FreeSpace Releases > Scripting Releases
Particle trail script
The functionality of this script has since been integrated into the engine with much better performance and more direct inclusion in the relevant tables. The new system is documented in the wiki.
script functionality ... checked
cool screenshots ... checked
documentation ... checked
all code in trunk ... checked
I have a new script for you! :D
This time I cannot describe what it does but I have screeens! ;)
Death particles of an Orion:
Weapon impact effects:
Credit for script idea goes to Nighteyes.
Be sure to use a build that is revision 7736 or later
And here it is:
Script Download
Have fun!
Date: 1.12.2012
* Fixed error with the +Default option of the DebrisTrail typeDate: 6.09.2012
* Improved compatibility with other scripts using the same functions
* Fixed some bugs
* Possibly improved performanceDate: 4.11.2011
* Added option "+Particle collides" to type "Weapon"
* Added option "+PPS" to type "ParticleTrail"
* Splitted documentation into smaller documentsDate: 19.10.2011
* Added option "+Subsystem" to type "ShipTrail"
* Added option "+Radius" to type "ShipTrail"
* Added option "+Fixed Size" to type "ParticleTrail"Date: 14.9.2011
* Added experimental option "+PPS" to "ShipTrail" and "WeaponTrail"Date: 7.9.2011
For script users: If you change a configuration file you don't have to exit FreeSpace for the change to take effect just reload the current mission.
well I'll just add some more information regarding what you can do with this awesome script...
If you know about my questions regarding "death particles", this is the answer for them, this script basically generates particles when a ship dies, you can control the size, speed, effect used, number of particles generated, and even stack multiple particle combinations on the same ship type.
a few cool things this can be used for:
adding more glowy particles when a capship dies
adding a few more big particles with an explosion effect with slow speed, giving more depth to normal explosions
burning trails of fire and smoke going in all direction, apart from the ones we already have on the debris
the latest addition is allowing particles to generate particles, this basically gives us real volumetric burning trails :D
*these screenshots are an overkill of the effect, but it gets the point across nicely :yes:
m!m just wanted to thank you for all the time spent on this, now only thing left to do is getting into trunk, and making it possible to use with weapon impacts as well
BSG-style explosions! That Orion one looks amazing.
I added a "+Weapon" (expects a weapon class name) value to types "Ship" and "Weapon" that triggers the creation of weapons instead of particles. See documentation for more information.
Disclaimer: Creating too much weapons will result in game slowdown and possibly in reaching the maximum weapons number. Now nobody can say I didn't warn you :p.
Commander Zane:
Pretty. :eek:
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