FreeSpace Releases > Scripting Releases
Turret control script
Here is another script I've been working on that gives you control about a turret :D
I attached a zip file containing the mod. I comes with a test mission and it depends on Blue Planet 2 (because their turrets are perfect for this :nod:).
If you tried it, please tell me what you think and what could be better :)
A random screenshot:
Download the new version here:
General Battuta:
Holy ****. :eek2:
This things throws lua errors about screen width, and none of the HUD elements you have on that screenshot are to be found.
--- Code: ---LUA ERROR: [string "bankInfo.lua"]:5: attempt to perform arithmetic on global 'screenWidth' (a nil value)
ADE Debug:
Name: ?
Name of: field
Function type: Lua
Defined on: 70
Upvalues: 0
Source: misc-sct.tbm - On Game Init
Short source: [string "misc-sct.tbm - On Game Init"]
Current line: 75
- Function line: 6
LUA Stack:
--- End code ---
Also, the vertical camera control is inverted, which is quite problematic.
Ok that could be an issue with the loading order although I can't reproduce it on my side but I uploaded a new version that shouldn't rely on a specific load order.
Also the vertical control isn't an issue on my side. What input system do you use, maybe that is the cause.
does this just slave the joystick to the turret control, or ar you using some other method?
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