Hosted Projects - Standalone > Public Development
TBP Glide Mod
Designed for Zathras, might still work without it though.
Requires a recent nightly build (3.6.11).
Download here:
This is just a mini-mod with the following features:
1. Almost all fighters can glide now. The only exceptions are Minbari, Vorlon, and Shadow fighters, since they apparently use a different "gravimetric" drive system.
2. All fighters that glide also use newtonian dampening.
3. All ships with sidethrust have their sidethrust velocity doubled.
4. New AI features are enabled: AI fighters will use glide in dogfights and against capital ships, and will use sidethrust more often.
5. New glide features are used, for more intuitive and consistent gliding.
I've been playing TBP with these settings for a while, and so far it hasn't seemed to make any missions too easy or too hard. It does, IMHO, make them more fun. :D All ships are more nimble and dangerous.
3.6.11 Inferno build based off of r5644 here. Download here
Sounds great, but since I'm currently quite busy I can't really test it right now, so I have some questions:
--- Quote ---2. All fighters that glide also use newtonian dampening.
--- End quote ---
Which means what exactly? They still fly very freespacey, but with a bit more drifting?
--- Quote ---3. All ships with sidethrust have their sidethrust velocity doubled.
--- End quote ---
Only the sides or also the up/down ones?
--- Quote from: -Norbert- on November 06, 2009, 12:09:56 pm ---Sounds great, but since I'm currently quite busy I can't really test it right now, so I have some questions:
--- Quote ---2. All fighters that glide also use newtonian dampening.
--- End quote ---
Which means what exactly? They still fly very freespacey, but with a bit more drifting?
--- End quote ---
In original Freespace, when you turn, you don't lose any forward speed. There's no "speed bleed" effect from turning. Newtonian dampening fixes that, so turning bleeds off speed (more realistic). Besides, glide can get really screwy if newtonian dampening isn't used.
--- Quote from: -Norbert- on November 06, 2009, 12:09:56 pm ---
--- Quote ---3. All ships with sidethrust have their sidethrust velocity doubled.
--- End quote ---
Only the sides or also the up/down ones?
--- End quote ---
Up/down as well, naturally.
Edited original post to add another change I forgot to mention.
Interesting. Will try that out as soon as I get the chance. Probably makes the game even more difficult :lol:
Which is good for me but for the general audience? Wait, we don't have a general audience at the moment.
I've not played with TBP for a while, but I definately enjoy having more realistic handling.
Mad props, gentlemen. :yes:
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