Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Inferno
RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
The Freespace community owes a lot to Inferno, great to see it back in action.
Colonol Dekker:
It did pave the way along with TBP. I hope the SOC fighters and bombers are back!! :)
The SOC fleet was removed about a decade ago or so...
Just out of curiosity, in what year is this set? If I remember correctly Inferno R1 was set in like 2400 or something?
--- Quote from: rubixcube on June 07, 2018, 11:14:18 pm ---Just out of curiosity, in what year is this set? If I remember correctly Inferno R1 was set in like 2400 or something?
--- End quote ---
Good question. :warp:
I *think* it was 2390 (10 years earlier than the original INFR1).
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