Author Topic: RELEASE: Inferno R2  (Read 69116 times)

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Offline Trivial Psychic

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I just finished playing through Tobruk, and encountered some bugs, both minor and major.  I swapped out my Vulcans for Disruptors, for one.  Then when the transport tried to dock with that derelict corvette, I disabled rather than destroyed it, disarmed it, and left it alone.  Then, later on after all of the action was over with, I went back and finished it off, prompting both the 'lets get over to the station' messages and and the directive.  You might want to nullify these if all the action is over.  Also, after disabling the transport, and before closing on the station to trigger the attack sequence, I bypassed it and attacked the enemy capital ships.  I disarmed, disabled, and destroyed the flak cruiser, prompting the 'lets press on to the corvette' message to be played.  Then I moved in the corvette and knocked out all its weapons and engines.  I should note, that while the cruiser opened fire on me, the corvette didn't.  Then I returned to the station and triggered the attack sequence.  After the main action was done, there was the 'knock out the beams on the corvette' message, and what's supposed to be the corvette and cruiser's advance on the station.  Unfortunately, with the cruiser destroyed, and the corvette disabled, it was impossible for the mission to proceed.  I then restarted the mission, and did everything the same, except I only knocked out one of the corvette's engines.  I'd hoped to wait until it got within weapons range of the station before disabling it completely, so the station's heavy guns could do what my meager Proms couldn't, but alas it jumped away before that could happen.  Also, once all enemies (except that one disabled transport) were destroyed, the derelict corvette jumped away for some reason, and furthermore, it didn't show up in the event log as having departed.  With no-one aboard, it shouldn't be able to retreat.

So, I'd suggest tightening up the messages regarding the transport, so they don't trigger if the action is over.  Second, you may want to add a second trigger to the attack sequence, should the player get too close to the enemy capital ships.  I'd also suggest leaving at least the corvette's defensive turrets active to begin with, and using a guardian-threshold on its engines so they can't be knocked out... assuming there's no contingency in the mission for its destruction.  Lastly, find out what's triggering that derelict corvette to depart.

The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline qweqwe321

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Thanks. Passed it on to the rest of the team.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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  • Snoop Junkie
I just finished 'The Enemy of My Enemy', and encountered an end-of-mission bug.  Although the directive appears to jump out at the end, I am unable to manually activate my subspace drive.  It only activates after I get the message from Command to not be a hero.  Unfortunately, the delay it creates, allows the Shivans to get into firing range and open up.  Now, I see that there's some kind of 'invulnerable' status initiated for Alpha 1, so the Shivan weapons won't destroy you, but the buffeting their weapons generate, interfere with the jump.  I was worried I'd have to play the mission for a 3rd time and get myself as far away from the engagement site as possible (first time I tried charging the nearby Ravana to disarm it, and got caught up in the fighter swarm, and got disabled before the 'invulnerable' thing kicked in), until for some reason, they released me from their guns and I was able to jump away safely.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
Wow, so much waiting that I actually missed the R2 release.

Now I gotta reinstall, FS2, setup Knossos and try to run the mod.

I wonder if there is still some muscle memory in me after so many years.


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
Hmm, installation and setup was swift and easy overall.

However, I noticed one single issue - Seem like in my game and in FRED, GTI Ishtar is missing most of textures - no other ship or installation seems to have this issue, only Ishtar.

Any idea how to fix it?


Offline qweqwe321

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Hmm, installation and setup was swift and easy overall.

However, I noticed one single issue - Seem like in my game and in FRED, GTI Ishtar is missing most of textures - no other ship or installation seems to have this issue, only Ishtar.

Any idea how to fix it?

Download the MVP compatibility package.


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
Download the MVP compatibility package.

Stupid question on my side, since I haven't used Knossos since R1 release a couple years ago - How do I download it?

I don't see in in "Explore" section of Knossos :(


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
Is it under Freespace Upgrade MediaVPs > Modify > (scrolling down to bottom) MVCompactibility ?

Edit: It is it! Downloading it fixed missing textures on GTI Ishtar, wonder why it wasn't downloaded or set as dependent for Inferno.

Anyway - thanks for quick response qweqwe321 - now I'll have a nice week with Inferno  :v-old: :) :v:
« Last Edit: January 05, 2025, 01:17:28 pm by mr.WHO »


Offline Dan1

  • 27
Going through it now.   Very fun so far.   Did encounter one issue that affected gameplay to me.

Mission: Clash of the Titans III

For some reason my targeting window is blank for the 2nd and 3rd checkpoint.    I had to exit and restart the mission and jump to checkpoint so I had it back.   

Guessing it has to do with the interference from the first part of the mission but it doesn't seem to clear up unless exiting and restarting the mission.
Cause what you got is what we need and all we do is dirty deeds!
-Best FS Campaign Theme Ever


Offline qweqwe321

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Going through it now.   Very fun so far.   Did encounter one issue that affected gameplay to me.

Mission: Clash of the Titans III

For some reason my targeting window is blank for the 2nd and 3rd checkpoint.    I had to exit and restart the mission and jump to checkpoint so I had it back.   

Guessing it has to do with the interference from the first part of the mission but it doesn't seem to clear up unless exiting and restarting the mission.

Can you give me a screenshot?


Offline Dan1

  • 27
Going through it now.   Very fun so far.   Did encounter one issue that affected gameplay to me.

Mission: Clash of the Titans III

For some reason my targeting window is blank for the 2nd and 3rd checkpoint.    I had to exit and restart the mission and jump to checkpoint so I had it back.   

Guessing it has to do with the interference from the first part of the mission but it doesn't seem to clear up unless exiting and restarting the mission.

Can you give me a screenshot?

I went back to try through the tech menu with the mission individually and started from the beginning.   Then every time I would jump out from part 1 to part 2 (or if I started part 2 to part 3 of the mission)  it would give me these errors.   I dunno if this is something on me or not, didn't get this when going through the campaign earlier though.

Could not find index 'Name' in type 'object'


stack traceback:
   [C]: ?
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:162: in function 'DoStage2'
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:107: in function 'Monitor'
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Frame"]:303: in main chunk

1: Userdata [object]
2: String [Name]

LUA ERROR: [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:167: attempt to index field 'Class' (a nil value)


stack traceback:
   [C]: ?
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:167: in function 'DoStage2'
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:107: in function 'Monitor'
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Frame"]:303: in main chunk


Went back and verified all files as well, still same messages when going individually from tech room.  Haven't replayed the campaign to see if this happens when going straight through.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2025, 08:54:10 pm by Dan1 »
Cause what you got is what we need and all we do is dirty deeds!
-Best FS Campaign Theme Ever


Offline qweqwe321

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Going through it now.   Very fun so far.   Did encounter one issue that affected gameplay to me.

Mission: Clash of the Titans III

For some reason my targeting window is blank for the 2nd and 3rd checkpoint.    I had to exit and restart the mission and jump to checkpoint so I had it back.   

Guessing it has to do with the interference from the first part of the mission but it doesn't seem to clear up unless exiting and restarting the mission.

Can you give me a screenshot?

I went back to try through the tech menu with the mission individually and started from the beginning.   Then every time I would jump out from part 1 to part 2 (or if I started part 2 to part 3 of the mission)  it would give me these errors.   I dunno if this is something on me or not, didn't get this when going through the campaign earlier though.

Could not find index 'Name' in type 'object'


stack traceback:
   [C]: ?
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:162: in function 'DoStage2'
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:107: in function 'Monitor'
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Frame"]:303: in main chunk

1: Userdata [object]
2: String [Name]

LUA ERROR: [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:167: attempt to index field 'Class' (a nil value)


stack traceback:
   [C]: ?
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:167: in function 'DoStage2'
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]:107: in function 'Monitor'
   [string "imjump-sct.tbm - On Frame"]:303: in main chunk


Went back and verified all files as well, still same messages when going individually from tech room.  Haven't replayed the campaign to see if this happens when going straight through.

Thanks for reporting this. Looks like a bug with the script. We're having a look.

Been loving the campaign so far! I have been receiving multiple crashes on Tobruk. Usually just seems to happen randomly during dogfights, not sure what's going on there.


Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
I would recommend making sure your video drivers are up to date.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline qweqwe321

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Been loving the campaign so far! I have been receiving multiple crashes on Tobruk. Usually just seems to happen randomly during dogfights, not sure what's going on there.

I think we caught the big issue with Tobruk.  We're releasing a patch in a week and a half that should fix the stability issues with Tobruk.


Offline mr.WHO

  • 29
Having crashes during mass fighter/bomber fights during Tobruk as well.

Looking forward to patch.

Edit: The crash seems to happen after you arrive at the station (post destroying EA transport and 6 fighters) and around less than a minute after Falon launch first fighter/bomber wave (in the middle of dogfight).
« Last Edit: January 10, 2025, 01:54:34 pm by mr.WHO »


Offline qweqwe321

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Having crashes during mass fighter/bomber fights during Tobruk as well.

Looking forward to patch.

Edit: The crash seems to happen after you arrive at the station (post destroying EA transport and 6 fighters) and around less than a minute after Falon launch first fighter/bomber wave (in the middle of dogfight).

That's the crash, all right.  It'll be fixed in the patch we release next weekend.


Offline Trivial Psychic

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  • Snoop Junkie
My Inferno install just got trashed.  I'd been playing last week, and today decided to play the mission against the Vindyahar (or however the new Diablo is spelt) but to my surprise, the Inferno splash screen is replaced with a generic 'Freespace Open Engine' one, and I've got the FS2 mainhall, and when I go to the campaign screen, the only one available is the FS2 main campaign.  This is most likely a KNet issue of some kind, but I've tried other mods in my install and this is the only one that behaves like it doesn't exist.  I tried to verify my install, and I get no warnings.  The only mod I've tried that gets me even remotely close to the same result, is S:AH, which also gives me the generic splash screen, but goes to the right mainhall and the rest.
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!


Offline qweqwe321

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Ugh, that's really annoying.  I think it's a Knossos issue - not sure why it barfs like that, but I'd try a clean reinstall.


Offline Trivial Psychic

  • 212
  • Snoop Junkie
Re-downloading a clean Inferno install ATM.  Hopefully my pilot's progress will be retained.

[Edit] The clean install seems to have worked, and I didn't lose my progress.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2025, 06:47:53 pm by Trivial Psychic »
The Trivial Psychic Strikes Again!