Hosted Projects - Standalone > WoD Forum Game: Generation 1 Archive
The Terran fleets gather for the final blow against the Hertak flagship.
First they lure it out of hiding and then relentlessly chase it through the system, destroying its escorting ships everywhere it tries to flee.
The Terran admirals manage a complete military victory over the Hierarchy.
Hurray and jubilation! :D
Some vaguely-fitting orchestral animu music to celebrate:
Yes, I KNOW Touhou isn't an anime . . .
Together, we Admirals have destroyed the Hierarchy menace, saved humanity (and maybe Cyrvanity), and even outperformed Spoon's expectations of us! VICTOLY! At least, until next time . . . DUN DUN DUNNN!
A lot of the credit must go to Lorric and his mathematically-precise tactical analyses; without his help, we wouldn't have performed as efficiently.
Glorious! A huge thank you to Spoon and all the players :)
Magnificent. Truly magnificent and genuinely stirring.
A very fitting and enjoyable end to this campaign.
I thought showing each and every fleet like you did was a great idea, and also the way the battle moved around, the Flagship being herded. It prevent it being just a big pile of ships all at once and still saw everyone see their fleet kicking butt, and be able to clearly identify their fleet.
I got a chuckle out of all those flagship names and then niffiwan's flagship name came up... :lol:
I wondered if there would be a surrender, but we got the only ending we could really get, the big explosion.
Wonderful work. So where do we go from here, Spoon? And what of that mess with the Special Fleet? Or are we going to just sweep that nice and quietly under the rug? That could be for the best.
Anyway. Celebrate! Victory is ours!!!
--- Quote from: Lepanto on March 29, 2014, 11:44:00 pm ---Hurray and jubilation! :D
Some vaguely-fitting orchestral animu music to celebrate:
Together, we Admirals have destroyed the Hierarchy menace, saved humanity (and maybe Cyrvanity), and even outperformed Spoon's expectations of us! VICTOLY! At least, until next time . . . DUN DUN DUNNN!
A lot of the credit must go to Lorric and his mathematically-precise tactical analyses; without his help, we wouldn't have performed as efficiently.
--- End quote ---
I love that music, Lepanto! A real keeper.
Try muting Spoon's video and playing that music. I think it goes really well.
Thank you for your kind words.
--- Quote from: niffiwan on March 29, 2014, 11:45:43 pm ---Glorious! A huge thank you to Spoon and all the players :)
--- End quote ---
Indeed, niffiwan. I too wish to thank you all. I firmly believe this experience has been greater than the sum of it's parts. It will be glorious to one day come back and read all those RP posts from start to finish, and maybe we'll even have a full set of turn videos to watch all at once as a playlist...
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