Author Topic: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1  (Read 252673 times)

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Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
I finally finished Inferno: Nostos.  I liked it, but not as much as I thought I would.  As promised, here's my review.

The Bad

I really did not like the characterization of the EA.  INFR1 had the right approach; the EA was intelligent, strategic, and a credible threat.  Even Blue Planet, for all that I disliked the hand-wringing, moralizing, and second-guessing, at least gave them a consistent philosophy and capable strategists.  Nostos just treated them like Nazis in Space.  And not even believable Nazis, but one-dimensional cardboard strawmen that didn't even rise to the level of mustache-twirling.

The campaign really should have been shorter than it was, or at least paced better than it was.  The early missions felt like doing the same thing over and over, and there were at least three places where the story finally felt like it was going somewhere only for the rug to be pulled out from under you.  Dangling a payoff and then yanking it away, repeatedly, quickly gets tiresome.  And there were too many missions focused on fleet movements that didn't really interest me.  INFR1 did a better job of pacing, both at a mission level and a story level.  Derelict is an example of a campaign that also does a better job even though it has many more missions.

Balance was inconsistent and often frustrating.  Several missions were not only too hard, but ridiculously over-the-top hard, to the extent that I wondered if I may have missed an important game mechanic that would have made them easier.  And a couple missions really deserved checkpoints but didn't have them.  I found myself cheating through missions more often than I would have liked, especially in the middle third of the campaign.  There were also a few mission bugs that were annoying, but not necessarily major.  (The most egregious was the failure to remove the player self-destruct in "The Storm Breaks", long after the relevant event had completed.)

The military jargon was irritating; it was overused and tended to detract from the overall conversation flow.  I've criticized its use in the past; if I find that post I'll link to it here.

The treatment of Karpinsky was too overwrought and not handled as well as the similar subplot in INFR1.

The amount of ships and graphics required me to crank down my detail settings to avoid occasional lag, and I was playing on a fairly well-equipped machine.

Goober, could you elaborate on something?  Could you explain how, story-wise, you felt the EA in Nostos was worse than R1?

To me they both seemed to have that expansionistic/nationalistic/space Nazi vibe.  The major difference to me was that Nostos at least tried to flesh out the characters of Admirals Spiros and Falon a bit.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Do the EA have stealth fighters?

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
There are a couple pics of an untextured EA stealth fighter on ModDB.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
It would also be cool to see who the EA's best squadron was and how they'd match up with the GTVA's.  Blue Lions vs...

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Durch wing!


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Do the EA have stealth fighters?
Siope-class. Actually Esarai's Kvasir, but new model is being prepared.
It would also be cool to see who the EA's best squadron was and how they'd match up with the GTVA's.  Blue Lions vs...
...Helion Agema
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Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Do the EA have stealth fighters?
Siope-class. Actually Esarai's Kvasir, but new model is being prepared.
It would also be cool to see who the EA's best squadron was and how they'd match up with the GTVA's.  Blue Lions vs...
...Helion Agema

Being the elite of the elite in the EA, are the Helion Agema stationed on the Nemesis?


Offline neoterran

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Hey I just installed windows boot camp on my mac and after much work and crap with windows and antivirus I got knossos working and played Inferno Nostos.

Inferno (R2) was always one of my favorite mods and it looks fantastic in this version, awesome ! Cant' wait to play it through.

Have not played Freespace properly since 2006

I also got Star Citizen installed and playable but I didn't find it as much fun as Freespace for quick space combat action :)
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Offline Jouzin

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
May I ask you guys ?  VOice audio for briefings should be there or there are no voice audio at all ? 
Cause I saw some youtube video where one guy was playing this ne Inferno Nostos and he had those voice in briefings and een in the game at the start of mission. 

For me I have nothing.  No voice at all.


Offline JSRNerdo

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
May I ask you guys ?  VOice audio for briefings should be there or there are no voice audio at all ? 
Cause I saw some youtube video where one guy was playing this ne Inferno Nostos and he had those voice in briefings and een in the game at the start of mission. 

For me I have nothing.  No voice at all.

There is no voice acting in Inferno Nostos act 1. Any voice acting you hear will be computer-generated text to speech.
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
You need to make sure that Text to speech is enabled in your launcher.

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
is there a approximate date on act 2? i really liked act 1. can u make a mission with tons of juggernauts fighting each other?


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
is there a approximate date on act 2? i really liked act 1. can u make a mission with tons of juggernauts fighting each other?
Release date is "when it's done" :P. Actually we're heading towards different direction, with more detailed plot and not exaggerated space battles, but don't worry if you like action. This is Inferno. We were always about flashy battles, sheer amount of action, tons beams etc. and Inferno will keep their fignature features intact. We just want some depth to our campaign.
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Offline Goober5000

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
@slayer tier, check out The Scroll of Atankharzim.  We were inspired by Inferno's style of big battles, and there are several missions - including the grand finale - that should provide what you want. :)


Offline Nyctaeus

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
@slayer tier, check out The Scroll of Atankharzim.  We were inspired by Inferno's style of big battles, and there are several missions - including the grand finale - that should provide what you want. :)
:yes: :yes: :yes:
Exile | Shadow Genesis | Inferno | Series Resurrecta  | DA Profile | P3D Profile

Proud owner of NyctiShipyards. Remember - Nyx will fix it!

All of my assets including models, textures, skyboxes, effects may be used under standard CC BY-NC 4.0 license.

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
So ive now played Act 1 completely. It was a pleasure and im looking forward for an Act 2 or more.

Thnx for the great work.