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Battlefield 2142

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I have no intention of buying BF2142 anyways, but I can't help but think they'll be a lot of jetpack bunnyhopping popping up...

Oh, yeah, while most of the problem is on the developer's hands, there are some definite issues with the community. Again, the BF1942 [and subsequent DC & FH communities] were just a hell of a lot nicer than what i've seen in BF2. In previous titles, having someone on your own team shoot you in the back to get an aircraft of vehical was a problem you usually only heard about, now it's happening in your server, on your team, and to you. The crappy community'll most likely leapfrog over to 2142, so there is no doubt in my mind that you'll be shot in the back for even straying near one of those fancy Mechs.

Nothing destroys online games more than shoddy development and ****ing kids.

Isn't that the truth... although I have to admit I'm guilty of "vengence" killings myself. What do I mean by that? I mean I'll TK someone who TKs me.

I know it's not the ideal approach, and the best way is to stay the hell away from them and play on, but sometimes it's easy to get too antagonised and just want to vent some frustration on the useless SOB that just shot you in the back for a plane.

I find a more effective manner of vengeance is to simply wound them or damage their vehical greatly, thereby sabotaging their ability to fight effectively, and possibly enticing them to shoot you, which would quickly be followed by a second ptk and rightly-deserve kicking. :)


--- Quote from: Mefustae on August 01, 2006, 05:41:42 am ---In previous titles, having someone on your own team shoot you in the back to get an aircraft of vehical was a problem you usually only heard about, now it's happening in your server, on your team, and to you. The crappy community'll most likely leapfrog over to 2142, so there is no doubt in my mind that you'll be shot in the back for even straying near one of those fancy Mechs.

Nothing destroys online games more than shoddy development and ****ing kids.

--- End quote ---

Well, I agree in that statements. But since I discover and played the Project Reality Mini Mod, the f***ing kids aren't there. There is no heavy vehicules, no aircrafts. I play and continue to play it but just Project Reality. Project Reality have there own ranked server but unfortunately you can't unlock new set of weapons. In another hand, the PRMM is only at the version 0.31 but at least, there is no teamkiller.
There is also a great Teamplay in Project Reality (with VoIP or not).

So, if you want to play BF 2 without to be piss off by stupid guys, just put PRMM. You won't regret it after you try it.

About BF 2142, I will buy it for the only reason there is a new mode (Titan) and there are a several Meccha. Otherwise, I'll take it for the Star Wars mods (FirstStrike).


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