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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
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Offline General Battuta

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
So i have just played the campaign and i loooooooooooooooooooove Inferno, I just have a few issues and its mainly in the Ross128 missions. first of there is no star field in any of the missions set in Ross128, is that intentional? , also the time between ingame messages seemed very short, a lot of the chatter seems to take place during heavy action and pressing F4 during combat to read the messages, throws you off and found myself dying a number of times trying to read them . The worst is in a certain encounter within the Ross128 where you are spammed with ingame messages in such a short space of time i had no idea what was going on and reading them in by pressing F4 is looks like some of them are displaying out of order.

I do love Inferno, its a good fun romp with an awesome soundtrack. It just needs the times between the messages fixed so you can read them

Seconded, these really need to be fixed. I should probably just do it myself but I've been on deadline. Fix the dialogue timing!

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Quote from: General Battuta link=topic=94800.msg1869763#msg18697637
Seconded, these really need to be fixed. I should probably just do it myself but I've been on deadline. Fix the dialogue timing!

Yep but for the Species.tbl it's already past deadline. :D


Offline General Battuta

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
What? There's no reason the species.tbl can't be patched in, and the deadline has nothing to do with Inferno, it's for my real life writing.


Offline JSRNerdo

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1

Seconded, these really need to be fixed. I should probably just do it myself but I've been on deadline. Fix the dialogue timing!

It would help if I knew which messages in particular were errenous!
Former Inferno lead, BTA fredder-ish and DE fredder. Driven out by ordinary fascists the_e, aesaar and general battuta. Will return if they're ever removed.

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
What? There's no reason the species.tbl can't be patched in, and the deadline has nothing to do with Inferno, it's for my real life writing.

Yeah I know that. :cool:


Offline mr.WHO

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
One thing I noticed during campaign is general lack of static nodes blockade - does things like Lindos (and anything from Shivans) forced a doctrine change? I mean sitting near the jump node is an ideal target for beam alpha strike.

...but then why GTA put a destroyer in the last mission? A corvette or two would be better strategic choice especially if this was just makeshift "recon defense" rather than definitive stand.

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
One thing I noticed during campaign is general lack of static nodes blockade - does things like Lindos (and anything from Shivans) forced a doctrine change? I mean sitting near the jump node is an ideal target for beam alpha strike.

...but then why GTA put a destroyer in the last mission? A corvette or two would be better strategic choice especially if this was just makeshift "recon defense" rather than definitive stand.

Well the Lindos has only forward firepower, while the targets would be sitting all around the node, possibly even behind the entry point, so that wouldn't help much. But EA has tons of fighters and bombers (think of all the carriers) to throw at GTVA, so they could soften a node blockade.

Don't know about the last mission, though...


Offline asyikarea51

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Is this the right place to put this?


Medium - (When I tried Very Easy it felt weird not seeing anti-ship beams fire in the first mission even though I was almost parked in front of the muzzle. Though I realise I'm probably not even capable of this skill level  :banghead:)

Current progress: not even halfway.
Finished Slow Moving Target

  • Is there a way I can increase the HUD scaling? 3840x2160 the radar is cut off to the bottom, 2560x1440 everything fits but is very small. The speech at the top left is hard to see too (my display is big enough that I have to turn my head/increase brightness/use F4 a lot).
  • Vulcan lags my game. OP gun which proves useful, but it reminds me of the BP Balor where suddenly the rest of the gun inventory seems almost pointless. At least once or twice I was left wondering if I should have just spammed this gun blindly like an idiot instead of trying things like dual-Prom and Hurricane (aww, it's not the uber-awesome super-fast direct-fire rocket artillery weapon like it was in R1 now? :D) and alternate ship choice as part of a blind playthrough. (like the Zeus attempt on Forced Entry years ago IIRC LOL)

    I can see the difficulty in balancing this type of weapon though. The last time I put a Gatling on something it was way too powerful and I didn't even spend that much time balancing it like the Vulcan has been balanced here.

my nitpicks:
  • Hmm, I hear
    TV/F3/HB stuff, I can almost hear the TV main menu theme in my head now...
    and where does the railgun come from, I know the sound came from somewhere but I forgot where...
  • Not really liking the updated EA fighter designs except maybe Aetna, Peregrine, Stentor (and even then I wasn't fond of the blue spam on some of these as well either tbh). IMO I preferred the design elements of the basic Claymore trio in the 2011 dump even if the models weren't that great (sharper noses like say a modern 5th gen fighter). Neutral on the Alves nose change. Some of the other fighters look great though (Herc3, Mihos, that modified Ezec-k-whatsitsname-looking thing). Also I think I prefer the R1 Phobos more than this one, but then it would be tricky to ID it vs. a Deimos... but then again there's the whole Cain/Lilith thing...
  • Standardising sounds, the Cyclops II fire sound sounds too old-school when compared to the other stuff
  • 'There was nothing you could do to (so-and-so); Neutral on this one

my gameplay experience:
  • The parrot speeches of the EA in this release remind me of a certain isolated place. Also somewhat feels like shoehorning some of the BP story-heavy style in. I mean, I'm okay with story, it gives purpose but yet at the same time I felt weird-ded out. Maybe it's just me, so Neutral on this. Not sure if I miss R1's EA now, see how later releases go, I suppose.
  • Now I see the pain of EA ship hulls making beam defang strikes a chore. and damn those shotgun weapons HURT when you overshoot the the spot where you can still hit the beam with Hurricanes! (Yeah I kept avoiding Stilettos for some reason). I don't think the Cyclops swarm behaviour helps much in dodging turret shots.
  • Either half or more than half of the few missions I played so far, I just skipped after the 5th try. I guess I'm just not used to near-rote memorisation cluster****s even though this isn't as bad as BP's cluster****. Maybe I'm just completely rusty, or I keep targeting things I didn't want to target. Lost too many split-second times between events.
  • Adv. Perseus boost is god slow (for balance reasons I suppose)...
  • Mihos really sucks, :lol: the first mission I already get killed 5 times. Feels like Ulysses weaknesses magnified for some reason :doubt:
  • Spoiler:
    Shell Game: For some reason there was an enemy bomber (I think) that was 200,000m away and whenever the next set of targets spawn in, I get distracted by the targeting (though I went through the focus loss across virtually all missions)
  • Spoiler:
    Excommunication: Is this even doable in a Boanerges on Medium? After killing the Array 2 subsystem I always get killed by fighters or a random station gun while trying to boost to the other side. While still wondering whether my wingmen managed to at least defang or shut down the 2 EA big ships in the area, or were they getting cucked by EA fighters still. I basically 5-tried gave up this one. I'm not sure if I should have taken Arbalest and a proper gun instead of SD-14 and Cyclops though... but I would expect the outcome to be the same i.e. me dying, regardless of whether I took a fighter or the Artemis instead.
  • Spoiler:
    Tobruk - wait, there were Mjolnir's in the mission? Ok nevermind they died without me noticing so all I did was shoot whatever was in front. Then the sudden twist about the Phobosjack and somehow I'm shooting the Actium instead even though the IFF is plainly green. I think almost every fleeing transport died to bombers anyway but I did complete the refugee convoy objective -__-||

    Dude you something Chinese or Japanese or something something named freighter you said something about 'PLZ HALP US' but then I saw a Peregrine wing blow up another freighter instead and by the time I turned around I couldn't find you... you probably died anyway  :banghead:
  • Spoiler:
    Slow moving target - IMO this probably would have pissed many off without the checkpoint save? I gave up the traditionalist idea of restarting from the start after my 1st death and skipped it by 5th death.
    Also one of the messages from Command about clearing up McKinnon's action of being the decoy so that the Ramayana could get through the node still triggers even after the Renown is dead.
    Also, to defang the Empress with Herc3+all Stil3 secondaries, at the expense of the Renown falling to bombers and Vindicator alpha strike because of the distance? But taking the Perseus would leave me irked at the AB regen and lack of missile firepower. Choices, choices...
  • Spoiler:
    (Naming scheme?) Is that dual-fighterbayed Orion a shoutout to Derelict? Looking back even at R1 when the tech entry says the Tereus is based on the Orion, yet it looks so different...
    like IMO that Anchorage(?) model that resembles that node-jumping GTVA supercapital in R1 even though those 2 ships look almost nothing like each other.
    • Spoiler:
      While still on that ship, just who-was-that-what-admiral name of that ship what sotkos sopkos or something who what that got mentioned out of nowhere, why should I care, apart from just being another unkillable asshole with a FOR GLORIOUS TRAITOROUS SIDE-DAH-KICK-UUU GARUFUURENDO (sidekick girlfriend) (Omg I sound like the propaganda parroter for said isolated place now) who tries to flee to a node with a 1% Hermes with surgical tracker removal?

      I actually went for the Hermes after 2nd death only to die to a random Claymore, just as 3 EA big ships jumped in at the node LOL :lol:

      TL;DR - the mention of this EA admiral character's name just felt very sudden to me).

Somehow it feels like what I've played so far, it's either a cluster**** (omg my brain - but the last BP release I played way back is even more chaotic than this - I'll just chalk it to not being able to keep up) or (almost) self-playing (not complaining on this, because even in those missions like the one with the
triple missile corvette ambush
I would boost to within striking distance of big ship, and then think 'oh ****, should I just go fighters instead' even though my ship choice was something slow or imperfect for the target type  :banghead:

I do have more thoughts on the missions as well which I just don't remember right now beyond killing the next opponent in front of my nose... because everything was a lost-focus cluster****  :lol:

In my opinion, for this type of intense action to be workable without the player losing focus and falling back to shooting random **** and then helter-skeltering it to a hangar, there needs to be voice acting... (though I still fear trying a Forced Entry-style mission even with that AND even with the message box moved closer to the HUD centre)...

 :yes: on this release regardless. Just take it as me having difficulty keeping up with these modern campaigns where top-end SA (situational awareness) is required even at basic levels of play I suppose, I'm pretty much at the mercy of the FREDder in setting the AI goal priorities right since micro-ing the deployed strike package is always a chore...


Offline mr.WHO

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
If you got back to Freespace after some long break (like me) you will feel that Mihos sux very badly for first missions.
In my second playgthough, when I got my reflex more or less back (aka sniping Dragons with hastor like it's tuesday) I found out that Mihos is...ok.
Still don't find it any improvement over Myrmidon - unless Mihos is significantly cheaper than Myrmidon then I don't know what GTA command was thinking.

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
The Mihos turns almost twice as quickly as the Myrmidon(it's even slightly faster than the Serapis!), it's faster, and it's technically got a bit more health, but it's overall more fragile because it has 90 less shields.
It's a much smaller target and a far better dogfighter if you put in the effort to get good with it.

But as we all know the Myrm is total **** so it's not much of an achievement to be better than that.
[19:31] <MatthTheGeek> you all high up on your mointain looking down at everyone who doesn't beam everything on insane blindfolded


Offline General Battuta

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Dude turn your difficulty down


Offline asyikarea51

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Think I'm 2 or 3 missions after the second spoiler at this point, partly frustrated I can't quickly finish this and go do something else. Still a blast playing this either way.

Is the Mihos bigger than the Ulysses? I didn't think too much of the size but somehow it felt that way (in terms of getting hit by random **** against faster opponents - if 85 wasn't already fast enough, but then I was already  :banghead: on the poor Perseus A/B at 140m/s...)

Nah I can't snipe Dragons, for all my like of the Loki/Kayser/Maxim... maxim, my aim against 3-axis targets is piss-poor.

I haven't played new campaigns in forever but it's a certain vibe of rote learning I've noticed, the moment something jumps in you must defang it immediately. It's not wrong of course (e.g. like FS2 on Insane which I'm no way capable enough for, and stock FS2 already has missions that put emphasis on this method as the must-know absolute basics) but I guess maybe other players have it ingrained more than I do... (though then what happens if the FREDder decides to twist things, what, a very nasty surprise would be to have a mission of some sort where you try to defang a ship and then events happen specifically to break this flow...)

Somehow to me it feels like per design, in a user-made campaign it is a given that you must defang every big ship the FREDder puts in the mission regardless of the objectives like e.g. "to hell with whatever the mission chatter is saying, go fly 7km into the distance and defang that target now even if your escort targets are getting grilled by e.g. Basilisks" really like a rote art, whereas I *think* :doubt: :banghead: in the default campaign at very low difficulties you could maybe get away with just killing the ship outright instead of killing beams first, then the ship, in a rote sequence.

Sink the Bismarck: Relationship Breakup Edition

I think I broke the flow for this one?

Died more than 5 times in this one. My later restarts at the 3rd stage (thank god for checkpoint), the F9 defang directive was still active even though I'd ?somehow? done it in the first 2 stages. Not sure if that's fixable or just the quirky way checkpoints work (since from my understanding we can't really save full states and it's down to creative illusioning that'll serve the purpose)?

Was partly distracting chasing down Gaganas and pressing F9 to check if I actually settled those beams.

Probably really silly but my approach to this one was Perseus, Hastor (omg the big nerf and drain), full Stillettos, drive to his backyard and dump everything there  :lol:

So since my SA is **** I figure, "ok look the big grey double hangar Orion cuck is fleeing across the border, IM'A BREAK HIS LEGS" -> died thrice going for his engines while everyone else cartwheeled around the Selenius; hey, he's the dunce who told his fighter squadrons to do a last stand rush, i'm #@$%ing ALPHA 1, DAWG (and still die) :lol:

Later attempts (still dying like ****) I did Weapons with 1 wing to cover me (didn't help much - Claymore pursuers + I don't think the accuracy hit to the blob turrets mattered that much either, if it worked in the first place) then Engines. Then the medical frigate with Unknown IFF comes in and my named wingman screams "ZOMG THE TRAITOR LET US SHOOT" - At this point my reaction is, they kept pulling stupid stunts during their tryst, and above the board she's traitorous, I'm a line pilot, not SOC with ULTIMATE CLEARANCE, I couldn't kill the Hermes in the previous mission, **** this b#@$% ima drive there and cuck 1 Stilletto down that exhaust port! (dude, EVERYONE knows BETAC - ok fine ****ty cop-out at my end)

Hey, I didn't hard-kill, okay! It was only one Stiletto! :lol: GTSC Gallows oh f*** :lol:

(I didn't even realise the consequence of me disabling the engines until she pretty much said the equivalent of "GO MY 99TH SKULLS SERVANTS AND you, lapdog line-squadron FLEET you can KILL MY BOYFRIEND NAO"... too late... ohhhh, so she was on OUR side after all, or is she? No I'm not trusting this so easily!)

I get grilled by Command for (from my perspective) no reason at all, instant mission fail. But I keep playing, the medic frigate is DISABLED, I'd defanged the Argus and then the whole thing devolved into a turkey shoot kill the big dumb object where we brought down the hull to 10% (while I was at 4%, teammate keeps screaming FS1 'Taking damage, request cover!') and I got sick of waiting so I just beamed the thing cuz I forgot the easy kill cheat. And turned traitor to the whole map when I warped out  :lol:.

The trigger sequence for the Selenius to finally kill the Argus off with its own beam cannons didn't even play.

TL;DR - Feedback to improve the sequence here maybe? Though to be fair, even if the whole BETAC/medical frigate thing felt like a cop-out to me (yeah I know it's per real life laws and all that, so I guess it's partly my fault for deciding to FLIP TABLE, not the FREDders?), even I wouldn't know how to redo or tweak this sequence to better account for these crazy antics. There goes the 4th wall.

Darkness before the Abyss
This one was frustrating too. Again died a couple times. I get the general idea of things not going to plan, but I guess it's somewhat demoralising seeing a hell lot of reds in the directive chain. It's weird, if in a previous mission I fail in anti-bigship, I still end up using a bomber in the next mission only to realise it's still the wrong equipment. :doubt:

Same 'there was nothing you could do' even after I thought I'd disabled the science ship's engines. 1% immunity that I didn't notice because of all the EMP flying around maybe? I guess the big clue was the carrier conveniently parked next to it?

The enemy fighters hurt but somehow I didn't give a damn about them, I just kept mindlessly whacking Artemis with Cyclops for this. Forgot if I brought SD-14 or a kill-capable gun. TBH I was really hoping to make capship kills here but the available weapons (and probably mission balancing) were only good enough to kill radar. With all the damage I was talking I didn't even bother to kill a sentry gun, and I gave up scanning all the cargo after dying the first time. I suppose it wouldn't make a difference whether I brought Stils or bombs, couldn't even kill engines either. :sigh:

The capship weapons hurt a lot anyway that by the time I regained shield to try for a 2nd or 3rd radar dish strike (this is the first mission for me where the Cyclops swarm actually meant something, provided a stray blob didn't blow the bomb up in my face), the freighters were already too far for me to pursue them. First pass when I died I did get them, later passes I figured "bah, go run along".

I pretty much let the AI do whatever and I died in the first attempt of the 1337 h4x0rz green portal event, OMG NO CHECKPOINT :lol: restarting all over again.  :banghead: Even if I was 5000m away from a crate it don't mean I was 5000m away from the epicenter (was it the Pharos?)

The Shivan attack on the station while you save the now-bachelorette (OMG IM DEFENDING THE #@$%& NAO WUT) since we murdered the boyfriend and his awesome compensation device that pissed us off throughout the first half, considering the epic stunts before, I'm thankful for barely scraping through this one in 1 pass. The fleeing ship to be defended was at 16% with the damn Moloch(?) chasing it (DIE U SUNNUVA---) amidst the sunglare and the lagfest of the Ravana camping in the backseat killing the station...

As for the stage before that, poor Karim, wait, were those big beams he got killed by? I didn't check my tailpipe but I suppose the illusion there (if there was one) would have worked anyway since a typical player would SO not have the time to check their 6...


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
I wanted to compliment you for having a really cool 'villain' line in mission 8:

Station:  You wouldn't really honor our surrender and our lives would you?

Falon:  If I didn't value life, I wouldn't be trying to take it.


Offline CT27

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
A minor grammar issue I noticed (this happened a couple times):  If a name ends in "s", the correct way to indicate the possessive of that name would be to just add an apostrophe after the s and not "apostrophe s".

For example it should be:

"We are going to attack Admiral Spiros' fleet"

and not

"We are going to attack Admiral Spiros's fleet"


Offline General Battuta

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
There's actually no one correct way to do that; it's a matter of house style. Some places do apostrophe s, some just do the apostrophe.

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Well holy ****biscuits Inferno is back! \o/ This aligns with my plans to build a Sidewinder 3DP-Vert. ;)

I must ask: Is this song still in the game? :3
The EFII Borg Sphere boss battle track was used as the combat theme for R1 Nemesis as you flew for 10 minutes straight at the EA fleet.

Probably one of the most memorable gaming experiences for me as a kid, TBH
« Last Edit: July 08, 2018, 09:56:43 pm by Gregster2k »


Offline mr.WHO

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Yes, the music is in, albeit in less epic circumstances :(

Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Appimages never worked because of the compiler version. Compiling from source doesn't work because of the cmake version here on 14.04. Other ideas on the log content?
Why don't you update Ubuntu to 16.04 or 18.04?

Fresh install of 16.04, installed wxlauncher version 0.11 from 18.04 repositories and using 3.8.1 build as recommended

As mentioned by some people the 3.8.X builds seems much slower than before. Additionally, the parameter "-no_glsl" which I always use because of performance, is not working anymore. Ideas?


Offline AdmiralRalwood

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Re: RELEASE: Inferno Nostos: Act 1
Additionally, the parameter "-no_glsl" which I always use because of performance, is not working anymore. Ideas?
It was removed because all rendering is now handled through shaders, and therefore disabling them doesn't make sense; instead, either use -no_deferred or go into your in-game options menu and turn the lighting detail setting down.
Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Codethulhu GitHub wgah'nagl fhtagn.

schrödinbug (noun) - a bug that manifests itself in running software after a programmer notices that the code should never have worked in the first place.

When you gaze long into BMPMAN, BMPMAN also gazes into you.

"I am one of the best FREDders on Earth" -General Battuta

<Aesaar> literary criticism is vladimir putin

<MageKing17> "There's probably a reason the code is the way it is" is a very dangerous line of thought. :P
<MageKing17> Because the "reason" often turns out to be "nobody noticed it was wrong".
(the very next day)
<MageKing17> this ****ing code did it to me again
<MageKing17> "That doesn't really make sense to me, but I'll assume it was being done for a reason."
<MageKing17> **** ME

<MageKing17> God damn, I do not understand how this is breaking.
<MageKing17> Everything points to "this should work fine", and yet it's clearly not working.
<MjnMixael> 2 hours later... "God damn, how did this ever work at all?!"
<MageKing17> so
<MageKing17> more than two hours
<MageKing17> but once again we have reached the inevitable conclusion
<MageKing17> How did this code ever work in the first place!?

<@The_E> Welcome to OpenGL, where standards compliance is optional, and error reporting inconsistent

<MageKing17> It was all working perfectly until I actually tried it on an actual mission.

<IronWorks> I am useful for FSO stuff again. This is a red-letter day!
* z64555 erases "Thursday" and rewrites it in red ink

<MageKing17> TIL the entire homing code is held up by shoestrings and duct tape, basically.