Hosted Projects - Standalone > WoD Forum Game: Generation 1 Archive

Game design

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Oh sure, RP should be entirely optional. Things like what Spoon did with you would be directed towards players with an obvious interest in the RP side of things.

The battle thing, while I still don't know how you would do it, what I imagine is a case where Spoon deals with players individually then and there. So it happens on the spot, without the other players interfering. It could even be done via PMs somehow. Of course, I don't know how you would do it! :lol:

I wouldn't be too worried about players bending the rules. This isn't a proper competitive game after all, it's meant to be fun.

Spoon bent the rules many times, it is part of the difficulty (read: The Computer is a cheating basterd).


--- Quote from: Flak on April 16, 2014, 05:21:02 am ---Spoon bent the rules many times, it is part of the difficulty (read: The Computer is a cheating basterd).

--- End quote ---
Yeah, with that stunt he pulled to let the Special Fleet roll into Sol by making it so you can just pass through empty but hostile systems when you couldn't before. And I've been to that page on TV Tropes before. :D

Still though, I think Spoon's rule changes benefited us more than him, the Blitz one especially.


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