General FreeSpace > FreeSpace & FreeSpace Open Support
Problems with FS1 Port
First, doing the tutorial to refresh my memory, noticed that my ship does not have guns, thus unable to complete mission.
so when I skip through all of the tutorial missions, I get this:
Error: Invalid weapon name.
In sexpression: ( when
( true )
( good-secondary-time
(Error appears to be: Cyclops)
Line: 5798
[This filename points to the location of a file on the computer that built this executable]
Call stack:
Have you chosen the FS1 Main Campaign in the campaign selection screen? There shouldn't be the Belisarius or Cyclops bombs in FS1...
--- Quote from: Darth DySkO on May 29, 2007, 09:22:41 am ---Have you chosen the FS1 Main Campaign in the campaign selection screen? There shouldn't be the Belisarius or Cyclops bombs in FS1...
--- End quote ---
oooooh, that was my mistake.
Okay, this is going under the "Common Problems" section of the FSPort 3.1 readme. :)
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