Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Blue Planet

Two questions

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There's only been very limited discussion about me going and using elevenlabs (the software used for Solaris's VA) to voice the unvoiced Tenebra. It's definitely possible if I put a bit of time to it. It's on the backburner if an opportunity comes up and I finish my current project (Solaris act 3).

Renegade Paladin:
I am 100% down to voice parts in Blue Planet and related projects at any time. 

I'm pretty sure there'll be a callout for volunteers before resorting to AI :yes: It would be cruel to deny the community the chance to contribute to something like this.

There's a part of me that'd really just like to know the story and the answers. The Morrigan short stories are fantastic and do provide a lot of info, but I do fear the day the story just kind of... vanishes.

Colonol Dekker:

--- Quote from: Renegade Paladin on September 04, 2023, 03:03:04 am ---I am 100% down to voice parts in Blue Planet and related projects at any time. 

--- End quote ---

I'm beginning to wonder if there are any mods i've not voiced


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