Off-Topic Discussion > Gaming Discussion
Top Five Recent Games
Hmm, here's the games I've played most recently, in no particular order:
1: Super Smash Brothers Melee (It's nice having buddies who never get tired of playing this.)
2: Kingdom Hearts 1 (Never played it before, so borrowed from a friend.)
3: Descent 2 (Multiplayer fun!)
4: Freespace Open (Voice Acted Derelict FTW!)
Oh god, I feel sick all of a sudden. I really shouldn't be playing KH until 5am...
--- Quote from: Ransom Arceihn on July 30, 2006, 08:01:28 pm ---Cho Ren Sha
Call of Cthulhu
Shadow of the Colossus
Something I can't remember
Dreamfall depresses me. It failed as a sequel in nearly every possible way.
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it definitely could've gotten by without the 'fighting' in it, it was -really- unneccessary
Colonol Dekker:
On a paralell not, my fave 5 old school games (pre secondary school)
I started secondary (high school for the yanks i guess?) in 1993
Asteroids on Atari 7800
Contra III
Sonic 2 on mega drive
Megaman nes series
Zelda - Link to the past.
--- Quote from: Ransom Arceihn on July 30, 2006, 08:01:28 pm ---Call of Cthulhu
--- End quote ---
Any how many times did you die doing the hotel escape? :eek:
Four or five times, at least. It's a brilliant sequence.
I really should get around to finishing it. I kind of lost interest once Jack finally gets his hands on a weapon -- the game seems to lose something when you're no longer completely defenseless.
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