system to an other system it is considered a retreat. If there are no friendly fleets to cover the retreat the retreating fleet will take damage.
- If a fleet is in a contested system with an enemy fleet it cannot move to an enemy control system.
- The exceptions to this rule are the Aquarius nebula system and the Sol Force Blitz ability.
- A fleet can move from one contested system to an other contested system. This also counts as a retreat.
Resupply: Can only be done in a friendly system with an open supply route, resupplying will replenish 30% of the fleet's strength and raise the morale back to the fleet's base stat if it was lower than that. Take care not to get attacked while resupplying, its bad for morale and your fleet will take extra damage. Resupplying takes 10 resouces from the global resource pool.
Minor Action:
Use Special: Uses your fleet's special ability.
Fleet Abilities:
Blitz: Allows a fleet to break through enemy lines and advance into a nearby system.
When using Blitz you must target one enemy fleet and the target system that you want to move into. You will deal half damage to the targeted fleet.
Cooldown: 2 turns
Prepare Barrage: Uses heavy weaponry to deal extra damage to enemy capital ships the next time the fleet does battle. (+4 to next capital ship attack)
Cooldown: 2 turns
Zeal: Raises morale by one step.
Cooldown: 2 turns
Mercs: At the cost of 10 resources, bolsters your fleet with mercenary forces. Adding 75% fighter strength and 50% capital strength
Every turn you contract these mercenaries costs 5 resources upkeep. You can dismiss the mercenaries earlier but you will need to wait out the cooldown before you can contract them again.
Can only be used in friendly controlled systems.
Cooldown: 3 turns (renews contract for 10 resources)
Combined Arms: Using all of the tools available, the LSF fleet gains a +1 to attack strength and takes -2 damage in the next battle.
Cooldown: 2 turns
Global resources:
Each turn every friendly controlled system produces resources that go into the global resource pool. Contracting mercenaries and resupplying take away from this resource pool, but there may also be other events that can affect how much resources will come in or get spend.
Fleet morale plays an important factor and it can be affected by a number of things. Scoring important victories, capturing systems and the like will raise morale while losing battles and systems will likely drop it. But there may also be other events that can affect morale that are not directly within your control.
The various states of morale are:
-Zealous: +3
-Very high: +2
-High: +1
-Normal: 0
-Low: -1
-Very low: -2
-Critical: -3
Systems can be Friendly. Meaning they are in your control, if they have a open supply route to Sol these systems will provide resources and can be used to resupply your fleet in.
A system is Contested if there is a fleet of the opposite side in it. If there are no fleets defending it, a contested system can be secured. If the fleet moves out of the system without securing it, it returns to the state it was before it was contested. A contested system that was friendly before it was contested and has an open supply route will produce resources half of its normal value rounded down.
If the system is Hostile it means the Hierarchy has taken it. This system will not do anything good for your side until it has been taken back.
There can be only three fleets of each side in a system at once.
The Aquarius system is shrouded in a thick nebula and has some special rules.
- Fleets can freely travel to nearby hostile systems. (No need to Blitz)
- Fleets can retreat out of the system without taking damage.
- Fleets fighting inside the nebula have a -5 penalty to attack strength.
Admiral ranks&Traits
Rear Admiral: Starting rank
Vice Admiral
Fleet Admiral
High Fleet Admiral
When granted a promotion you can choose 1 of the following traits.
Breakthrough Specialist: Take no damage on a retreat or Blitz
Master in logistics: Resupply recovers 50% instead of 30%
Inspirational leader: Your fleet's base morale goes up by +1. Your fleet becomes more resistant to morale shocks.
Fortification expert: When using the Defense action, the bonus becomes +6 instead of +2
Aggressive leader: +2 to fighter and capital ship attack strength
Glorious bastard: Your Admiral becomes Steele
Player fleet destruction
Your fleet is considered destroyed when your capitalship strength reaches 0%. With your flagship being the last thing that gets destroyed.
When this happens you'll get the choice to continue playing with a new fleet or if for some reason an other fleet is without an admiral, you can immediately jump over to that.
It will take some time for a new fleet to be constructed however and this new fleet will be back to base stats. Depending on how well your faction thinks of you (some factions are more tolerante of failure than others) you may also face a demotion (and lose the last trait you've gained)
Friendly Fleet base stats:
SF Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 20 (18+2)
Capital attack strength: 18 (18)
Fighters at 100% Strength, 3rd Gen
Capital ships at 100% Strength
Morale: Normal
Special: Blitz
DD Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 17 (18-1)
Capital attack strength: 16 (17-1)
Fighters at 100% Strength, 2nd Gen
Capital ships at 100% Strength
Morale: Low
Special: Prepare Barrage
CRF Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 19 (16+2+1)
Capital attack strength: 18 (17+1)
Fighters at 100% Strength, 3rd Gen
Capital ships at 100% Strength
Morale: High
Special: Zeal
UGC Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 15 (13+2)
Capital attack strength: 15 (15)
Fighters at 100% Strength, 3rd Gen
Capital ships at 100% Strength
Morale: Normal
Special: Mercs
With mercs
Fighter attack strength: 25 (13+2)
Capital attack strength: 22 (15)
Fighters at 175% Strength, 3rd Gen
Capital ships at 150% Strength
LSF Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 23 (20+2+1)
Capital attack strength: 15 (14+1)
Fighters at 100% Strength, 3rd Gen
Capital ships at 100% Strength
Morale: High
Special: Combined Arms
CSA Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 23 (23)
Capital attack strength: 20 (20)
Fighters at 100% Strength
Capital ships at 100% Strength
Morale: Normal
Special: Acting Smug
Hostile Fleet base stats:
Nordera Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 12 (10+2)
Capital attack strength: 10 (8+2)
Morale: Very High
Special: Kamikaze - 60% Capitalship damage
Cordi Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 20 (20)
Capital attack strength: 12 (12)
Morale: Normal
Fura'ngle Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 14 (16-2)
Capital attack strength: 18 (20-2)
Morale: Very low
Zy Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 22 (21+1)
Capital attack strength: 21 (20+1)
Morale: High
Special: Slipstream
Combined Zy&Fura fleet
Fighter attack strength: 15 (15)
Capital attack strength: 25 (25)
Morale: Normal
Hertak Fleet
Fighter attack strength: 22 (22)
Capital attack strength: 30 (30)
Morale: Normal
Current Turn: 15
Sol Force: 4/4
1st Fleet - under the command of Vice Admiral Dovorek Iera (CommanderDJ) on the flagship Hand of Absolution (Master in Logistics)
2nd Fleet - under the command of Vice Admiral Xeus L. Fremont (X3N0-Life-Form) on the flagship Swift (Master in Logistics)
3rd Fleet - under the command of Vice Admiral Aaron Soryu (mobcdmoc3) on the flagship Sovereign (Aggressive leader)
4th Fleet - 'Battlegroup 11' under the command of Vice Admiral Jason Windforce (Jellyfish) on the flagship Firelance (Breakthrough Specialist)
Delest Defense: 3/3
1st Fleet - 'Fist of Silva' under the command of Fleet Admiral Jason Ralwood (AdmiralRalwood) on the flagship Aurora (Inspirational Leader, Aggressive leader)
2nd Fleet - under the command of Fleet Admiral Georgiy Kuznetsov (Admiral MS) on the flagship Nova (Inspirational Leader, Master of Logistics)
3rd Fleet - under the command of High Fleet Admiral Ivan Dimitrievic Kalazonitov (Enioch) on the flagship Katyusha (Inspirational Leader, Master in Logistics, Breakthrough Specialist)
Commonwealth Royal Fleet: 4/4
1st Fleet - under the command of Fleet Admiral Veers on the flagship Silver Arrow (Aggressive leader, Master in Logistics)
2nd Fleet - under the command of Fleet Admiral Lorric on the flagship Soaring Spirit (Master in Logistics, Breakthrough Specialist)
3rd Fleet - 'Task Force 765' under the command of Vice Admiral Hilda Alcott (Hartzaden) on the flagship Hood (Aggressive Leader)
4th Fleet - under the command of Vice Admiral Carlos Santiago (Lepanto) on the flagship St. Louis IX (Aggressive leader, Master of Logistics)
United Guilds of Commerce Regulars: 2/2
1st Fleet - 'The Feather Ones' under the command of Fleet Admiral Andrew Bradwater (Andrewofdoom) on the flagship Garuda (Aggressive leader, Master in Logistics)
2nd Fleet - 'The 88's' under the command of Fleet Admiral Yuen Ah Luc (niffiwan) on the flaghship Inevitably Successful in All Circumstances (Master in Logistics, Breakthrough Specialist)
League Star Forces: 2/2
1st Fleet - under the command of Rear Admiral SpardaSon21 on the flagship Dire Wolf
2nd Fleet - 'The Stormlords' under the command of Rear Admiral Augustus Corvus (Dragon) on the flagship Scimitar
Cyrvan Star Armada: 1/1
1st Fleet - under the command of Admiral Freyalis Elsperth Almereya (Droid803) on the flagship Ataraxia (Breakthrough Specialist)
Well now Andrewofdoom, it looks like you and I have a bug problem to deal with. There’s no one else anywhere near there, so it’s up to us. (I’m 2nd CRF in the middle of the map on Virgo.)
Aldebaran seems like a key location to hold since if they get past there they can go and take two of the most valuable systems.
EDIT: I see X3N0-Life-Form can get to Aldebaran too in one turn. There are 5 allied fleets on the top and 5 on the bottom. Maybe the three SF fleets could head to Aldebaran. mobcdmoc3's 3rd SF Fleet could get to Virgo on the first turn, then have a choice of where to go next if the bottom needed reinforcing, the bottom looks harder to control. But I think we need at least 4 on the top, 3 to fight on the front and 1 in reserve to take over when someone has to pull back and reinforce, those are my early impressions. I hope we can all have fun! :)
Hi Spoon! I have questions for you. If I use Zeal, will my morale stay at Very High as long as nothing knocks it down, or will it drop down back down to High after 2 turns? Also, if not and it’s still very high and I use it again after 2 turns, will it rise to Zealous?
Also, to clarify, does every CRF fleet have zeal on a 2 turn cooldown, or if I was to use it, would all the other CRF fleets be deprived of it’s usage for 2 turns?
Again, to clarify, if I use it on turn 0, will it be usable again on turn 2, or turn 3? I’m not sure whether the cooldown means in 2 turns (0-2) or after 2 turns (0-3).
What happens if we take the enemy systems and make the whole map green? Can we do that?
Global resources, if none are spent or lost, will we have a total of 133 next turn? (I think all the numbers add up to 83, did the math twice plus the 50 we have.)
--- Quote from: Lorric on July 14, 2013, 07:03:43 pm ---Hi Spoon! I have questions for you. If I use Zeal, will my morale stay at Very High as long as nothing knocks it down, or will it drop down back down to High after 2 turns? Also, if not and it’s still very high and I use it again after 2 turns, will it rise to Zealous?
--- End quote ---
The morale of the Britannia knights is hard to break. It is indeed possible to use Zeal to raise your fleets morale to Zealous. Morale will not drop for no reason.
--- Quote from: Lorric on July 14, 2013, 07:03:43 pm ---Also, to clarify, does every CRF fleet have zeal on a 2 turn cooldown, or if I was to use it, would all the other CRF fleets be deprived of it’s usage for 2 turns?
--- End quote ---
It's on a fleet to fleet basis. Abilities do not have a global cooldown.
--- Quote from: Lorric on July 14, 2013, 07:03:43 pm ---Again, to clarify, if I use it on turn 0, will it be usable again on turn 2, or turn 3? I’m not sure whether the cooldown means in 2 turns (0-2) or after 2 turns (0-3).
--- End quote ---
A good question, I have not made that very clear. It's after 2 turns. So if you were to use it on turn 0 it would be available again on turn 3.
--- Quote from: Lorric on July 14, 2013, 07:03:43 pm ---What happens if we take the enemy systems and make the whole map green? Can we do that?
--- End quote ---
It's possible, thought it will not immediately win you the game. New enemy fleets will continue to arrive from the red starlances. Though if you guys are really kicking that much ass it might be needed to expand the starmap and give you guys the opportunity to start a counter offensive. But I'll doubt it'll go that smoothly!
--- Quote from: Lorric on July 14, 2013, 07:03:43 pm ---Global resources, if none are spent or lost, will we have a total of 133 next turn? (I think all the numbers add up to 83, did the math twice plus the 50 we have.)
--- End quote ---
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