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FreeSpace Art
Below is a low resolution .gif of a work which contains a flight of Dark's SF Gorgon near a Shivan cruiser formation.
Staff member FreeSpace Watch
sweeeeeeeeeeeet!! mate verry nice job
[email protected]
Beautiful job. I particularly like the planets in the background, though the Gorgon in the background flying towards us (lower left) is glowing a little too much compared to the rest of them. Reduce the glow radius and you'll be fine Care to make us a high-res jpg?
Griffon UK:
i *REALLY* like the bump-map type effect... gives it a real nice effect of depth...
Temporal Mechanics
I was slightly interested by the moon in the middle-ground. There's that gas-giant in the background, but that moon has so much detail I can barely tell where it belongs. Still nice though
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