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Forum game: RP discussion thread
It could serve as an inter-faction tension starter for the next game... :drevil:
I think we can probably let it go, since the story he's going with is that the Hertak didn't try to surrender.
Of course, he didn't offer them surrender either, but just because our roleplay said that we were making efforts to offer a surrender to the enemy / capture the enemy doesn't mean it should override his RP if you ask me. I think we've arrived at a happy medium with this, and we can end it here personally. And also, we certainly didn't make efforts to capture anyone in the final turn video either. We wiped them all out.
--- Quote from: Lepanto on April 22, 2014, 11:48:47 pm ---Good to hear from you, Hartzaden. BTW, do you personally share your RP character's attitude on exterminating the Hierarchy forces, and would it be a personal sore spot if our characters were to have an RP disagreement over the subject?
Now that Hartzaden's RPed on the subject, does anyone here have any good ideas on how to resolve the whole "3rd Fleet Massacre" plotline, besides kinda just letting it drop? Spoon, do you have any comments?
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actualy i do have something that i did share the idea with spoon a wile ago, it all depends on if you can get classified information out of someone (Alcott) who is used to running black ops for the CRF.
--- Quote from: Lorric on April 23, 2014, 05:24:53 am ---I think we can probably let it go, since the story he's going with is that the Hertak didn't try to surrender.
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you can play it that way if you wish, i will tell you OOC that shes NOT telling you the whole story unless she sees a reasion to.
OK, I'm game. :cool: Continuing the 3rd Fleet Massacre plotline will give us RPers something to do until Forum Game 2, which probably won't be for quite a while, presuming that Spoon even does it at all.
Sounds interesting. I'm not sure how to go about it, but it could be worth pursuing. :)
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