Author Topic: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO  (Read 192649 times)

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Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
It seems like the problem was actually the camera and not the position of ships. It seems that depending on what action I was doing with my craft before the camera manipulation kicked in caused the orientation of the camera to change. Using reset-camera immediately before doing any camera manipulation seems to have solved the problem.

Edit: nevermind, the camera is still occasionally not obeying me when I have to focus on specific positions. I can't even begin to imagine what is going on, it just does not seem to like set-camera-facing and decides to have it face at the wrong position randomly with no consistent pattern. Maybe I'll try using set-camera-target instead.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2020, 11:07:06 pm by UndyingNephalim »


Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Another random question, is there a way to add new icons to the icons.tbl file for mission briefings? Also is there a way to have full colored icons instead of being stuck with the black and white colors?


Offline 0rph3u5

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
UndyingNephalim: Sorry.... I accidentally edited this post instead of posting a new one and can't get back the original text. I managed to read it and get the links before I accidentally edited the post though.

0rph3u5: No Problem. Here is the gist for everyone else:

Briefing icons on a ship to ship basis via ships.tbl:

Briefing icons are coloured using the default colours from iff_defs.tbl:
« Last Edit: June 16, 2020, 08:00:36 pm by 0rph3u5 »
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Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Are there certain settings that a briefing icon's ani file needs to have? Mine are showing up completely blank regardless if I used Command Briefing settings or Ship/Weapon Animation Settings. The ani files show up fine if I set them as a weapon icon in the loadout screen, they just wont show up in the Briefing. I presume each frame can only have greyscale color?

Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
You probably need to specify a keyframe in the .eff ( )


Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
You probably need to specify a keyframe in the .eff ( )
Adding a keyframe doesnt seem to work. I did try making it an APNG and that did work however. I have no idea why ani's and eff's are showing up blank, but I prefer using APNGs anyway.

Next question, is there a way to get the debriefing screen into a defeat state after using end-mission? It seems like anytime I use end-mission to end the mission, it always plays victory music and lets me progress to the next level.

Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
You probably need to specify a keyframe in the .eff ( )
Adding a keyframe doesnt seem to work.

Hmm. That's strange. Haven't tested it myself though.

It seems like anytime I use end-mission to end the mission, it always plays victory music and lets me progress to the next level.

That sounds like an issue with the campaign file (playing the right music should happen automatical AFAIK). I'm not sure if relying on the event that contains the "end-mission" SEXP itself is good, often the event that ends the mission is ignored (which is why "has-departed-delay Alpha1" does not work as condition in a Debriefing to detect whether the player has departed).


Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Hmm. That's strange. Haven't tested it myself though.

Looks like I spoke too soon. The briefing icons show up just fine in FRED2, but when I fire up the mission in-game the briefing icons are all invisible again.  :banghead:


Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Nevermind, they DO work. The problem was apparently the filenames were too long. Shortening the names solved the problem. One last question about Briefing icons though, are they supposed to be off center? Regardless if they are or not, is there a way to center the icons under the text?


Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
I ended up figuring it out. I also found my way to the HLP discord.

Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Wants. to. play. so. bad.

Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO


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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Awesome! I'll definitely be watching this.  :yes:
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Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Is there any way to get an animated mp4 file to play as the background of the main menu? The APNG file I am using is 2.5 GB in size and way too huge... and it doesnt even seem like the mainhall can play apngs to begin with. The mp4 file is only 25MB and the engine already seems to be able to play them as cinematics, but the mainhall doesnt seem to be able to read them at all.

Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Hello! Pretty new here. I have a habit of brainstorming and overthinking, so I wanted to drop some character suggestions here. Love the work.

So, yeah. Brainstorming new characters...

A lemur who was an original member of StarWolf before being replaced by Andrew. His craft would be based on Wolf's original five-winged craft from StarFox 2.

A small, amiable robot, oftentimes being deployed with the Gyrowing or in the Roadmaster, his own little armored ATV.

The original protagonist of Dinosaur Planet before the game was basically bootlegged into StarFox: Adventures. In Dinosaur Planet, Sabre was Randorn's biological son while Krystal was adopted. Assuming that the SF:EH version of Randorn is Krystal's biological father, I guess Sabre would be the adopted one.

Starlink Initiative
Led by Mason Rana, the members of Starlink are the first humans (plus some other nonhuman recruits) to encounter inhabitants of Lylat during an expedition to the Atlas System. Strangely enough, one of their members, Judge, is a conglomeration of microorganisms called "Swarm" composing one sentient mind. Given the ability of Swarm to take control of machines (namely the ancient robotic Legion), there may be a genetic link between them and the Aparoids. Making things even stranger, the biggest mystery that Starlink studies is that of the ancient Wardens, an imperialistic species that made use of a robotic army called "Legion" before they mysteriously vanished. It's possible that the Wardens have a deep-rooted and sinister connection to the transdimensional Krazoa.


Offline UndyingNephalim

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
Tah Dah, I have a new release with some campaign missions all ready:

More Tah Dah to watch while it downloads:


Offline starlord

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
This is nothing short of awesome


Offline Novachen

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
I think i should download it, before Nintendo's lawyers are coming with their DCMA-Hammer.  :D
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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO

Finally, a new release, that's the kind of christmas present I like~

I think i should download it, before Nintendo's lawyers are coming with their DCMA-Hammer.  :D

Well this has existed for years, like, half a decade (and even longer if you include SoL); unless you report it to them nobody will ever bother to do that.


Offline Novachen

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Re: Star Fox: Event Horizon for FSO
I think i should download it, before Nintendo's lawyers are coming with their DCMA-Hammer.  :D

Well this has existed for years, like, half a decade (and even longer if you include SoL); unless you report it to them nobody will ever bother to do that.

Well... the same was with AM2R.

Nintendo took it down only after its full release.
Female FreeSpace 2 pilot since 1999.
Former Global moderator in the German FreeSpace Galaxy Forum.
Developer of NTP - A Multi-Language Translation Library Interface, which allows to play FreeSpace in YOUR Language.

Is one of my releases broken or not working? Please send a PM here, on Discord at @novachen or on Twitter @NovachenFS2, a public tweet or write a reply in my own release threads here on HLP, because these are the only threads i am still participating in.