Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Between the Ashes
Announcement: Between the Ashes
lrn2lvlshot, damnit. Think of us poor netbook users !
--- Quote from: MatthTheGeek on February 24, 2011, 05:00:06 am ---lrn2lvlshot, damnit. Think of us poor netbook users !
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He is! And making you repent for your sins!
--- Quote from: mjn.mixael on February 23, 2011, 11:26:11 pm ---
--- Quote from: Black Wolf on February 23, 2011, 11:22:15 pm ---Lambda has a "b" in it. :p
--- End quote ---
Hmmm, I remember wondering about that when I made that mission... :lol:
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Also, it's "Pisces", not "Pices".
But it sounds interesting. :)
Great to see this off the ground. Really looking forward to it.
Ohh, the description has got me intrigued, what is the overall story about? human vs human?
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