Author Topic: Inferno: Nostos Discussion  (Read 129229 times)

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Offline Woomeister

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
Progress? We want to know the progress? Models? Missions?
Models for Act 2 are done except any texture upgrades from tilemaps. We didn't include them in the current release as some of them would be major spoilers for the Act 2 ending since 'Nemesis' isn't the last mission of the act anymore.

The Bastion and a few other ships already seen but not in the current pack will show up then.

We have the basics to go all the way to Act 4 model wise except for the Vasudan flagship, Gigas and Icanus.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2018, 11:53:41 am by Woomeister »


Offline Rampage

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
Or anyone else contributes.

R2 will be released when you become Kapitan Cina of Singapore.  :p

But in all seriousness, R2 is not our main focus right now.  The team is currently parsing through criticisms for R1 and working on patching it to make it better.  I am working on UVmapping and texturing tilemapped EA models used in R1.  Other team members are working on the missions.  Once we have made good progress, we will inform the community.



Offline Jellyfish

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
I hear they're the highest rated models on every top class catwalk in Paris. Haute couture and all that.
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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
Nah, the models in INF wouldn't be shown off on a catwalk. Nobody would care about the the clothes they're wearing.


Offline Bryan See

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
What of PBR-materials? Height maps?
Bryan See - My FreeSpace Wiki User Page (Talk, Contributions)

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
Woomeister said that most of the models up to Part 4 are done, so focus is on the missions. If they feel like upgrading ships (mostly tile mapped ones) there might be PBR things, but not all things that have been recently upgraded (such as the Skotas) have PBR maps.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2018, 08:53:32 pm by Nightmare »


Offline Bryan See

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
Just like me... I'd like FREDDING.

Anyway, any bugs? As tested on nightly builds?
Bryan See - My FreeSpace Wiki User Page (Talk, Contributions)

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
Anyway, any bugs? As tested on nightly builds?

Nah, I haven't really tested it, not even on FSO and in particular no nightly builts. I mean, I haven't FS installed for years and only used text editor to check whether all SEXPs are correct etc. Real FREDers use notepad, right? :D The 14 pages of various reports on the testing board are mostly spam anyway. ;)

Just like me... I'd like FREDDING.

Are you trying to apply???


Offline Rampage

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
The purpose of this thread is to discuss Inferno's recent release, not to troll other members.  Please take your trolling elsewhere; thank you.

And Bryan, since English is obviously not your mother tongue, I wrote you a PM in a language you can probably understand better.  谢谢。


Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
This is probably a very minor issue, but I did notice in the inf-mus table file, the victory music for the entry "Definitive" is misspelled, leading to it being skipped; unless this was intentional.

"2RVict.ogg" should be "2ndrvict.ogg"

Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
The purpose of this thread is to discuss Inferno's recent release, not to troll other members.  Please take your trolling elsewhere; thank you.

And Bryan, since English is obviously not your mother tongue, I wrote you a PM in a language you can probably understand better.  谢谢。


Bryan Sees English is fairly OK from what I've seen, he just has some ideas that seem strange or out of place sometimes. If he asks something like "do you use PBR assets" I'll awnser to the best of my knowledge, if he comes up with things like "did you tested on a recent nightly built?" (something most should testers do, and that also touches my little job there), he'll get only a semi-serious awnser. :rolleyes: I dunno, but his post could also be interpreted as "I'd like to apply", so I felt like asking. :blah:


Offline asyikarea51

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
So purely on a whim I decided to put the two Mihos and the MediaVPs Ulysses from top to bottom in FRED.

Okay, it's not that good an excuse for bad piloting (I still couldn't shake the feeling that I got hit easier in a Mihos vs a Ulysses though), but wow you could almost fit the entire Ulysses within that U-shape gap at the front, I did not expect an entry-level fighter to be that big in size especially in comparison to the Herc3, the Claymores, Ereshkigal... and while the zod Mihos is of similar size, it still looks to be just a tiny bit bigger which makes it worse...

I also didn't expect the Banshee to be bigger than the Perseus Adv, but I suppose if it was already like that in R1, I won't care too much for that I guess.

The other thing that :wtf: me was the size of the pilot in the Mihos, wow he's tiny like it's so spacious whereas Ulysses pilot looks like he's crammed in there... OTOH the zod Mihos, while crammed, still.. seems... believable...? Pilot model sizing =\ :nervous:


Offline 5thAce

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
Amazingly well done and definitely worth the wait! I can't wait to see the nemesis, it's one of my favorite capital ships ever. So a few things I've noticed, EA beams seem to be much weaker than their GTVA counterparts, is this because of Vasudan involvement in in creating GTVA beams? Also was the mission "slow moving target" based on the mission "nemesis" from the original inferno? There are a lot of similarities between the two. A suggestion I would make if possible would be to have the support ship bring your hp back to at least 50%, given that some of these mission are quite long. 


Offline starlord

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
By the way, out of curiosity, I was wondering if this thread was still relevant and if atmospheric missions were still a thing in Nostos.

If so, might it be possible to see a few of the ground models?


Offline JSRNerdo

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
There's at least one atmospheric/terrain mission in INFR2 but it won't use any exclusive ground-based assets. The EA tanks and bases were never completed and scrapped after Lepanto's departure.
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.


Offline starlord

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
I see. Pity for the ground assets though...


Offline TrashMan

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Re: Inferno: Nostos Discussion
There's a few things that scratch at the back of my head…. why is EA attacking?

If they attacked IMMEDIATLEY after contact was established (which seems to be the case) then they are retarded for attacking an enemy who's strength they do not know. At least stalling for time and talking while scouting out GTVA strenegth would make more sense. After all, Sol is just one system, the GTVA has many. Neither was there any guarantee the Vasudans would remain neutral. Basically the EA acts like biggest retards ever.
But that's just one problem. If the EA did what I said and gather info they would also find out about the Sathanas fleet….in which case any hostilities between humans become an even more retarded concept.
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