Author Topic: Polies dropped on POF export  (Read 6155 times)

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Offline esarai

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Polies dropped on POF export
Hi everyone,

I was just recently trying to export a new model.  Import went just fine, but when I try to save as a .pof, several polygons on the wingtips disappear.  The_E requested that I post this issue in here, so here it is.  I'm using the PCS2.1 Alpha from July 18, 14:39:17.  Here's the file I was trying to convert.  The_E said this was definitely a problem with the pof exporter, so if there's anything more I can do to help, please let me know.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2010, 01:35:36 am by esarai »
<Nuclear>   truth: the good samaritan actually checked for proof of citizenship and health insurance
<Axem>   did anyone catch jesus' birth certificate?
<Nuclear>   and jesus didnt actually give the 5000 their fish...he gave it to the romans and let it trickle down
<Axem>and he was totally pro tax breaks
<Axem>he threw out all those tax collectors at the temple
<Nuclear>   he drove a V8 camel too
<Nuclear>   with a sword rack for his fully-automatic daggers

Esarai: hey gaiz, what's a good improvised, final attack for a ship fighting to buy others time to escape to use?
RangerKarl|AtWork: stick your penis in the warp core
DarthGeek: no don't do that
amki: don't EVER do that



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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Have you tried the latest version?  That's probably the best place to start. 
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Offline esarai

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Just did.  No dice.
<Nuclear>   truth: the good samaritan actually checked for proof of citizenship and health insurance
<Axem>   did anyone catch jesus' birth certificate?
<Nuclear>   and jesus didnt actually give the 5000 their fish...he gave it to the romans and let it trickle down
<Axem>and he was totally pro tax breaks
<Axem>he threw out all those tax collectors at the temple
<Nuclear>   he drove a V8 camel too
<Nuclear>   with a sword rack for his fully-automatic daggers

Esarai: hey gaiz, what's a good improvised, final attack for a ship fighting to buy others time to escape to use?
RangerKarl|AtWork: stick your penis in the warp core
DarthGeek: no don't do that
amki: don't EVER do that


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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Were they double polies? You would need some thickness to them or they might get merged.
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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Linky no worky. :(
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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
I also had this happen to me.
Lost some polies on the left engine of the Daegon.


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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
could it be maybe because the shield mesh imported absurdly smallish?

wait. WHAT?

a lot of stuff is scaled down by at least 50% in the dae you linked us all to.
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Offline esarai

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Alright, update time. 

I checked the source file, and the faces in question were not doubled over with anything.  I noticed that in the version on my computer, everything was the correct size upon import to PCS2, but when I handed it to The_E, he reported odd scaling differences.  I checked source again and found detail0 to have been scaled up by a factor of 2.48.  I applied scale and rotation for the mesh (aka set it to 1,1,1) and attempted to import again.  This time everything worked fine. 

While it seems as if support for objects that have non-unity scale factors has been added, I surmise that something is going wrong in that section, as unity factors do not create this problem.
<Nuclear>   truth: the good samaritan actually checked for proof of citizenship and health insurance
<Axem>   did anyone catch jesus' birth certificate?
<Nuclear>   and jesus didnt actually give the 5000 their fish...he gave it to the romans and let it trickle down
<Axem>and he was totally pro tax breaks
<Axem>he threw out all those tax collectors at the temple
<Nuclear>   he drove a V8 camel too
<Nuclear>   with a sword rack for his fully-automatic daggers

Esarai: hey gaiz, what's a good improvised, final attack for a ship fighting to buy others time to escape to use?
RangerKarl|AtWork: stick your penis in the warp core
DarthGeek: no don't do that
amki: don't EVER do that



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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Actually I've seen similar issues even with 2.03.  Now for the great part it only happens on Nvida video cards and not even all of them.  Have not seen the issue even once on an ATI card.   
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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
In working with the original DAE files from mjn's missiles, the Cyclops (tech and regular) is the one that seems to like dropping polies on me the most on final save to POF.

Even if I don't go through the trouble of smoothing and resizing. No double triangles. No mesh issues that I can discern with faces or vertexes having inversions. It'll just decide that it is going to give me a hole in the model.
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[08/01 16:53:31] <EveningTea> dhauidahh
[08/01 16:53:32] <EveningTea> sak
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Offline Droid803

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Yeah, saving to PMF or whatever is fine, its just the export to POF that decides to throw out random polies.


Offline mjn.mixael

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
I was also having this issue, but I found a way to reliably fix it. I use 3ds Max, so I use OpenCollada to export to DAE. In its options there is a checkbox that says something about triangulation. I usually leave that checked. However on the few models I had that got random holes, simply unchecking that box on export solved the problem. It worked every single time. So I'm not sure exactly what is going on through all the conversions, but it seems to me that the export to POF gets real picky about its triangles.

I also noticed the holes I got in my models weren't hole polygones, but literally just a triangle. That's what led me to the solutions.
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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Triangulation doesn't have to be done in advance of PCS2 right?  I thought it happened at some point automatically down the line.
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Offline Droid803

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Thing is this doesn't happen on the older versions of PCS2, only the latest ones.


Offline Rga_Noris

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
When working on the Hatty in Blender, this happened a few times. The way I fixed it was selecting everything and pressing control + T to triangulate BEFORE any exporting was done, leaving no triangulation up to any exporter or PCS2.
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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
most collada exporters triangulate on export.

the solution is pretty much what RgaNorris said, triangulate before export, and you should be good to go.
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Offline esarai

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Alright, I'll do that.  I just noticed this supposedly 'clean' model actually has parts missing from the guns.  They were so small I missed them until just now. 
<Nuclear>   truth: the good samaritan actually checked for proof of citizenship and health insurance
<Axem>   did anyone catch jesus' birth certificate?
<Nuclear>   and jesus didnt actually give the 5000 their fish...he gave it to the romans and let it trickle down
<Axem>and he was totally pro tax breaks
<Axem>he threw out all those tax collectors at the temple
<Nuclear>   he drove a V8 camel too
<Nuclear>   with a sword rack for his fully-automatic daggers

Esarai: hey gaiz, what's a good improvised, final attack for a ship fighting to buy others time to escape to use?
RangerKarl|AtWork: stick your penis in the warp core
DarthGeek: no don't do that
amki: don't EVER do that


Offline Spicious

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
As far as I can tell it's losing the really thin triangles. Scaling up by a factor of 100 keeps everything. I still don't know exactly where they're getting lost though.


Offline Talon 1024

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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
This problem is still happening on the newest builds of PCS2.  Here's an example of a model that is affected by this problem.  There are some polygons missing on the rear left engine.

I tried converting some of the triangles into quads, triangulating the model before export, scaling it up and back down again, but nothing I tried helped.

[attachment deleted by ninja]
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Re: Polies dropped on POF export
Try this. Try it with other things too and let me know what it breaks.