Author Topic: RELEASE: Steadfast Mission Dump  (Read 47066 times)

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Offline Dysko

Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread
Shiv joined the team only yesterday. We will send him all the necessaty files as soon as we decide what files are REALLY needed (we had some problems standardizing the files... especially for tables... each member has different tables... :nervous:)
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Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread
Yeah, something that pissed us off...

SOC ships have all the same textures... I have replaced all textures named "X" with a texture "Y", mostly belonging to the Deimos. Except for the Ehreos, all reskinned SOC ships look good(expecially the Solaris and the Neptune ;) ).
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Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread
and is there any progress sins 2 months?  :D
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Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread
Of course. If there's something you should know about Steadfast... is that there are other things besides FREDding :nod:

I'm actually working for INFA, I will complete one more mission before re-starting to work on Steady :D
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Offline Dysko

Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread
The only problem is that everybody in the team has different files. There are no standard files. Result: Mobius makes missions with a set of tables, Edivad makes missions with a totally different set of tables, and I make other works with ships that are not definitive. Oh, and Shiv does not have any files at all.
This means that even if Mobius is on a FREDding spree and finishes most missions now, we will spend months scrapping and remaking all missions because they are not standardized.
Also, now I can't work due to high school exams, and then I am away until september :nervous:
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Offline asyikarea51

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Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread
Approx. 3-week break after this week (damn rushed assignments), end of first term.

Anything? :lol:

But then again I'm not sure as to what I can bring to the table. I can't even create a proper escort/escort destruction mission to save myself... I do have a super-basic understanding of FRED though, mostly sporadic FRED1 without tutorials.

Makes me wonder - how exactly do organisers do their job...

Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread
and is there any progress sins 2 months?  :D

yes, there are some progresses; eventually i contacted shiv and discussed with him about some new weapons for steadfast. as Dysko, i also have exams in 1 week time, so i'm not working with fred a lot. however, there's a good cutscene in progress on my pc, and as soon as i finish school and get mobius' tables i'll finish it.
Steadfast  Project Member



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Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread

Alright, so this is one massive necrothreadaging I've done here.

I thought it was the case to give this long gone project some justice by updating both the dedicated Wiki article and its two entries in the Unreleased Campaign List, as well as releasing the forever-WIP 50 missions from episodes 1 and 2, which I sincerely doubt can be played with modern modpacks and FSO builds (you'd basically need INFA, INFR1, the FSPort, and several dedicated tables which are now lost).

Should Dysko and Edivad have more files and/or more plot information, I'd be happy to add them.
The Lightblue Ribbon

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Offline Mito [PL]

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Re: Temporary Steadfast Discussion thread
The mission dump is now avaliable on Knossos. Nebula mod page with manual download links.
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