Community Projects > The FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project


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Thats it. Starman uses Scooby Stuff to build the ships.

I still hoping for a Saga Style Exeter and Waterloo :(

First post reads "36 GB"! It may frighten some of us...

Admiral Nelson:
Oops. Fixed.

* Extract the "hermes_core.7z" file to your freespace folder.

Do you mean WCIV Core Files?

I was unable to download the Movie Files on Knossos. Maybe this is caused by the write-protection of the Movie VP. Had to download and to add it in the Knossos folder manually.

Actually, i never heard from this Demo before and so played through it.

The movies were very irritating, because sometime both choices are played which make them hard to follow. Actually i only know what happen here, because i watched the original movie a few years back (because of its lazy mission design and op player ship at the later part of the game WCIV never qualifies as a real game IMO).

Because you play the same missions, it was a not very good campaign in mission design  :D.

But it was interesting nevertheless. The nebula missions were fun finally thanks to the FS2 Engine. Also i liked the detail, that you are finally able to win the game if you stick yourself to the confederation.

Except from all the things that were carried over. I think the ship computer voice files should be normalized to be much louder. Actually i can only barely hear it...


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