Hosted Projects - FS2 Required > Between the Ashes

Between the Ashes: Slaves of Chaos

(1/15) > >>


More to come soon.

Prediction: A warp storm opens up in Vega, unleashing the legions of Chaos on a recovering GTA and PVE. Their only hope is a silent pilot who may or may not be an Eldar god reincarnated.

Slaves for the slave god!

This mod looks very promising. Looking foreward for the news :).

BTW. Is that wrecked Typhon available somewhere? Could be very useful.


--- Quote from: Axem on July 18, 2011, 05:28:54 pm ---Prediction: A warp storm opens up in Vega, unleashing the legions of Chaos on a recovering GTA and PVE. Their only hope is a silent pilot who may or may not be an Eldar god reincarnated.

Slaves for the slave god!

--- End quote ---

Dammit Ceogorach, I told you not to screw with the humans anymore, it's not worth it. They keep killing their gods.


--- Quote from: Betrayal on July 18, 2011, 05:58:38 pm ---This mod looks very promising. Looking foreward for the news :).

BTW. Is that wrecked Typhon available somewhere? Could be very useful.

--- End quote ---

It probably will be available soon.


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