General FreeSpace > FreeSpace Discussion
What Freespace are you (Re)Playing Now?
Finished Sol: A history and Gehenna's Gate, part of the Series Resurrecta .
Just started The Spirit of Ptah.
All these campaigns have been great fun.
Colonol Dekker:
Gate slipped sunder my radar when it released. I plan on rectifying that mistake.
Blue Lion:
I have a horrible confession to make. I not only have not played FS2 in well over a decade. I have never played a player made campaign or mod outside the one I worked on myself.
Colonol Dekker:
Play derelict..... Play it now. That needs to be everybody's first non retail campaign.
--- Quote from: Blue Lion on December 01, 2020, 02:24:33 pm ---I have a horrible confession to make. I not only have not played FS2 in well over a decade. I have never played a player made campaign or mod outside the one I worked on myself.
--- End quote ---
You should definitely make up for it. There are soooo many campaigns around there that deserved to be played... and re-played. :)
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