So purely on a whim I decided to put the two Mihos and the MediaVPs Ulysses from top to bottom in FRED.
Okay, it's not that good an excuse for bad piloting (I still couldn't shake the feeling that I got hit easier in a Mihos vs a Ulysses though), but wow you could almost fit the entire Ulysses within that U-shape gap at the front, I did not expect an entry-level fighter to be that big in size especially in comparison to the Herc3, the Claymores, Ereshkigal... and while the zod Mihos is of similar size, it still looks to be just a tiny bit bigger which makes it worse...
I also didn't expect the Banshee to be bigger than the Perseus Adv, but I suppose if it was already like that in R1, I won't care too much for that I guess.
The other thing that

me was the size of the pilot in the Mihos, wow he's tiny like it's so spacious whereas Ulysses pilot looks like he's crammed in there... OTOH the zod Mihos, while crammed, still.. seems... believable...? Pilot model sizing =\