FreeSpace Releases > Scripting Releases
Turret fov visualisator
So yeah, I can't tell what I'm looking at. There's some lines... rotating?
Yeah.. That's it. It is more of a dev tool - for setting turret FOVs and fvecs and uvecs properly - than anything else
Really, if there can only ever be the one indicator at a time, I don't think it would be too bad to draw a ring instead of the weird spinning lines. Especially if it's only as a dev tool anyway.
Uh, there is only one indicator at a time, because you can only ever target one at a time.
Unless you want to code us up a multi-targeting function.....
And a "draw_sector" too while you are at it.
Yeah.. ATM drawing a sector (as the firing is always anymore limited to simple rings) would require drawing every pixel (if you wanted smooth) separately. And before that calculating every single pixels position first in 3D and then converted into 2D... And how many pixels you wanted to use? Or then using short lines.. but there is the same dilemma again.. how many is enough?
Of course the data could first be drawn to a texture and then via drawPolygon drawn to the desired position but most of what was written above would still apply (not to mention that then you would need to considered the viewing angles against the newly drawn planes as well).
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