Community Projects > The FreeSpace Campaign Restoration Project
Really old campaign availability
--- Quote from: Kosh on March 04, 2007, 01:34:18 am ---Something I just noticed is that it is becoming increasingly difficult to get ahold of old campaigns. For example, Casualties of War. The only download link that actually works is for fileplanet, which because of changes made to it by Gamespy has become practically unusable to non-subscribers. So how can we get around these issues?
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I've never paid Gamespy a cent, and I don't seem to have any trouble grabbing files. But I do agree that a community-maintained version of the Archives is sorely needed.
Me too. I have stuff which I can't even remember the name of the person who made it, let alone where anyone else would find it.
--- Quote from: Kosh on March 04, 2007, 02:13:29 am ---OK, so who should we volunteer for doing this? :p
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Not me. But I have been thinking lately that someone should form a restoration team. Their job would be to get hold of ever single halfway decent campaign and make sure that they work with FS2_Open 3.6.9.
Basically that would mean that we'd need people to play through the entire campaign and spot bugs as well as having other people capable of fixing them.
Once the missions are fixed they would have to make sure that they are available from at least two stable FS oriented websites. Hades-Combine is a fairly obvious choice. SectorGame might be another good choice. DW-Hunter's site would be a third but I hesitate to suggest that one seeing as the installer is already eating a big chunk of his bandwidth.
Personally I think this would me a very good project for newbies and moderately experienced tablers/FREDders. We already have a lot of newbies coming into the community and playing campaigns and then finding faults. All you'd have to do is harness that by giving them a large directory of campaigns to play through.
Get the end product linked up in Skippy's campaign list and instead of having newbies wondering what there is to play you could point them at a large database of working missions and campaigns rather than the mess we have at the moment. I know it sounds like a big project but to be honest it's nothing more than what people have been doing in a rather disorganised fashion already.
I'd also like someone (jr2 would be a good choice) to start and update a thread with a list of every campaign which has seen some sort of release. I may have a few other campaigns that he doesn't have and I'm more than happy to add them to his archive if I can find out what they are. For instance I suspect he doesn't have All's Fair in Love and War since I haven't heard anyone mention that campaign since I originally played it.
--- Quote from: karajorma on March 04, 2007, 04:50:12 am ---Me too. I have stuff which I can't even remember the name of the person who made it, let alone where anyone else would find it.
same here :)
Not me. But I have been thinking lately that someone should form a restoration team. Their job would be to get hold of ever single halfway decent campaign and make sure that they work with FS2_Open 3.6.9.
shouldn't we wait for 3.7.0? That is going to be the "cat's meow", right? Or would a campaign/mission compatible with 3.6.9 also be compatible with 3.7.0?
I'd also like someone (jr2 would be a good choice) ... For instance I suspect he doesn't have All's Fair in Love and War since I haven't heard anyone mention that campaign since I originally played it.
Wrong.. :D I should have that one buried somewhere. :nervous: I'm one of those freaks that Googles mods for a game, download them all into different directories, usually named by game name and date aquired, forget what I have, end up with five different copies of the same file, my hard disk fills up, and then I have to go organize my download folder again to find useless duplicates (at one point I had 3 or 4 different copies of the full set of FS2 install discs, if I remember right).
... My download folder currently is about 43.4 Gigs in size... well, if you count the backup iso's of different CDs/DVDs, then 88.8... If you count my MP3 collection... never mind. XD
BUT... to mention the reason for the spiel above, does anyone know of a nice free (preferably open source :) ) software for finding duplicate files? How about one for searching for a file in a directory, including within archives? I currently use PowerDesk's FileFinder for that, it's pretty quick (maybe 10x faster than windoze search), but I use the free version, which doesn't search inside archives.
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Compatibility with 3.6.9 should also cover 3.7 for the vast majority of stuff. 3.7 may be up to a year away from now so I see no point in waiting even if it doesn't.
If you need coder help deciphering the really esoteric error messages I'll help where I can. Frankly I think this is the sort of thing we should have got started on ages ago so I hope some other people are willing to join up. Especially as all that is required for a lot of them is to just play some new (to them) FS2 campaigns :)
Oh and colour me surprised if you have All's Fair. I managed to find the release thread and really was the only person who played it. :)
Hmm. Interesting idea. Should I make a new forum for the FreeSpace Campaign Reclamation Project? :)
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